Themed Build
ThemedBuilds run weekly, starting on Saturday or Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
Tower of Tar-Meneldur (Númenor)
Reference: [Encyclopedia of Arda]
Resourcepack: Gondor
ThemedBuilds are used in applications for the Artist rank.
Vote for next week's ThemedBuild in the poll above this post. If a topic remains unchosen four consecutive times it will be replaced with another option.
Use the following instructions to get your ThemedBuild working:
Artist Application Guidelines
How to apply for Artist
ThemedBuilds run weekly, starting on Saturday or Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts.
Tower of Tar-Meneldur (Númenor)
Reference: [Encyclopedia of Arda]
Resourcepack: Gondor
ThemedBuilds are used in applications for the Artist rank.
Vote for next week's ThemedBuild in the poll above this post. If a topic remains unchosen four consecutive times it will be replaced with another option.
- Vingilotë 2
- Gondorian Lighthouse [last time in the poll]
- Seat of Seeing (Amon Hen) 1
Use the following instructions to get your ThemedBuild working:
- Join Freebuild server! IP:
- Get to the ThemedBuild world: /warp currentthemedbuild
- Claim a plot: /theme
- Go to your plot (after claiming): /theme toplot
- Reset your plot if you want to start over: /theme resetplot
- People who have reserved a plot but not built in it in the first 2 hours may have their claim removed by staff members.
Artist Application Guidelines
How to apply for Artist
- You'll need screenshots of at least one ThemedBuild as part of an Artist application.
- Screenshots should be taken using the resourcepack defined at the top of this post.
- Take at least one screenshot of your ThemedBuild with your plot-sign clearly visible.
- Upload your screenshots to an image hoster, preferably make an album on
- Apply >>here<< by making a thread with your username as title, and follow >>this format<<