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#33/17 - Dead Marshes

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Themed Build
Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.

Dead Marshes

Reference: [Tolkiengateway]
Resourcepack: Mordor
To change to Mordor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp m.

Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications.

[INFORMATION]Off-topic plots will be removed.[/INFORMATION]


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  • No tag - Normal Themed Build. Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
  • [Project Build] - Project Build. Project Builds are Themed Builds that run for more than one week. Start and end is at sunday evenings (GMT).
  • [FFA] - Free for all. Free for all are Themed Builds with more general theme that lets you show off your creativity and building skills more than normal Themed Build. In Free for all builds you can use any of MCME resource packs and your build doesn't have to be in the lore.

How to participate
Use the following instructions to get your Themed Build working:
  • Get to the Themed Build area: /theme warp
  • Claim a plot: /theme
  • Go to your plot (after claiming): /theme toplot
  • Reset your plot if you want to start over: /theme resetplot
I like Thainsbook's description also:
Marshes near Mordor. The Dead Marshes were a vast network of pools, mires, and waterways east of the Emyn Muil. The wetlands were fed by many small rivers that ran down from the hills. Reeds and grasses grew in the marshes and there were snakes and worms and creatures in the water, but no birds. The air was thick with mists and vapors and the Dead Marshes gave off a terrible stench.

The Dead Marshes were located between the marshland called the Wetwang and the plain of Dagorlad where a great battle was fought during the War of the Last Alliance in 3434 of the Second Age. The marshland gradually expanded over the years and covered the graves of the Elves, Men, and Orcs who died in that battle.

The area became known as the Dead Marshes because the faces of the dead could still be seen in the wide pools in the middle of the marshes. How this was possible three millennia later is not known, but Frodo guessed it to be a trick of Sauron's foul arts. In the heavy mists around the Mere of Dead Faces there were flickering lights that were said to be the candles of corpses.

Gollum explored the Dead Marshes as he skulked around Mordor, and on February 1, 3018 of the Third Age, he was captured there by Aragorn. A year later on March 1, 3019, Gollum led Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee into the Dead Marshes, proposing to take them across by a secret path he had found. In this way they avoided crossing Dagorlad where they would most likely have been seen and captured.

Frodo was drawn to the dead faces in the water and had to be called away by Sam. During the night, a Winged Nazgul passed overhead. Gollum was terrified and from that moment on Sam sensed a change for the worse in their guide. They emerged from the Dead Marshes on the morning of March 2.
Btw, we have a lot (about 20!) of free blocks for additional pant textures. Most of them can be made colour biome dependent (sugar cane block).
Btw, we have a lot (about 20!) of free blocks for additional pant textures. Most of them can be made colour biome dependent (sugar cane block).
I'm working on concepts, but in the DA pack, because for me the Mordor pack didn't have enough plant variety. It would be nice if most of the textures I used for it from the DA pack could be transferred to the Mordor pack, maybe also for Lake Núrnen.
If you'd like, I could make some upwards-facing pale faces for the marshes and hope Fin accepts them?
I think we should either do this or retexture some of the Elven/Gondor armor in a more pale variant. There are quite a few textures that need to be discussed before embarking on Mordor so perhaps @Finrod_Amandil we can include a discussion about this in the upcoming staff meeting.

I'm working on concepts, but in the DA pack, because for me the Mordor pack didn't have enough plant variety. It would be nice if most of the textures I used for it from the DA pack could be transferred to the Mordor pack, maybe also for Lake Núrnen.
That's fine with me. We are also aware of this and working to transfer some of the Gondor2 textures over to Mordor. The pack is still in development so it's all up in the air still.
So I kinda finished my concepts, which I believe are semi-realistic.
Here is an overhead picture of the concepts:

Pink - dry, border areas; some scattered pools.
Yellow - a bit wetter than pink, but relatively dry. Some pools with a few meters of land between them.
Red - quite wet areas with pools that are often connected and mostly have one meter land in between them.
Blue - about as wet as red, but on a slightly sloped area. So it has a main stream. You can see very clearly that the pools right next to the stream are facing vertically perpetually towards the main stream, while the pools that are a bit further away are more horizontal. (
Light blue - acidic pools right next to the pools. They have a very pale soil and not much grows there, except some thistles.
Green - the very wet areas in the middle of the Dead Marshes, with larger lakes.

Now about the vegetation. I used the Dol Amroth resource pack for the concepts because of the larger variety of vegetation. All around the marshes you can find grass (Dark tallgrass), pipeweed (Tobacco plant), and sphagnum moss (Moss cover). And of course almost all the pools are covered with algae (also Moss cover). The pipeweed represents a very common kind of plants you find in wetlands, broadleaf arrowhead. It looks quite a bit like the pipeweed texture. The dark grass represents soft rush. In the more fertile areas with the taller reeds, y

Around the pale, acidic pools you can find thistles represented by heather and sometimes by red bush.
In the red area, the soil is more fertile so I placed taller reeds (Sugar canes) and double tall grass. The sugar canes represent common reed. You can also find Tall reeds, this represents bulrush (in Dutch aka cigar reed).
Around the plot I placed two types of dead trees, coniferes (straight with horizontal branches) and willows (weird and bendy). Around the plot I sometimes placed rare plants such as stage 1 wheat, spruce sapling and green bush.

For the fantasy lore aspect, I placed some ghosts with armorstands (made template files: corpse-body and corpse-legs) and some flames.

I hope you liked it, if you have any questions don't bother asking :)
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