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Brash's Mcme pack remastered (on pause)

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Yellow Flower Puncher
Well howdy howdy all I'm coming with some exciting news (hopefully) as in regards to further pushing the packs limits

over the course of 5 months I've been messing around with different parts of the texturepacks to see what we can push to the furthest.
first off the list is for players that use shaders and enables pom/bumpmapping I am now doing intricate work to each block to specify a distinct look with shaders. i will make some bumpmaps some with reflective qualities added to give inside housing a much more realistic and lovely look.

block models without connected textures
i have created a little update to the tree's leaves changing the axis using a 3d model program to adjust heights ect

I plan on making a little addon for us cinematic folks that record upon the server
also everything being added is now compatible with multiple mods
optifine's ctm+alternated textures+better foilage

pros-still has great gameplay when added and still has no noticeable frame drop
cons- have to set graphics to fancy so blocking and collisions wont occur.

Well howdy howdy all I'm coming with some exciting news (hopefully) as in regards to further pushing the packs limits

over the course of 5 months I've been messing around with different parts of the texturepacks to see what we can push to the furthest.
first off the list is for players that use shaders and enables pom/bumpmapping I am now doing intricate work to each block to specify a distinct look with shaders. i will make some bumpmaps some with reflective qualities added to give inside housing a much more realistic and lovely look.

block models without connected textures
i have created a little update to the tree's leaves changing the axis using a 3d model program to adjust heights ect

I plan on making a little addon for us cinematic folks that record upon the server
also everything being added is now compatible with multiple mods
optifine's ctm+alternated textures+better foilage

pros-still has great gameplay when added and still has no noticeable frame drop
cons- have to set graphics to fancy so blocking and collisions wont occur.

View attachment 11146

I'd love to see your future releases on this! I myself am not able to help you as I don't know anything about all that fancy texturing stuff, but I'd love to use them myself for taking screenshots and maybe try some cinematics aswel.
update 0.0.2

Hello all this is a update on the addons for Gondor aswell as hopefully other texturepacks throughout the server aswell so far i have compiled alot of blocks but the first two that are fully done is the normal piston and leaves models piston has so far only two different variations that can be placed with a lid off and lid on and slightly smaller. later on will do different rotations that will hopefully be useful. the leaves are normal but promising I'll keep you posted

regular piston(might change in future)-is two seperate versions of barrels
leaf block- has different xy coords to give it a downward effect(may add more vertical entities)

coming soon

decoration blocks
haybales with random textures
beams with supports added
more realistic brazier
arch for cobbled stair with normal stair placement on z axis (hopefully)
arches for stone stair that can be morphed into table of anysize
door with extra 3d arched on top to match arches
nature blocks
big bushes
rocks (with variations)

and much more to come
comment below and say what ya wanna see in the near future :)

This is really cool Brash. I look forward to using it someday.
Will release a demo once i reach 1.0.0 and feel comfortable with changes

I'd love to see your future releases on this! I myself am not able to help you as I don't know anything about all that fancy texturing stuff, but I'd love to use them myself for taking screenshots and maybe try some cinematics aswel.
will be releasing it in 1.0.0 when its all finished the normal and specular mapping will be posted alot later than expected. been working on lots of models recently :)
update 0.0.4 "confined walls"
Just a rather quick update for the current 3d models added due to the brazier taking ages upon ages to do. Now added curvature into specific blocks that half rotated (adds a great effect for the arches)
the arches is a mixture of stone texture and cobblestone gives it a lovely hue.


regular piston(might change in future)-is two seperate versions of barrels Edit* now has sideways barrels
leaf block- has different xy coords to give it a downward effect(may add more vertical entities)
added arches for doorways and other useful decorations can be used with it
made arches converted to a solid table of any size even full round table
added a new lightsource for the endrod when placed on a flat surface and on the ceiling

coming soon
no idea yet :P
decoration blocks still to come
haybales with random textures
beams with supports added
door with extra 3d arched on top to match arches
nature blocks
big bushes
rocks (with variations)

and much more to come
comment below and say what ya wanna see in the near future :)

Replying to comments
I finally did check it out and it is lovely wouldn't mind creating some multiple planes as an extra addon :)

Which light source should we use for the end rod?



