• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

A New Order


Moria Hall Professional
I come to you here today with a very, very serious suggestion that I have been considering for some time. It has come to my attention that a certain builder by the name of Wyattrox03 has been putting in hours upon hours of work into various projects around the server, specifically mines and caves in Anorien and Moria. I believe that this work hasn't been getting the recognition that it deserves, and it has been getting barely any recognition at all. Before these amazing feats of architecture and building skill, Wyattrox completed dozens upon dozens of textures in the Mordor texture pack, which had been ruefully ignored for the most part until that point. What does Wyattrox get for these amazing contributions to the server? A simple pat on the back. How rude! Therefore, I believe that Wyattrox would make an amazing server owner and he would push for the completion of the projects that have been dragging on for months. His voxel, worldedit, and overall building skills will allow him to think of new and efficient ways to complete these projects and have the projects leads run jobs as much as possible. Wyattrox would easily fix the current problem with the ongoing projects, which is that most of them haven't been organized in a way that can be completed with many hours of jobs and commoner labor (which would be paid of course with the new server currency, Wyattrox Nickels. These would, of course, give players an incentive to do work, because they could purchase items from MCME's new in-game shop). Sure, plots are handed out to some commoners, but most new commoners don't receive any in-depth instruction of how to actually build in each style, which dissuades them from claiming plots. Wyattrox would, of course, implement a new artist school system that would turn new commoners into professional artists that would further the server's quality and completion speed. Wyattrox would also encourage artists and foremen to take on their own projects outside of the current project areas, because he would recognize that artists may want to work on certain things that they can't currently work on. This would actually increase the speed at which things would get completed, because most builders wouldn't have anything specific that they would like to work on, so they would continue building for the current Designer-led projects. On top of these outstanding points, Wyattrox is so involved in the community that he knows exactly what they want at all times, which would improve his decisions regarding the server.

Wyattrox is not the only server member that deserves a large promotion and reward. Darki, also known as Mr. MCME, and MCME's Senior Designer is the prime choice for a brand new Head of Building. Darki represented his dedication to the server by achieving the rank of designer and completing many projects around the server such as Fenmarch, Mount Monachus, parts of Anfalas, and, of course, the mighty, pristine, and ultimately unmatchable Oberdark, oh hear its name and tremble! Oberdark was such an immaculate build that it inspired all who came upon its great expanse. Shouldn't these acts of commitment give Darki a higher and more respected rank and station on MCME than the measly and overrated rank of Commoner? Obviously! His supreme and unbeatable building skills would improve the server's quality at a level that has never been seen before, and the players of MCME would enjoy an entirely new experience.

As a veteran player who has been on MCME for over 11 years, Ardelenia would make an amazing Head of Moderation. Many players have pushed the limits of the MCME rules in order to improve their experience on such a boring and slow-moving server. However, these players, who were only searching for a better experience, have been struck by the powerful, unjustified Mute Hammer or Ban Hammer. I believe that Ardelenia would use his immense knowledge of MCME history to rework the way rule breakers are punished, especially if they have previously been an integral part of the MCME community. Furthermore, he has seen most of MCME's drama and the server's moderation's major part in most of that drama, so he has gained a vast amount of comprehension when it comes to how delicate decisions should be dealt with.

Even though Ardelenia would undoubtedly improve MCME Moderation, his limited Team/Staff experience may lead to some faulty decisions. Therefore, I suspect that having Givet10 as his Assistant Head of Moderation would be incredibly advantageous. Givet10 would be able to use his knowledge of the workings of MCME Staff and Moderation to give Ardelenia and the other moderators helpful advice. He would also balance out Ardelenia's weaknesses and vice versa. Givet10 is the obvious choice for this position because of his previous participation and involvement with both the community and higher ranked positions, as well as his friendly, honest, and overall joyful personality, which would make him an easy person to work with.

Now, we must discuss the position of Head Guide. Soarz is, undoubtedly, the best choice for this position. He has such a charming and cooperative personality, and whenever he participates in voice chat discussions everyone is fully intent on listening to his nice voice. Having been a manager, moderator, and several other ranks, Soarz is exceedingly capable of holding this position and bringing the Guides of MCME to a new level! The playercount will flourish under his leadership, and the server will thrive! His ability to socialize with anyone will allow him to connect to new players on the server better than anyone else, and he'll be able to recognize the flaws in the current Guide system.

