~:~ Letter of Resignation ~:~
Good day MCME. What a time it has been! Today, I am announcing my resignation from the rank of Head Builder and also of my soon departure of the server altogether. I joined this server just under three years ago and wow… it has gone by so fast.
This community will always remain special to me. MCME is such a unique community. What makes this place most special and different from any other community is the strength of the community. No other server spends the amount of time we do to improve other’s building skill. No other building community has such a solid non-building framework to host events, run minigames and etc. No other group of people, that I know of, spends so much time in growing the community through one on one interactions.
Why am I leaving? The short answer is I do not have enough time that is required for the role of Head Builder, and I am taking more on in my personal life. If you want the lengthy answer you can find the a link below to a full document explaining not only why I am leaving, but what is happening, as well as my opinion on various things. I warn you though... it is titled as a BWOT

Ever since I was notified of my promotion to admin, there has been many conflicts that I have had with the community. However, I hope in the end you can all see that I was trying to help the server. Thank you for bearing with me over the last year and I wish this server the best to keep on growing and pursuing the goal of building the world of Middle Earth!
If you would like to read The BWOT Document, please click on the following link: The BWOT Document v.2
If you would like to find out about the two… yes two new Head Builders, please click on the following link: https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/threads/the-future-of-builder-leadership.5452/