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Making PVP Badge

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Yellow Flower Puncher
The badge would be for people who can apply to get a badge which is for knowing a lot about lotr animals. a lotr zoologist if you will *or something like that ya know* I havent thought about the name much but this would be really cool and there could be a headquarters for people with this badge which would have a animal library in the main map or in creative or something
Ultimately that would fall under the Guide umbrella in a way, as people who generally know more about the server and Tolkien Lore. As for a Zoologists Headquarters, that could definitely fall under something like a Commoner project which you could build in Freebuild once you become Commoner. Many other builds have served something of the same service such as the Guide Headquarters or stuff like the Vault (place to store the player heads of every Commoner+ player on the server).

I think its a great idea! But as a seperate Badge etc, I don't think that would happen any time soon unless there is a new badge made for general "Lore masters", which like I said for the moment falls under Guide.
Ultimately that would fall under the Guide umbrella in a way, as people who generally know more about the server and Tolkien Lore. As for a Zoologists Headquarters, that could definitely fall under something like a Commoner project which you could build in Freebuild once you become Commoner. Many other builds have served something of the same service such as the Guide Headquarters or stuff like the Vault (place to store the player heads of every Commoner+ player on the server).

I think its a great idea! But as a seperate Badge etc, I don't think that would happen any time soon unless there is a new badge made for general "Lore masters", which like I said for the moment falls under Guide.
your right
ok so not that badge..... BUT what about a badge that MAKES (or corrects in the watchers case) the animals?
Ultimately the badges are there to give specific users access to commands and abilities in the server that they would or would not ordinarily have as part of their rank.

Examples include the minigames badge, WE badge, Moderator badge, etc.

What command or functional control over the server would a zoologist need to have that isn't already covered by the Guide Rank? I see in your most recent post a badge for making animals, but that would fall under entities/mobs which are currently (if not forever) disabled on the server due to resource issues.
Ultimately the badges are there to give specific users access to commands and abilities in the server that they would or would not ordinarily have as part of their rank.

Examples include the minigames badge, WE badge, Moderator badge, etc.

What command or functional control over the server would a zoologist need to have that isn't already covered by the Guide Rank? I see in your most recent post a badge for making animals, but that would fall under entities/mobs which are currently (if not forever) disabled on the server due to resource issues.
I think valar badges are just for show? I think perms come through the valar rank itself. Wouldn't be unprecedented for a badge to just denote what a person does.
Potentially, but how many of those Valar had badges before becoming Valar and just kept them?
Okay I have a new idea: we make badges for people who run 1v1s like droog v droog or something it would be like wrestling matches

(me and mrsupersprinter will be going back and fighting again)
Okay I have a new idea: we make badges for people who run 1v1s like droog v droog or something it would be like wrestling matches

(me and mrsupersprinter will be going back and fighting again)
No, we do not make badges for things that have no real use or benefit to activities on our server. All of our current badges have actual mechanics applied to them, they are linked to permissions plugins which make sure that the holder of the badge can use those plugins. We do not add badges for the sake of having them, it would overcrowd our permission system with useless things which have no real direct benefit to our server processes.
Ultimately the badges are there to give specific users access to commands and abilities in the server that

No, we do not make badges for things that have no real use or benefit to activities on our server. All of our current badges have actual mechanics applied to them, they are linked to permissions plugins which make sure that the holder of the badge can use those plugins. We do not add badges for the sake of having them, it would overcrowd our permission system with useless things which have no real direct benefit to our server processes.
I mean, I already answered this above.
and make a badge that is really needed almost all the guides live in the uk so we need some people who can run pvp in the american timezone it would be really nice
as a certified veteran member i 1 up this. especially give the badge to certified veteran members like myself. Or just make the badge applyable for artists. because mcme aint fun without pvp every day
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