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    Joining the server

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Canceled LordReavanPlays’ Guide Application (#2)

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Minecraft Username : LordReavanPlays
Date Joined : Jul 30, 2021
What country are from / What time do you usually play online: USA, so I’ll be on from 6:00 or 7:00 UTC to maybe 12:00 on normal weekends and I’ll get on in the mornings on any days off
Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes
Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes

Why would you like to be a Guide? I recently got both the Tour and Minigame badges and I’ve been using both frequently. I think that both are excellent ways to get new people more involved in the server as well as a way to connect more people that have been on for a long time, and the guide role would allow me to expand on both of these. I also love giving tours of new regions to expand my knowledge of the Tolkien Universe, as well as to appreciate the work that has been done myself!

What makes a great Guide according to you? A guide should have the ability to help out new players with their problems as well as give them a good experience in the server. They should do this by giving answering questions, being friendly, and running tours and Minigames that will help everyone appreciate the hard work that has been put into all the builds and projects. A guide should also have a well rounded knowledge of lore of all the areas around Middle Earth. Most importantly, they should have a positive attitude and fun ideas that will benefit everyone :D !!!

Also, I have been active with both of my badges and I’d like to list the tours and games I’ve run so far:
1) Elven Homes (Edhellond, Ost-in-Edhil, Rivendell, & Lothlorien) [Saturday Sept 18th]
2) MM to MT (Minas Morgul, Osgiliath, Minas Tirith) [Friday Sept 24th]
3) Scavenger Hunt tour; this was a new type of tour that I tried out where the tour guide would choose a location/build and give participants a riddle as a hint and, based on the hint, they would try and find the location/build, after which some lore would be given about the location. kinda like a tour and ring search combination. (Green Dragon, Thrones of Anarion and Isildur, Moon Rune Table, Treebeard) [Sat Oct 2nd]
4) Gondor’s Southern Coast (Dol Amroth, Methrast, Linhir, Pelargir) [Tuesday Oct 5th]

Minigames: I won’t post every Minigame I’ve done but I’ll give you numbers on how many I’ve run so far.
Races: 5
H&S: 5
Hello @LordReavanPlays

Thank you for applying for the rank of Guide.

We are in the process of reviewing your application and discussing it. You may be asked to carry out a trial period. This includes running minigames, tours, it events, some of which will be expected to be ran through voice chat on discord.

We'll get back to you soon. For now, if you have any other queries, please direct them towards myself, or any of the current guides.
Hello @LordReavanPlays

Good news! The guides have discussed your application and we have decided that we would like to see a trial tour from you. After this tour you may be asked to complete a trial period. This tour should be of one or more locations on the map and you should use Discord for the tour. The tour should also be no longer than 40 minutes. Please message me on Discord to arrange a time for your tour.

Good luck!
I have done a few things leading up to this Trial Period:

RohanSouth, RandoRace1, ShortRace1, MonachusLoop, Xrace4, RedhornPass (There’s a screenie attached for one :D )

Linhir & Bag End

I think I’ll try running a Quiz sometime soon but as of rn I haven’t done anything yet. Also, I’ve continued the Easterling Project which there are many plots (So many slums!!!!)


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Three more races (Greymane-Rimaer, Argonath2AmonHen, and MountGramCircuit) and an H&S in Amon Hen! We also discovered Hand ✋ (No screenie’s this time, I’m working on figuring out how to get a screen shot from my Mac to my phone cause I can’t open Chrome or Safari o my Mac for some reason)
Me and @GotenB did a joint scavenger hunt tour and ran some Minigames afterwards. We visited The Prancing Pony, the Trolls (Goten), the Throne in Meduseld, and the Ringforge (me). We also ran some post-tour Minigames!


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