• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Suggestion MCME Levels


Moria Hall Professional
This is a system that I have designed (with the help of some collaborators) to increase player participation of events and activities in MCME. This system will encourage players to do contribute to the server which will, ultimately, boost server progress and increase community engagement. New players will also stick around for longer if they have something to work towards rather than just build and explore the map which gets boring after a while. All parts of this suggestion are merely baseline ideas that can be tweaked and altered as the community desires.

MCME Levels
+30000 xp per large project successfully led
+5000 xp per project that you help with when it's completed
+5000 xp for getting a rank upgrade
+1500 xp per texture/model created
+1000 xp for getting a new badge
+1000 xp for implementing a new update (development)
+500 xp per music created
+500 xp per video worked on
+300 xp per times worked on
+250 per poster/social media content worked on
+250 xp per plotsquared build accepted
+250 xp per plotsquared build voted on/given feedback on
+200 xp per project plot completed
+100 xp for helping in a job (as well as +1 xp per minute spent in that job and an additional 100 xp for running the job)
+100 xp per relic found (these will be scattered around the map but you can only collect the xp from them once, however everyone will be able to collect xp from each relic)
+50 xp per kilometer walked

+50 xp per tour participated in (an additional +1 xp per minute that you run a tour if you're the tour guide)
+25 xp per pvp game participated in (an additional +10 for winning and +50 for every pvp session that you run as long as it's 30 minutes or longer)
+20 xp per kilometer flown
+10 xp per minigame participated in (an additional +2 xp for running the minigame)
+5 xp per report accepted
+5 xp per welcome message sent (identified by keyword "welcome", but has a cooldown time of 5 minutes)
+2 xp per minute played (this will have a multiplier where you get + 0.1x xp per minute for every month of playtime that you have, which makes it slightly easier for players who have been around for longer to level up, for example, players with 1 month of playtime will get 2.1 xp per minute, but players with 5 months will get 2.5xp per minute)
+1 xp per 10 times you say mellon in chat (5 min cooldown period to prevent spam)
-30 xp per time afk kicked

+4000 bonus xp every 10 jobs that last 30 minutes or longer
+3000 bonus xp for every 20 relics found
+2500 bonus xp for every 200 kilometers walked
+2500 bonus xp for every ten plotsquared plots accepted
+2500 bonus xp for every 20 normal project plots accepted
+1000 bonus xp for every 200 kilometers flown
+1000 bonus xp for every 10 tours
+500 bonus xp for every 30 minigames
+300 bonus xp for every hour spent in pvp

Your level prefix could be displayed in front of your name when you chat as well as in the tablist, or it could only appear when you hover over someone's name in chat, and it will change colors every 100 levels starting with a gray prefix, then white, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, red, light blue, black, rainbow (level 1000)

1000 xp per level

Perk Ideas:
Level 10 - Dog pet
Level 25 - Access to larger plotsquared plots
Level 50 - Access to more plot music options while in plotsquared

Level 100 - Access to the parkour plugin
Level 200 - Access to other enchantments
Level 300 - Leggings of jumping
Level 500 - Boots of speed
Level 1000 - Block-morph ability

Veteran Status:
When you're a veteran the music plugin follows you around so people hear the music of your choice when they get within 50 blocks of you. You also unlock a glowing outline and particles. Veteran is unlocked at level 600 and you can start working toward new pieces of music, new glowing outline colors, and new particle effects after unlocking it.

Moderators will have the opportunity to apply for the XP Master Badge which will allow them to give/take away XP for the things that can't be implemented into the game such as completed textures, and they will be able to take XP away from rule breakers. This is a work in progress idea, but it is the FUTURE of MCME and MCME will thrive with a 60 average player count and progress will increase exponentially when this idea is implemented!

Let me know if you have any suggestions
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Everyone I edited my idea post and increased the xp for things that involve exploring like walking, flying, finding relics, etc., so that the system is friendlier to newer players who are just exploring rather than building or participating in events. I also lowered some of the level requirements for the perks so that you only have to get to level 10 for dog pet instead of level **200**, which also makes the system friendlier to new players. Furthermore, I re-introduced the "veteran badge" idea in a different way by making it a status that you unlock at level 600 rather than a badge that you unlock at 5 months of playtime. This way, people will need both playtime as well as community involvement in order to achieve the Veteran Status. Additionally, I changed the 1 xp per minute to 2 xp per minute as well as a multiplier that makes it so that people with more playtime get slightly more xp per minute. Let me know if you have cool perk ideas that people would actually want enough to work towards.
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MCME subway surfaces addition! Make sure to grap the eligtra and multiplier for extra EP to get to those higher level. Once you hit level 100, you gotta face the first boss… toti feedback!Haven’t yet hit level 150 to find out the next boss. You guys know?
MCME subway surfaces addition! Make sure to grap the eligtra and multiplier for extra EP to get to those higher level. Once you hit level 100, you gotta face the first boss… toti feedback!Haven’t yet hit level 150 to find out the next boss. You guys know?
Interesting idea, bosses would be an interesting addition to MCME for sure.
The Big Lebowski What GIF by MOODMAN
Resource pack releases should be worth a different amount from development releases.

Agreed. The original post has been edited to reflect the quantity of xp that resource pack releases deserve in comparison to the other developmental areas of the server, seeing as the server's custom resource pack is arguably the second most important component of the server's development after building.
I honestly think this system is simply incredible, a masterstroke of gamified brilliance that could revolutionize the server and set the example for any other MC build server. This is quite possibly the apex of Greencavers suggestions, perchance apart from A New Order. Dont even say this is a step forward, this is a leap into the stratosphere.