Minecraft Username: D3rr3x
When did you join MCME: 8th of April, 2020
What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Guide (since 22nd of June, 2020)
Which WE badge do you have?: I have a full world edit badge
Why should we give the animations badge to you?: I just like doing something that would benefit the server in any way, I have done animations before on a single player world (sadly that map doesn’t exist anymore
) with command blocks and seeing that there is a possibility for me to be able to create animations on the server, I thought I would apply.
What to you is a responsible and mature player?: A responsible and a mature player is someone who doesn’t do anything nilly willy and follows the rules and guidelines that have been set for him.
I did write this app on a phone, so I’m sorry if the formatting messes up or anything
When did you join MCME: 8th of April, 2020
What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Guide (since 22nd of June, 2020)
Which WE badge do you have?: I have a full world edit badge
Why should we give the animations badge to you?: I just like doing something that would benefit the server in any way, I have done animations before on a single player world (sadly that map doesn’t exist anymore

What to you is a responsible and mature player?: A responsible and a mature player is someone who doesn’t do anything nilly willy and follows the rules and guidelines that have been set for him.
I did write this app on a phone, so I’m sorry if the formatting messes up or anything