• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com



One Of Us, One of Us
Hey guys, I’m just wondering what you all feel about the forums; useful, useless, etc. I want to hear your ideas on how to make it better, if anything needs to be changed and etc, because we in the Valar team are a bit dumbfounded as to why they are not being used as often.
Some things I can say that are going to change:
- Our very own @q220 is making a great, clean home page, with big pictures and everything however this takes a lot of time.
- Adding a calendar to forums, I think it’s already done but just needs to be used, will try to put the public meeting on there.
When you open up the home page, you should have a ring against a background comprising of various screenshots of our server. Around this ring should be the different major forums tabs you can click on :D
Just be a very inviting aesthetic if done right...
oh and "Minecraft Middle-Earth" Should be in the middle of the ring
I would say when you have the projects tab open to have squares with each of the projects that are active, and a list below with finished projects, as that way it might be a bit easier to find and reply to the active project posts. Other things might come later, but that is something I would love to see.
I mean we have to see if we can do that within these forums but yes a better UI would be nice but I’m not sure if it can be done, if it was up to me on how to do it I would have it like you said Nic, individual blocks.

Then when you click on the block it brings you to the actual project forum post page


Here you can use the tabs above to switch between announcement post and discussion posts and if you are staff the staff discussion posts. The main Ofc have all the planning and etc as the first posts usually do.

I have more pictures on the types of blocks here:


I apologize for the quality of this post, I would have done the website design in Adobe XD and the screenshots would be much better if I had WiFi. I could probs also explain it better if I had something easier to communicate with than a phone but hopefully you get the picture.
Maybe we could add something like a progress board. For example Complete Progress: 48% Mordor Progress: 3%.... and co
Well this would be it basically by project format. Maybe for the main page (well what I was thinking) when you first come on it’s the nice big screens or cinematica with mcme logo somewhere and some basic info of who we are, you scroll down and you can see entire progress plus per region. Then you scroll down and you can see new announcement posts, scroll down a bit more to see current projects and a bit more to see new posts, ofc you have the sidebar of people on and etc and the menu bar at top for navigation