This picture is brought up again and again:
In my opinion that picture is pure fan fiction without any reliable sources.
I discussed this topic several times before. But as discord "forgets" so quickly I'll summarize my thoughts here again:
(All quotes are from The Silmarillion)

I discussed this topic several times before. But as discord "forgets" so quickly I'll summarize my thoughts here again:
- People overestimate the size and solidity of Thangorodrim. They were not really mountains like Erebor but ``were made of the ash and slag of his subterranean furnaces`` Thangorodrim were more like enormous chimneys/towers: ``and smoke issued from their tops``. Also there were many doors and tunnels in them and spaces to hold a huge host: ``By many secret doors in Thangorodrim Morgoth had let issue forth his main host``
- I really can't imagine how Earendil, a half-elf should slew that mountain size Ancalagon in the picture.
- Also from what pit of Angband that monster should come from: ``and out of the pits of Angband there issued the winged dragons``
- The destruction of Thangorodrim isn't that spectacular in the Silmarillion: ``and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin`` It doesn't need a mountain size moster to break a tower, even if it's a huge tower. (Btw Tolkien uses almost the same wording when Galdalf struck the Balrog down from Durin's tower: ``and he fell from the high place and broke the mountain-side``)
- Glaurung also is way to large in that picture. He fits in the halls of Nargothrond like Smaug fits in the halls of Erebor. Also elves on horses and dwarves with axes fought against Glaurung in the Battles of Beleriand with quite some success.
(All quotes are from The Silmarillion)