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I'd go for the first one, but the second one is also very nice and I hope we can use it somehow.
Hey, Brazier, I am a bit concerned in the way, are you using our rp 2 to make these or our rp g. Because all of gondor is going to be moved to rp 2 and so I think those blocks have already been taken.
Brash, those models are not made by you. They are clearly copied from the Conquest Reforged modpack, that is: the barrel model, arch model, corner arch model, brazier model and chandelier model. Although you haven't stated that they were yours, you've acted like they are and you haven't given any right credits. Dunno about the leaf models, hope they're yours because they're awesome. The creators of the CR pack have taken a lot of time into making the mod and they should be given the credits. I think we've once copied a small sapling texture from the Conquest pack, unaware to the staff and quite a hassle resulted iirc.

Also dunno what your intentions with the pack were; whether you wanted to use/share it privately or actually submit it to be used for the main rp's; should be fine for private uses as long as you give the credits and ask the creators of the models (I know the maker of most of the models (DeChoppy) btw and there's a chance that he'd permit it).
Brash, those models are not made by you. They are clearly copied from the Conquest Reforged modpack, that is: the barrel model, arch model, corner arch model, brazier model and chandelier model. Although you haven't stated that they were yours, you've acted like they are and you haven't given any right credits. Dunno about the leaf models, hope they're yours because they're awesome. The creators of the CR pack have taken a lot of time into making the mod and they should be given the credits. I think we've once copied a small sapling texture from the Conquest pack, unaware to the staff and quite a hassle resulted iirc.

Also dunno what your intentions with the pack were; whether you wanted to use/share it privately or actually submit it to be used for the main rp's; should be fine for private uses as long as you give the credits and ask the creators of the models (I know the maker of most of the models (DeChoppy) btw and there's a chance that he'd permit it).

To elaborate on that, the creative license where the pack falls under says that u can only use, or share the pack as a whole. So taking models out of it is actually illegal.
Unless u'd get explicit permission indeed.
Brash, those models are not made by you. They are clearly copied from the Conquest Reforged modpack, that is: the barrel model, arch model, corner arch model, brazier model and chandelier model. Although you haven't stated that they were yours, you've acted like they are and you haven't given any right credits. Dunno about the leaf models, hope they're yours because they're awesome. The creators of the CR pack have taken a lot of time into making the mod and they should be given the credits. I think we've once copied a small sapling texture from the Conquest pack, unaware to the staff and quite a hassle resulted iirc.

Also dunno what your intentions with the pack were; whether you wanted to use/share it privately or actually submit it to be used for the main rp's; should be fine for private uses as long as you give the credits and ask the creators of the models (I know the maker of most of the models (DeChoppy) btw and there's a chance that he'd permit it).
the textures was influenced by the cr i do give that but i did actually recreate the models

@RubenPieterMark Leaf models are from Vanilla Conquest.
leaf models are infact not from "vanilla Conquest" if you could however show me the codes or json file in a model editor and compare we could then proceed to argue the leaves are easy just change the pitch and faces of the leaves easy peasy

how i did all of this
1- yes i did take inspiration from google images online of various arches,tables,braziers,barrerls
2-kinda knew people would claim things from conquest reforged (great mod btw)
3-hence why i did a timelapse of me actually creating the pieces for all you doubters out there
4-heres my barrel model and codes on how to create it


not only that heres the code that is then exported when using various 3d software
piston edit side.webp

im using a resourcepack maker that when you click on a certain model of the default (ex: piston) you got two things you can edit the "base text" or the "model text"


(update-downloaded conquest reforged 1.12)
i downloaded it and tried to extract the exact "same" barrel model i apparently used and this is the error i got

cause its not even real

so if im just going to get ridiculed for being creative i wouldnt even have started it

the timelapse will be hopefully coming out soon as i am pretty busy
this isnt my first time dancing in the 3d model community as i been with it since 1.6.4 mods was around

To elaborate on that, the creative license where the pack falls under says that u can only use, or share the pack as a whole. So taking models out of it is actually illegal.
Unless u'd get explicit permission indeed.
i do understand there creative terms of agreement hence why i havent edited there models nor took them.
also i like creating my own cause you get more of a enjoyment out of it.

