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LOL That Droog Said...

Multiple quotes from superminer4563 :
1.) I caught a hacker his name was something like q202 (q220)
2.) Everything looks better in default (when does the book say that minas tirith is deep red with white specks and emerald ore everywhere?)
2 a: minas tirith is beter in default by 100000000000000000 times (he said this for Helms Deep too)
2 b: superminer: edoras is better in default, it's the book version
me: so edoras is supposed to have iron ore and bookshelves in the walls?

This isn't funny, but this is @Arkengard 's theory on it: "He's trying to get on LOL that droog said"
Multiple quotes from superminer4563 :
1.) I caught a hacker his name was something like q202 (q220)
2.) Everything looks better in default (when does the book say that minas tirith is deep red with white specks and emerald ore everywhere?)
2 a: minas tirith is beter in default by 100000000000000000 times (he said this for Helms Deep too)
2 b: superminer: edoras is better in default, it's the book version
me: so edoras is supposed to have iron ore and bookshelves in the walls?

This isn't funny, but this is @Arkengard 's theory on it: "He's trying to get on LOL that droog said"
He has stated that that was his intention, it's no theory. He's also trying to get quote of the week. Obvious troll is obvious.
Multiple quotes from superminer4563 :
1.) I caught a hacker his name was something like q202 (q220)
2.) Everything looks better in default (when does the book say that minas tirith is deep red with white specks and emerald ore everywhere?)
2 a: minas tirith is beter in default by 100000000000000000 times (he said this for Helms Deep too)
2 b: superminer: edoras is better in default, it's the book version
me: so edoras is supposed to have iron ore and bookshelves in the walls?

This isn't funny, but this is @Arkengard 's theory on it: "He's trying to get on LOL that droog said"
Yep in the time I've been friends with super he has said some very strange things! I don't THINK he means it, but who can say for sure.....
*Fireinferno13 joined the game*

5 seconds later

Message from LRK: Do you like trapping thralls in wells?
Message from me: wut
Message from LRK: Go in a well, get them to tp, then leave
Message from LRK: They just warp out after a while
Message from LRK: But all thralls are now afk

He then begins asking thralls to tp to him... so he can put them in wells...
Not a bad idea...... I'll get back to you in a sec, gotta go find a well........
Personally there is a limit to trolling a new player. Particularly in the case of someone young. If I had been online atm there'd have been some /mute considerations. This same player came on today saying he was being bullied and this is not a type of playing we want to encourage.
Yeah IMHO that went a bit too far if he considers it bullying afterwards. Now that I think about it, if that had happened to me I probably would have ragequit..... :)