Now, we must address an issue that has been plaguing the server for nearly 3 years. This issue is the absence of MCME's greatest guide and head guide, Raffy, who has disappeared without a trace into the Outlands. Therefore, I suggest we assign WieldableMars0 to the position of Head of Player Recovery. He will be in charge of exploring the Outlands for important veteran players that have become inactive. Finding these players and bringing them home will give MCME a slew of new opinions and ideas that would benefit the server immensely. WieldableMars0 would be the correct choice for this position, because he has vast knowledge of Middle Earth and his incredible activity level has allowed him to notice things in MCME that no one has before. This skill is incredibly important when it comes to Player Recovery, because surviving in the Outlands takes a ton of focus, perception, and a knack for noticing details.

Other Ideal Promotions:

MPMC1408 - His building skills would make a fine edition to my collectio-... I mean.... to the artist team.
Larry881a - He has also been identified by many MCME builders as someone who would make a great addition to the artist team.
GaryBaggins - Give this man his mod back, he has such a friendly and charming personality that I, and many other players, would love to see his former rank restored!
Dahl - He should receive the MCME Restructuring Badge
Amprafel - As the current King of Adventurers in title only, it's only fair that his title is officially recognized with a special badge on the server.

Thank you.
idfk what restructuring badge is but shit, fuck it ill take that shit
I come to you here today with a very, very serious suggestion that I have been considering for some time. It has come to my attention that a certain builder by the name of Wyattrox03 has been putting in hours upon hours of work into various projects around the server, specifically mines and caves in Anorien and Moria. I believe that this work hasn't been getting the recognition that it deserves, and it has been getting barely any recognition at all. Before these amazing feats of architecture and building skill, Wyattrox completed dozens upon dozens of textures in the Mordor texture pack, which had been ruefully ignored for the most part until that point. What does Wyattrox get for these amazing contributions to the server? A simple pat on the back. How rude! Therefore, I believe that Wyattrox would make an amazing server owner and he would push for the completion of the projects that have been dragging on for months. His voxel, worldedit, and overall building skills will allow him to think of new and efficient ways to complete these projects and have the projects leads run jobs as much as possible. Wyattrox would easily fix the current problem with the ongoing projects, which is that most of them haven't been organized in a way that can be completed with many hours of jobs and commoner labor (which would be paid of course with the new server currency, Wyattrox Nickels. These would, of course, give players an incentive to do work, because they could purchase items from MCME's new in-game shop). Sure, plots are handed out to some commoners, but most new commoners don't receive any in-depth instruction of how to actually build in each style, which dissuades them from claiming plots. Wyattrox would, of course, implement a new artist school system that would turn new commoners into professional artists that would further the server's quality and completion speed. Wyattrox would also encourage artists and foremen to take on their own projects outside of the current project areas, because he would recognize that artists may want to work on certain things that they can't currently work on. This would actually increase the speed at which things would get completed, because most builders wouldn't have anything specific that they would like to work on, so they would continue building for the current Designer-led projects. On top of these outstanding points, Wyattrox is so involved in the community that he knows exactly what they want at all times, which would improve his decisions regarding the server.

Wyattrox is not the only server member that deserves a large promotion and reward. Darki, also known as Mr. MCME, and MCME's Senior Designer is the prime choice for a brand new Head of Building. Darki represented his dedication to the server by achieving the rank of designer and completing many projects around the server such as Fenmarch, Mount Monachus, parts of Anfalas, and, of course, the mighty, pristine, and ultimately unmatchable Oberdark, oh hear its name and tremble! Oberdark was such an immaculate build that it inspired all who came upon its great expanse. Shouldn't these acts of commitment give Darki a higher and more respected rank and station on MCME than the measly and overrated rank of Commoner? Obviously! His supreme and unbeatable building skills would improve the server's quality at a level that has never been seen before, and the players of MCME would enjoy an entirely new experience.

