Limited WE badge application: Jonatanknalle
Thanks for reading my badge application
- When did you join?: April 8 2018, (i have also been the most active player the last month, at least last time i checked)
- What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Artist, a couple of months.
- How experienced are you in FAWE?: Yes
- Will you need instruction in using WE once you acquire the badge?: No
- Why do you need this badge?: I am working and planing to work a lot in moria. That means building big structures and a lot of symetry. I am a pretty slow builder threfore it would be great to be able to use world edit for my projects in moria without having to wait for a designer or higher to do it for me.
- What to you is a responsible and mature player?: A mature player is a player who wont abuse his/her world edit perms and use them in a secure way being careful when setting up the WE action he/her wants to preform and not taking risks when using world edit. If something goes wrong the player should help fixing the problem he/her has caused.
Thanks for reading my badge application

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