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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Resolved Difficulty staying connected


Is going on an adventure!
Hello all,
After meaning to come check it out for months and finally picking MC back up after a LONG time, I joined the server today. I read through all of the new player guide, completed the initial test, and began walking from Bag End, mostly following the footsteps of the Fellowship but taking time to appreciate the incredible detail along the way.

I've made it as far as the stretch from Bald Hill down to Old Man Willow, but I keep getting disconnected with the "forcibly removed" message now. Sometimes it's a few seconds, sometimes a couple of minutes, but never long.

Searching the forums, it seems that this message is usually given for people breaking the rules. I've tried flying once for about 5 seconds, don't have any mods running except Optifine, and have done nothing in my hour or two on the server (to my knowledge) except walk and look around. Can someone help me find out the cause?

(I should also say that I'm traveling for work and so am connecting through hotel internet, but the speed doesn't seem to be a problem, and the server's "lagometer" is always green when I connect.)
I would assume based on the error message that it's the internet at the hotel crashing you. All I can suggest is lowering your render distance, turning off any shaders you may be using, and making sure you have the best connection you can manage. What doesn't help is all the players on at the moment thanks to the PCgamer articles on us, which could affect the TPS and ping.
OK, good. I wanted to make sure I wasn't accidentally griefing the server or something as I walked along. Thank you for the help and the tips...looks like I picked a crazy day to join up!
Whats the error you are getting? Is it 'Host forcibly closed the connection'?
Whats the error you are getting? Is it 'Host forcibly closed the connection'?
Yes, that's the one. I'll make sure to get a screenshot next time it happens in order to get the full message.

EDIT: Here's the screenshot.
Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
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Hmm this could be either our proxy or one of the servers behind it that close the connection. This could be for numerous reasons though but its not because of griefing. I know there's a throttle if someone attempts to connect too many times (mostly for bots) but it might also happen if the connection is not stable enough. Do you have the same problem when using something else than the hotel wifi?
Good to know, and thanks for looking into it. I suppose it was the language of the error that had me worried I was doing something to cause it. I'm going to chalk it up to an unstable connection, all of the signs keep pointing me that way. Even though my ping looked good when I would first connect, it seemed to slowly degrade to unacceptable levels, and I'd imagine that's why the connection kept being closed. Some colleagues were complaining about their Internet connection as well after we left that hotel, and I haven't had any problems at the new one.

Thanks again. I'm really enjoying the server...there are so many little details that really make everything stand out.