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Do workers in Moria need the Unlimited WE Badge?


One Of Us, One of Us
-:- Do workers in Moria need the Unlimited WE Badge? -:-

It has come to my attention that workers of Moria want Unlimited WE and for good personal reason, however I am reluctant. This is because @Patrick_0901 and other designers of Moria said there was no need for this, as making the caves and the rest was up to the designers job.

Well let's discuss!​
YES! it is needed for the regulars in Moria! The caves are never perfect and designers aren't on when we begin to work or run into the issue (most of the times), the workers of Moria know Moria very well so they will know exactly what they are doing when changing the cave! Let the regulars take care of the cave as well!
The biggest issue is that designers are dead (atleast a part of em), also if you are a foreman and lead bigger projects it is nicer to have unlimited, or even as being an artist that leads a bigger project. Yet before this should be done I would ask of the valar to consider what was discussed during the public meeting about the badges, as they maybe already solve an issue.
I still don't understand what exactely you need the unlimited we for? What is the problem with limited WE?
Block limit? Has been tripled.
Brushes for (cave) terrain? Yes if you want to do that and are able to do it you should apply for unlimited we or voxel badge. But I don't see this applies for all Moria workers.
So according to that Eriol, How about the workers of Moria get a voxel badge?
lol You aren't just going to get the Voxel badge because you work in Moria, voxel is very dangerous if you don't know what your are doing, and won't do nothin, and will look like the caves and stuff we are trying to improve from if you don't know how to do terrain well. Show me you can use it well and you will get it.