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    Joining the server

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Resolved Can't Join Server

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Another Moria Worker
For the past couple days I've tried to get on but it keeps kicking me after about 30 seconds and saying that the connection was closed by the remote host. When I join the world loads, but the chat doesn't show up and the resource pack doesn't load, and then it kicks me and displays that message.
The main build server and I'm in Pelargir so G2, I turned my firewall off to see if that was the problem but it did nothing
Yeah but it didn't do anything, I pushed the ethernet cable in some more and it connected me to the server for a minute and all was good but it still kicked me shortly after. It's at least loading the chat but it's still kicking me. I installed a new GPU the day before it started acting up and my pc in general has been kinda slower, could that have something to do with it?
Can you connect to the Battle Server build.mcmiddle-earth.com:27555?
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