• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Going Away Thread

Date of leaving: Jan 27
Date of return: Feb 10 (hopefully)
Reason: school

I have to quit for a while cause I have dinormous work for school. I have to make a lot of drawings for biology, I will show them to U when I've finished! Its not only that but also a lot of ur regular work like studying 6 pages of hard vocabulary and so on. Soooo cya in my vacation ;)
Date of leaving: 9th of February
Date of return: 16th of February
Reason: ski-trip with school
Extra info: I will go to austria and will not take my phone with me... Mainly because connection there will be bad and because I wanna enjoy the beautiful area without someone constantly naggin that I need to finish stuff. *Cough, cough @BWOT*

This means that I wont be reachable on disc nor on the forums. If u have something important to tell me then use pms or @mentions, so that I can easelly find them when I get back :)
Date Leaving: This evening (Feb 24)
Date of return: March 14
Reason: Studying
As I sadly failed my last exam I really need to pass these upcoming ones so I'll let my dad lock away my pc again so I can focus on studying. I will still be able to check Discord and the forums but I won't be able to come on the server or do any texturing work.
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Date Leaving: This evening (Feb 24)
Date of return: Mars 14
Reason: Studying
As I sadly failed my last exam I really need to pass these upcoming ones so I'll let my dad lock away my pc again so I can focus on studying. I will still be able to check Discord and the forums but I won't be able to come on the server or do any texturing work.
by mars do u mean march ??
Date Leaving: Monday (26th February)
Lenght of absense: 2 weeks
Reason: Visiting Vienna for a few days. :)
PS: I've started a house in DA, so, if someone wants to finish it while I'm gone, its cool by me. ;)
Date Leaving: 1st of March
Lenght of absense: 2 weeks
Reason: I'll be on, just not very active, might run a few jobs.
Date Leaving: Saturday, March 3rd
Length of Absence: Till Saturday, March 10th
Reason: Spring break is next week so it’s time for my annual ski trip. I’ll send pictures like I did last year. I’ll be active on discord and the forums if you need me
Be free whilst it lasts. I'm at home studying right now when the rest of my family is away on a skiing trip. Because when you go to university you don't get breaks.
Date Leaving: March 1st, 2018
Length of Absence: Till February 25th, 2019
Reason: Lord Credoo has instructed me to leave and return in a year so I will be doing so. I may periodically sneak in to see how thinks are going. Goodbye Roblox Middle Earth