kind of figured there was skeptics as to i was recreating such things. which turns out i was recreating them. sure just because conquest influenced the design doesnt really at all mean i took them as i did research the actual size of barrels arch's ect. also i cant extract the block model for anything i dont know how. what i used to create the barrel and other textures was cubic pro and blockbench. blockbench is actually a really useful tool. now how to code its a bit easier just follow these videos and you'll understand
JSON Basics for minecrafat

that is a very useful thing to understand to get the full picture
also understanding which blockstate to use them on

Block models Breakdown

and lastly to add is the block states breakdown

Block States breakdown

further more i did take influences from arch's in general conquest does have a good selection of how to arch ect but you can manually make your own model
further id like to add i was doing the timelapse of building the blocks
if that doesn't convince you then im at a loss.
also my blocks doesnt really look exactly the same.

so heres the full scoop i did go ingame to look at how tall some models was and how to recreate it. i even have a reference photo of a real life barrel i had displayed in the corner when i was doing the model creating timelapse.
Haha, now I am not going to say I knew this was going to happen: someone accuses him, being all definitive and factual to find out he did actually make it himself. But I hope this is a lesson for you guys, don’t accuse someone of doing something like that: plagiarism, unless you are 110% sure, because when you falsely accuse someone, you make a fool out of yourself.

If there is any more debate or apologies of this please take it to private messages, so that we don’t clutter Brash’s rp extension.

BTW what Pieter, Merl and Glov stated are very serious, we can take inspiration but do not plagiarize other people’s work and if you do want to use their material, make sure to ask and give them the credit. Also for rp, mods and etc: yeah we prefer custom made , helps solve a lot of issues if we keep that consistent. ;)
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Well BWOT there is a history of users here ripping textures from Conquest iirc.
Is a 1:1 identical recreation any different than stealing the model directly?

I know nothing about making block models, so I personally can't verify Brash's "evidence". But having logged countless hours with the CR mod I am quite certain those models are either ripped directly or identical recreations.

Either way i've notified the CR Devs in case there is an issue.

Also why would people make barrels out of bark?
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Well BWOT there is a history of users here ripping textures from Conquest iirc.
Is a 1:1 identical recreation any different than stealing the model directly?

I know nothing about making block models, so I personally can't verify Brash's "evidence". But having logged countless hours with the CR mod I am quite certain those models are either ripped directly or identical recreations.

Either way i've notified the CR Devs in case there is an issue.

Also why would people make barrels out of bark?
theres no winning with you at all. also just message "Dechoppy" cause he was the lead creator in all the 3d models
and you cant rip there block models at all cause it cant trace back to the main source since it is a mod
youd probably have to decompile everything

but go ahead do what ya want can't force the horse to drink
Haha, now I am not going to say I knew this was going to happen: someone accuses him, being all definitive and factual to find out he did actually make it himself. But I hope this is a lesson for you guys, don’t accuse someone of doing something like that: plagiarism, unless you are 110% sure, because when you falsely accuse someone, you make a fool out of yourself.

If there is any more debate or apologies of this please take it to private messages, so that we don’t clutter Brash’s rp extension.

BTW what Pieter, Merl and Glov stated are very serious, we can take inspiration but do not plagiarize other people’s work and if you do want to use their material, make sure to ask and give them the credit. Also for rp, mods and etc: yeah we prefer custom made , helps solve a lot of issues if we keep that consistent. ;)



Now tell me that these models are not identical to Brash's. The texturing of most models is changed tho, except for the brazier one. Also I see @BRASHEXODUS has done some improvements to the arch corner stair, not the model, but to the coding. So I believe that Brash copied the code, and adjusted it a little bit so the textures and some small configuring was changed, but no visual appearances. (Except for the texturing ofc ^^)
BWO, you should first take these things more seriously before putting it away as a false accusation. If you still don't believe it's plagiarism, I'll contact you to DeChoppy. The only definitive and factual proof by Brash here is a time lapse coming up buying him time to recreate the process of modeling it.
theres no winning with you at all. also just message "Dechoppy" cause he was the lead creator in all the 3d models
and you cant rip there block models at all cause it cant trace back to the main source since it is a mod
youd probably have to decompile everything

but go ahead do what ya want can't force the horse to drink

Again, not definitively saying you didn't create those models. But considering their eerie similarity to CR's I thought it warranted at least telling the Dev's.

Side note, nice Title, you're really taking the higher ground kiddo.
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