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Custom inventory needed?


Yellow Flower Puncher
Hey guys. Probably you know that we got a custom inventory for Moria/Gondor and for Mordor soon. They can add some cool blocks or something like that, so you can get more blocks and also much more details. But do we really need them?

I would say yes we do, because they can add very cool blocks to build amazing, things but when you look into the gondor custom inventory, you will probably find over 600 new blocks and other stuff. And there are blocks like the new baskets or flowers that are amazing but 600 added blocks are really too much. I mean why do we need all these blocks that you can use to make the world looking round. I guess, that one reason why everyone, who joins this server say that places like Minas Tirith are soo cool, because we made this whole building with blocks looking like a round real Minas Tirith that they know from the movies. I think, that this is the difficulty of Minecraft. Make something looking realistic and round just with blocks/slabs/stairs/trapdoors/... and not with soo many other blocks. Otherwise we could also use a mod and I am sure that this is not, what we want to.....
But I still think, that we made a good job in Moria, because we didn't add too many blocks. It does not feel like a mod or something like that, because we added just the blocks to detail a smith and co. Ok.... the other blocks like the fences got removed for this other kind of wall slab that we really need on a place like Moria... though this pack has not too many blocks.
So now I want to say, that the custom inventory can create many lags and that's why we shouldn't add to much.(Also guys don't get this wrong DA and Moria are still awesome)

At least we will come to the actual thing, that I wanted to say:
Yesterday evening a few people were talking about the new textures for the Eriador pack. And they talked about a few things that I don't like and now I wanted to say, what we could improve in my opinion and how we can detail without all these other new blocks and co.

Stuff that we could add or need to add(Eriador)
*hobbit doors
*different kinds of stucco
*dirt slabs
*new paintings(Bilbo's parents for example)
*the new trapdoors from 1.13
*the barrel from the custom inventory
*also the sticky piston texture from gondor
*also a second table that we can use from the gondor pack
*vine bottle
*maybe candle plate (actually not completly needed)
*chairs from gondor 2
*a nicer item frame and also a cool item frame that I want to show you
*2 or 3 other normal kinds of glass


This is what i imagine for the other trapdoors


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First I have a small correction. Not all blocks from the custom inventory cause lag. It's only a problem with the blocks labelled as ITEMBLOCK. Those should be used in small amounts only. All other blocks are just normal minecraft blocks and don't cause any lag.

Second I don't really understand what you don't like. The list of stuff you would like to add to Eriador is quite long. Most of the new blocks are included there.
Hey guys. Probably you know that we got a custom inventory for Moria/Gondor and for Mordor soon. They can add some cool blocks or something like that, so you can get more blocks and also much more details. But do we really need them?

I would say yes we do, because they can add very cool blocks to build amazing, things but when you look into the gondor custom inventory, you will probably find over 600 new blocks and other stuff. And there are blocks like the new baskets or flowers that are amazing but 600 added blocks are really too much. I mean why do we need all these blocks that you can use to make the world looking round. I guess, that one reason why everyone, who joins this server say that places like Minas Tirith are soo cool, because we made this whole building with blocks looking like a round real Minas Tirith that they know from the movies. I think, that this is the difficulty of Minecraft. Make something looking realistic and round just with blocks/slabs/stairs/trapdoors/... and not with soo many other blocks. Otherwise we could also use a mod and I am sure that this is not, what we want to.....
But I still think, that we made a good job in Moria, because we didn't add too many blocks. It does not feel like a mod or something like that, because we added just the blocks to detail a smith and co. Ok.... the other blocks like the fences got removed for this other kind of wall slab that we really need on a place like Moria... though this pack has not too many blocks.
So now I want to say, that the custom inventory can create many lags and that's why we shouldn't add to much.(Also guys don't get this wrong DA and Moria are still awesome)

At least we will come to the actual thing, that I wanted to say:
Yesterday evening a few people were talking about the new textures for the Eriador pack. And they talked about a few things that I don't like and now I wanted to say, what we could improve in my opinion and how we can detail without all these other new blocks and co.

