• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

LOL That Droog Said...

Before now, in my year on here, I had NEVER seen someone who had not been accepted into the community as a friend. This server, for most people, is a place where they can come and relax if they are lonely or frustrated with real life. It certainly is for me.

Many people may find superminer a little bit annoying (no offense superminer, I think you're just fine), although when you think about it, he is really just being a normal minecrafter, with the repeated messages and talkativeness. Honestly, in most of those quotes, I think he's simply trying to be cool; trying to be accepted into the community. We should ALL be nicer to him. In fact, he must like this server a boatload more than the average commoner, because he has obviously been bullied, whether intentionally or unintentionally, and yet has stayed around. Even more impressively, he has not gotten bitter or unfriendly to most other people, even those who are most definitely mean to him.

Someone told him yesterday that he would never be ranger because he is unkind toward new players, but in reality he is extending the "kindness" we have shown him (notice the quotation marks).

After all, our friendliness and acceptance was the reason we were voted as the second best community in gaming - or I think that's what it was, and we have by no means whatsoever lived up to that in the past few weeks. Now go show superminer some of that MCME love!

How did y'all like my pep talk?

EDIT: I have decided to add a point for you bounders (I am not questioning your fairness, just pointing this out):
It seems superminer was punished for his violation of Rule 2 in the Social Rules:
Spamming or flooding the in-game chat is prohibited.

However, the 10 or 15 people that have been unkind to him have not been punished for their offense of one of the items listed in Prohibited Behavior - or at least not that I am aware of:
[It is prohibited to] Harass, bully, intimidate or abuse users of our Network.
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what he said
Yeah, sometimes I like @superminer4563 , but he can be a bit annoying. I'm serious, he's really cool when he's not trying really hard to be funny. When he tries to be funny, then he's annoying. So, @superminer4563 , if I was bullying you, I'm sorry, but please stop trying to be funny--you're funnier when you don't. If you stop trying to fit in, you'll fit in perfectly, and I'm sure you'll get ranger then. Most people actually fit in better when they don't try to fit in, so I'm telling you--don't try so hard. I remember, once, when you first joined, you weren't trying really hard to fit in, and I thought you were really cool. Then you started trying harder, and you started to seem less cool. When I first met you on the server, I was so sure you would get Ranger (waaaaaaay before me). So, yeah...try to be the superminer we all like.

Also, let's get back to posting images of REAL droogs messing up. Anyone seen kingrex recently?
ok well as Fireinferno stated above. please do not post anymore superminer quotes here. yes he chats a lot but we are bordering close to bullying or harrassment.
Yeah, I have traveled around the server with Superminer a few times, and he is a really cool guy. If he is annoying sometimes, so what? Doesn't mean we can't accept him in as a friend! There is a 100% chance that at least one of all of your guys friends has been annoying at some point. Also, this forum page is supposed to be "LOL that droog said", not "lol that superminer said". Thx for your pep talk, DSE, I am sure we can all try to follow it!

Bringing us back on topic, I was leading another droog through Moria two days ago, and Lo and behold, he guessed the wrong bridge 4 times aswell! Now let's declare the superminer fails over, and begin laughing at droogs oncemore!
Thanks for trying to help me .
Now let's get back to the posting stuff! I'm running out of my bad day laughing material! Lol thnx for being nicer to me.
Aragorn, Gimli, Balin, (who on earth is Baoras??), and Boromir, I guess...
Actually I saw kingrex today and he doesn't know! Surprising, but he thinks he meant legolas or boromir. (Probably legolas, as he said tomym is boromir). And he isn't a troll, he just types really fast. He's actually a pretty cool dude.
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