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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

LOL That Droog Said...

Thanks for giving me new nightmares.

I forgot this:
Multiple droogs: I failed the test and died so I had to retake it
@superminer4563, can you put multiple quotes into one message or wait fro someone else to post before replying with a new quote? Your double and triple posts are annoying me!
ooitsbirdo: Run Indo he's crazy and childish
Already posted . . . about you..

This just happened to me. Reasons to read through the forums and check if there are things you need to download before saying that MCME isn't very good.

Also, do you get the feeling this is his goal?

Just look at what superminer said. He says I should put him on the MCME quotes thread, so I put it here. Also, he still doesn't believe us that droog is a state of being.

@superminer4563 , did you know there is an "edit" button that makes it so you can edit your messages? It's magical!

Sorry for the rather long post, hope it doesn't annoy you @spike010

And, that's a bit strange, how everything is green
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This just happened to me. Reasons to read through the forums and check if there are things you need to download before saying that MCME isn't very good.

Also, do you get the feeling this is his goal?

Just look at what superminer said. He says I should put him on the MCME quotes thread, so I put it here. Also, he still doesn't believe us that droog is a state of being.

@superminer4563 , did you know there is an "edit" button that makes it so you can edit your messages? It's magical!

Sorry for the rather long post, hope it doesn't annoy you @spike010

And, that's a bit strange, how everything is green
I think some of these quotes can't be simple ignorance. Definitely a plot at work.
Same thing with you @333478, can you please put double posts into one message?
Sorry spike, I edited my message now, hopefully it looks better.
I think some of these quotes can't be simple ignorance. Definitely a plot at work.
We all know that, he admitted to it once. And even if he didn't admit it, he's either the most droogiest droog that ever had a droogy life, or he's faking it. So....
Also, did you notice that @superminer4563 has been blaming a lot of things on sugar?
Also, this might soon become "lol that superminer said" ;)
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Yeah, to be honest i really do feel bad for @superminer4563 especially after what happened after he got OB'ed which was explained in detail by his Dad.
I know ive had my fair share of laughing but i want to genuinely apologize if it came across as bullying or if i hurt your feelings.

This is as much a message to you as it is to the rest of the community. None of us are ever intentionally mean, but you have to understand that excessive spamming of messages are very annoying, among many other things.

To the community: You guys have to understand that superminer is a person too. I know that your @superminer4563's dad mentioned certain people who i wont name, although you probably know who you are, who were mentioned by superminer to be bullying.
If that is you, then i would hope you stop and apologize.

Anyways, like i said, i know im guilty myself of this, i never intended any harm though, so once again, i apologize.
Sorry for the long post.
Just thought this needed to be said.