Stuff that we could add or need to add(Eriador)
*hobbit doors
*different kinds of stucco
*dirt slabs
*new paintings(Bilbo's parents for example)
*the new trapdoors from 1.13
*the barrel from the custom inventory
*also the sticky piston texture from gondor
*also a second table that we can use from the gondor pack
*vine bottle
*maybe candle plate (actually not completly needed)
*chairs from gondor 2
*a nicer item frame and also a cool item frame that I want to show you
*2 or 3 other normal kinds of glass
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This is what i imagine for the other trapdoors
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The point of the custom inventory is not 'ADDING' new blocks but rather GIVING ACCES to all the blockstates of the allready available blocks. Only the lil ammount of blocks that we did actually add, who're armourstands. But as we are getting mora and more new blocks we are moving some of the new blocks to vanilla available blocks.
Eriol. I know that not all blocks are itemblocks but it's though weird to add so many blocks and the things that I wanted to add to the pack weren't that much as I think that i heard from other players that will be new... also many things like the stucco can be edited with blocks that we haven't used yet. And at least I tried to make a mix of the things that i would like to see in the newer version and others wanted to see
I would say yes we do, because they can add very cool blocks to build amazing, things but when you look into the gondor custom inventory, you will probably find over 600 new blocks and other stuff. And there are blocks like the new baskets or flowers that are amazing but 600 added blocks are really too much. I mean why do we need all these blocks that you can use to make the world looking round. I guess, that one reason why everyone, who joins this server say that places like Minas Tirith are soo cool, because we made this whole building with blocks looking like a round real Minas Tirith that they know from the movies. I think, that this is the difficulty of Minecraft. Make something looking realistic and round just with blocks/slabs/stairs/trapdoors/... and not with soo many other blocks. Otherwise we could also use a mod and I am sure that this is not, what we want to.....

I somewhat agree with that they like it because it looks like the movies, but they also like it because it's a good looking and mainly impressive built. Something I would like mcme to do more often actually, impressive builts, something we somewhat did with Dol Amroth. But cities like Pelargir and Linhir or even Calembel are somewhat boring to me. I know we can't always make stuff stand out since if everything stands out, well thats impossible, but I mean a place like Pelargir should have stood out more. ( a bit off-topic)
Though what I'm really trying to say here though is that people love our Moria and Dol Amroth when they see it and love the cool custom blocks. They just haven't seen them too much with it only being those two places. I am not sure what you mean by making stuff round with blocks,slabs,stairs,trapdoors.

Pretty much I am all for the cool blocks we get to use and I think a fair few of these textures are even under used and will be nice for future stuff.
You all know my opinion on this ;), but in brief I see an ever expanding gap between builders who want to stay with limited and basic blocks and then those who want more. Idk how we are going to address this problem in the future but I can say this, we won’t have another da lag problem I think ever again as most of the big cities are in gondor and lag is only made due to the concentration of the itemblocks
... also many things like the stucco can be edited with blocks that we haven't used yet.
But that's exactely what we are doing with the custom inventories. We are editing blocks that we haven't used before.

I really try to understand you. I'm still unsure if this is a misunderstanding @Slowlex_. I did some quick counting (well very quick). There are about 800 blocks in the custom inventory. About 500 from them are available from the normal creative inventory. So it seems we added about 300 blocks (maybe 50 more). I believe some 100 are so far unused blocks that are not accessible from the creative inventory. Additionally there are about 200 itemblocks, most of them trapdoor like blocks for all materials.