As a veteran player who has been on MCME for over 11 years, Ardelenia would make an amazing Head of Moderation. Many players have pushed the limits of the MCME rules in order to improve their experience on such a boring and slow-moving server. However, these players, who were only searching for a better experience, have been struck by the powerful, unjustified Mute Hammer or Ban Hammer. I believe that Ardelenia would use his immense knowledge of MCME history to rework the way rule breakers are punished, especially if they have previously been an integral part of the MCME community. Furthermore, he has seen most of MCME's drama and the server's moderation's major part in most of that drama, so he has gained a vast amount of comprehension when it comes to how delicate decisions should be dealt with.

Even though Ardelenia would undoubtedly improve MCME Moderation, his limited Team/Staff experience may lead to some faulty decisions. Therefore, I suspect that having Givet10 as his Assistant Head of Moderation would be incredibly advantageous. Givet10 would be able to use his knowledge of the workings of MCME Staff and Moderation to give Ardelenia and the other moderators helpful advice. He would also balance out Ardelenia's weaknesses and vice versa. Givet10 is the obvious choice for this position because of his previous participation and involvement with both the community and higher ranked positions, as well as his friendly, honest, and overall joyful personality, which would make him an easy person to work with.

Now, we must discuss the position of Head Guide. Soarz is, undoubtedly, the best choice for this position. He has such a charming and cooperative personality, and whenever he participates in voice chat discussions everyone is fully intent on listening to his nice voice. Having been a manager, moderator, and several other ranks, Soarz is exceedingly capable of holding this position and bringing the Guides of MCME to a new level! The playercount will flourish under his leadership, and the server will thrive! His ability to socialize with anyone will allow him to connect to new players on the server better than anyone else, and he'll be able to recognize the flaws in the current Guide system.

Now, we must address an issue that has been plaguing the server for nearly 3 years. This issue is the absence of MCME's greatest guide and head guide, Raffy, who has disappeared without a trace into the Outlands. Therefore, I suggest we assign WieldableMars0 to the position of Head of Player Recovery. He will be in charge of exploring the Outlands for important veteran players that have become inactive. Finding these players and bringing them home will give MCME a slew of new opinions and ideas that would benefit the server immensely. WieldableMars0 would be the correct choice for this position, because he has vast knowledge of Middle Earth and his incredible activity level has allowed him to notice things in MCME that no one has before. This skill is incredibly important when it comes to Player Recovery, because surviving in the Outlands takes a ton of focus, perception, and a knack for noticing details.

Other Ideal Promotions:

MPMC1408 - His building skills would make a fine edition to my collectio-... I mean.... to the artist team.
Larry881a - He has also been identified by many MCME builders as someone who would make a great addition to the artist team.
GaryBaggins - Give this man his mod back, he has such a friendly and charming personality that I, and many other players, would love to see his former rank restored!
Dahl - He should receive the MCME Restructuring Badge
Amprafel - As the current King of Adventurers in title only, it's only fair that his title is officially recognized with a special badge on the server.

Thank you
actually not bad but i think lovesushi needs pvp master rank
I come to you here today with a very, very serious suggestion that I have been considering for some time. It has come to my attention that a certain builder by the name of Wyattrox03 has been putting in hours upon hours of work into various projects around the server, specifically mines and caves in Anorien and Moria. I believe that this work hasn't been getting the recognition that it deserves, and it has been getting barely any recognition at all. Before these amazing feats of architecture and building skill, Wyattrox completed dozens upon dozens of textures in the Mordor texture pack, which had been ruefully ignored for the most part until that point. What does Wyattrox get for these amazing contributions to the server? A simple pat on the back. How rude! Therefore, I believe that Wyattrox would make an amazing server owner and he would push for the completion of the projects that have been dragging on for months. His voxel, worldedit, and overall building skills will allow him to think of new and efficient ways to complete these projects and have the projects leads run jobs as much as possible. Wyattrox would easily fix the current problem with the ongoing projects, which is that most of them haven't been organized in a way that can be completed with many hours of jobs and commoner labor (which would be paid of course with the new server currency, Wyattrox Nickels. These would, of course, give players an incentive to do work, because they could purchase items from MCME's new in-game shop). Sure, plots are handed out to some commoners, but most new commoners don't receive any in-depth instruction of how to actually build in each style, which dissuades them from claiming plots. Wyattrox would, of course, implement a new artist school system that would turn new commoners into professional artists that would further the server's quality and completion speed. Wyattrox would also encourage artists and foremen to take on their own projects outside of the current project areas, because he would recognize that artists may want to work on certain things that they can't currently work on. This would actually increase the speed at which things would get completed, because most builders wouldn't have anything specific that they would like to work on, so they would continue building for the current Designer-led projects. On top of these outstanding points, Wyattrox is so involved in the community that he knows exactly what they want at all times, which would improve his decisions regarding the server.

