One Of Us, One of Us
Before now, in my year on here, I had NEVER seen someone who had not been accepted into the community as a friend. This server, for most people, is a place where they can come and relax if they are lonely or frustrated with real life. It certainly is for me.Yeah, to be honest i really do feel bad for @superminer4563 especially after what happened after he got OB'ed which was explained in detail by his Dad.
I know ive had my fair share of laughing but i want to genuinely apologize if it came across as bullying or if i hurt your feelings.
This is as much a message to you as it is to the rest of the community. None of us are ever intentionally mean, but you have to understand that excessive spamming of messages are very annoying, among many other things.
To the community: You guys have to understand that superminer is a person too. I know that your @superminer4563's dad mentioned certain people who i wont name, although you probably know who you are, who were mentioned by superminer to be bullying.
If that is you, then i would hope you stop and apologize.
Anyways, like i said, i know im guilty myself of this, i never intended any harm though, so once again, i apologize.
Sorry for the long post.
Just thought this needed to be said.
Many people may find superminer a little bit annoying (no offense superminer, I think you're just fine

Someone told him yesterday that he would never be ranger because he is unkind toward new players, but in reality he is extending the "kindness" we have shown him (notice the quotation marks).
After all, our friendliness and acceptance was the reason we were voted as the second best community in gaming - or I think that's what it was, and we have by no means whatsoever lived up to that in the past few weeks. Now go show superminer some of that MCME love!

How did y'all like my pep talk?

EDIT: I have decided to add a point for you bounders (I am not questioning your fairness, just pointing this out):
It seems superminer was punished for his violation of Rule 2 in the Social Rules:
Spamming or flooding the in-game chat is prohibited.
However, the 10 or 15 people that have been unkind to him have not been punished for their offense of one of the items listed in Prohibited Behavior - or at least not that I am aware of:
[It is prohibited to] Harass, bully, intimidate or abuse users of our Network.
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