I would agree that those trapdoors were not the best idea to add, additional to the lag they cause rendering of them is quite derpy. But I really think list a great part of the other new blocks is included in your list.
Could you say which blocks are too much in the Gondoor custom inventory? To help me understand better ;)

Many of the blocks have been used before the custom inventory was introduced. But they were available by Voxel only. When I was Artist we used to place wool with signs like "candle", "table".... all over our builds and when finished we asked a Designer to replace the wool. With the custom inventory building is so much more convenient in my opinion.
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It’s going to be hard to choose what blocks are going to be for what. Ofc the terrainers like Jacen want more terrain blocks, the builders want more building blocks and etc and etc. This has usually been to the final decision of the Head Designer / Builder. Gondor 2.4 the newest one was still from Finrod. I honestly think he did a pretty good job with distribution. I am keeping almost identical for Mordor, ofc the 1.13 blocks will be new and we’ll see what happens with that once we get our plugins a bit more caught up.
oh ehm but i still think that you guys got me wrong in one thing and I mean the smooth point I mean we got this special kind of pillars and we also talked about spikes in mordor...
and this is what i mean with looking smooth/round
I am not sure what you mean by making stuff round with blocks,slabs,stairs,trapdoors.

He means this:

To get those nice round arches you need to make a 3D model. But unlike itemblocks where your CPU get's hit, 3D textures will hit your graphics card.
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I wouldn't worry about the Mordor rp, there will be time where people can use it and adjustments can be made based on what people like and don't like because I actually was completely against them when seeing those spikes in pictures but when I saw them ingame.. it made me rethink (still not decided though)
Um... this may be off-topic to this thread but I'd just like to point out that the buildings in the Shire (or at least the ones in Hobbiton) was described as being made out of wood, brick or stone, not stucco. So I'm not sure we need to add any new stucco blocks to the Eriador pack. Sorry if this is off-topic, I just wanted to point it out as this is an inconsistency between the books and the server that's been bothering me for a long time.
Hm, I imagine the houses in the shire with stucco (or plastered walls, I'm not sure if that's the same in enlish). Tolkien wrote the Hobbit used bricks but many brick house walls are plastered / covered with stucco. Hobbits like bright colors, so I imagine Shire houses like that with stucco in bright colors.
I imagine the Shire whatever countryside Tolkien used to go to as a kid or visited often, so I'm not sure about these bright colors but I do imagine stucco as well.
I red this part of the book 12 months ago cuz I wanted to build it in my singleplayer world too and it said that it has all these slums more in the area of hobbiton and the others are made with a kind of stucco/lime(or smth like that) and wood. the most of the roofs are with thatch(that's why i liked hobbiton that much when i watched the movies cuz it's so close to the book discribtion). but don't get me wrong ... I still mean that there were a few houses that looked like that... I think that this kind of houses where in places like frogmortton or long cleve. but i am not sure anymore...
The description of Hobbits and their dwellings is in the prologue of the LotR. I rechecked these informations there: The favour of bright color is related to their cloths there, especially for green and yellow, but I would guess it's the same for houses. The poorest and the richest hobbits lived in holes. Other hobbits lived in in houses of wood, bricks or fieldstones. As I said before that I guess many of those houses were plastered though. Roofs often made of thatch or living grass (not sure about the word in english: stips of sod?).
I imagine the Shire whatever countryside Tolkien used to go to as a kid or visited often, so I'm not sure about these bright colors but I do imagine stucco as well.
Tolkien actually hated what the countryside he grew up in, changed to be. Since his death I reckon it has become even more industrial, so it's not the ultimate inspiration source imo
The description of Hobbits and their dwellings is in the prologue of the LotR. I rechecked these informations there: The favour of bright color is related to their cloths there, especially for green and yellow, but I would guess it's the same for houses. The poorest and the richest hobbits lived in holes. Other hobbits lived in in houses of wood, bricks or fieldstones. As I said before that I guess many of those houses were plastered though. Roofs often made of thatch or living grass (not sure about the word in english: stips of sod?).

I sympathize with the green and yellow colors.

Tolkien actually hated what the countryside he grew up in, changed to be. Since his death I reckon it has become even more industrial, so it's not the ultimate inspiration source imo

That is kind of what I meant, the Shire being the countryside before industry.