Hey lolbroek and thanks for your application and the many updates! Also to you I am very sorry for the long wait time!
You may have heard of the saying that it's the first impression of someone that counts. With you, when I opened your first picture of the prancing pony I was like "wow, that build is looking nice!"
Some small things that fell into my eyes when I checked out your builds ingame:
Prancing pony:
- I would recommend making the ground floor out of a stony material. I haven't verified really whether wooden floor on base level were a thing in medieval houses, but on MCME I think pretty much all buildings follow this principle.
- Very good job on the interior, @superlolster360 check this one out

- There's some thatch visible from inside the prancing pony, try to cover that if somehow possible, same goes for the shingles in your DA house. Both thatch and shingles are only the top layer of the roof, below is always a support structure out of wood; floating shingles is technically not doable, they need to be laid onto something. Shingles are used to ward off the water as shingles are impervious to water, which wood is not. Shingles in return can't hold off the cold temperatures.
- Where you used glass blocks for the windows I would rather suggest window panes instead of blocks.
- Nice job on the surroundings, the first impression is a lot better if the plot is actually filled!
- First impression very nice here as well, nice job on the vegetation!
- The base / root part of your trees feels tendencially a bit too fat. Nice that you used the slabs there though!
- When I added the custom heads for the apiaries I couldn't think of a place where they'd fit nicely... In your build they do!
- As I already wrote in some other feedback, making that house look crooked is incredibly tricky. You totally nailed it with those irregular stone walls...They're just purrfect

- Rest of the houses' exterior looks very nice as well, also the tree is nicely embedded.
- Interior is very sweet as well, altho a little more chaotic and crammed would be possible i think.
- Cover the thatch in the upper floor! I know it takes away a lot of space, but it really is a no-go...
Minas Tirith:
- Nice try to fit both the pinnacle and the citadel into the plot^^ But as you may have noticed, the buildings turned out a bit very small... But awesome how much effort you put into building the pinnacle and the stone base!
- On this scale it's a bit hard to judge, but you tend a bit to overdetailing the exterior here. Sometimes less details look better, if there's too many small details and no larger structure it looks kinda chaotic and confusing. Especially in larger builds some bits of very bland blank faces can look very nice. So take that with you: More details does not always mean a better look. Except on the interior maybe

- Such jagged roof beaks are a bit unusual if done with shingles. If you use bricks it's more feasible, but in the sense of overdetailing, a straight bland beak is usually the best option.
DA houses:
- You've really got a very good sense for nice interiors! Especially how you use the custom heads is very nice! Keep that up and animate other builders to use the heads as well so that they become a solid part of MCME's builds!
Alritght, I don't need to think about this very long, this is a clear and load YES to you as an Artist! Very nice builds, and I cannot wait to see what other nice builds you'll delight us all in the future! Congratulations to Artist!
I'll make sure you get promoted as quickly as possible, it's still a bit tricky

Please check out the Artist manual in the meantime:
Artist Manual