Wyattrox is not the only server member that deserves a large promotion and reward. Darki, also known as Mr. MCME, and MCME's Senior Designer is the prime choice for a brand new Head of Building. Darki represented his dedication to the server by achieving the rank of designer and completing many projects around the server such as Fenmarch, Mount Monachus, parts of Anfalas, and, of course, the mighty, pristine, and ultimately unmatchable Oberdark, oh hear its name and tremble! Oberdark was such an immaculate build that it inspired all who came upon its great expanse. Shouldn't these acts of commitment give Darki a higher and more respected rank and station on MCME than the measly and overrated rank of Commoner? Obviously! His supreme and unbeatable building skills would improve the server's quality at a level that has never been seen before, and the players of MCME would enjoy an entirely new experience.

As a veteran player who has been on MCME for over 11 years, Ardelenia would make an amazing Head of Moderation. Many players have pushed the limits of the MCME rules in order to improve their experience on such a boring and slow-moving server. However, these players, who were only searching for a better experience, have been struck by the powerful, unjustified Mute Hammer or Ban Hammer. I believe that Ardelenia would use his immense knowledge of MCME history to rework the way rule breakers are punished, especially if they have previously been an integral part of the MCME community. Furthermore, he has seen most of MCME's drama and the server's moderation's major part in most of that drama, so he has gained a vast amount of comprehension when it comes to how delicate decisions should be dealt with.

Even though Ardelenia would undoubtedly improve MCME Moderation, his limited Team/Staff experience may lead to some faulty decisions. Therefore, I suspect that having Givet10 as his Assistant Head of Moderation would be incredibly advantageous. Givet10 would be able to use his knowledge of the workings of MCME Staff and Moderation to give Ardelenia and the other moderators helpful advice. He would also balance out Ardelenia's weaknesses and vice versa. Givet10 is the obvious choice for this position because of his previous participation and involvement with both the community and higher ranked positions, as well as his friendly, honest, and overall joyful personality, which would make him an easy person to work with.

Now, we must discuss the position of Head Guide. Soarz is, undoubtedly, the best choice for this position. He has such a charming and cooperative personality, and whenever he participates in voice chat discussions everyone is fully intent on listening to his nice voice. Having been a manager, moderator, and several other ranks, Soarz is exceedingly capable of holding this position and bringing the Guides of MCME to a new level! The playercount will flourish under his leadership, and the server will thrive! His ability to socialize with anyone will allow him to connect to new players on the server better than anyone else, and he'll be able to recognize the flaws in the current Guide system.

Now, we must address an issue that has been plaguing the server for nearly 3 years. This issue is the absence of MCME's greatest guide and head guide, Raffy, who has disappeared without a trace into the Outlands. Therefore, I suggest we assign WieldableMars0 to the position of Head of Player Recovery. He will be in charge of exploring the Outlands for important veteran players that have become inactive. Finding these players and bringing them home will give MCME a slew of new opinions and ideas that would benefit the server immensely. WieldableMars0 would be the correct choice for this position, because he has vast knowledge of Middle Earth and his incredible activity level has allowed him to notice things in MCME that no one has before. This skill is incredibly important when it comes to Player Recovery, because surviving in the Outlands takes a ton of focus, perception, and a knack for noticing details.

Other Ideal Promotions:

MPMC1408 - His building skills would make a fine edition to my collectio-... I mean.... to the artist team.
Larry881a - He has also been identified by many MCME builders as someone who would make a great addition to the artist team.
GaryBaggins - Give this man his mod back, he has such a friendly and charming personality that I, and many other players, would love to see his former rank restored!
Dahl - He should receive the MCME Restructuring Badge
Amprafel - As the current King of Adventurers in title only, it's only fair that his title is officially recognized with a special badge on the server.

Thank you.
What about Sam?