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Gondor RP Update Thread [v2.4]

Planned changes for Version 2.4:

- Removal of unused tudor blocks.
- Other unused blocks stay for the moment, this includes red bricks, dark blue stucco, red tiles
- Reintroduction of stairs and slabs for the rough gravel (the material formerly used to build roads) on netherbrick stairs and slab. The lower slab on the repeater will be replaced by a proper slab pair, and the full block (currently on nether wart block) will be moved to the netherbrick block so that the entire netherbrick set is for rough gravel.
- Move the small barrel from soil blocks to another block so that other blocks can be placed ontop of it
- Addition of new itemblocks depicting two-high variants of the regular windows to be used as filler pieces in arch corners.
- Items for the new Perks plugin
- (unsure yet): Downwards slanted banners as itemblocks
- Bugfix: Glitchy shutters
- Bugfix: Edit out Java edition
- Add 3D model of torch again
- Flat wheels (rounded without axles)
- Add server selection controls
- Make sure white stained glass is invisible
- custom banner textures for shields
- Thinner crosshair

If there's anything else I should add or fix, please say so. This update will be a prepatory update for the merge with the old Gondor pack.
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Planned changes for Version 2.4:

- Removal of unused tudor blocks.
- Other unused blocks stay for the moment, this includes red bricks, dark blue stucco, red tiles
- Reintroduction of stairs and slabs for the rough gravel (the material formerly used to build roads) on netherbrick stairs and slab. The lower slab on the repeater will be replaced by a proper slab pair, and the full block (currently on nether wart block) will be moved to the netherbrick block so that the entire netherbrick set is for rough gravel.
- Move the small barrel from soil blocks to another block so that other blocks can be placed ontop of it
- Addition of new itemblocks depicting two-high variants of the regular windows to be used as filler pieces in arch corners.
- Items for the new Perks plugin
- (unsure yet): Downwards slanted banners as itemblocks
- Bugfix: Glitchy shutters
- Bugfix: Edit out Java edition
- Add 3D model of torch again
- Flat wheels (rounded without axles)
- Add server selection controls
- Make sure white stained glass is invisible
- custom banner textures for shields

If there's anything else I should add or fix, please say so. This update will be a prepatory update for the merge with the old Gondor pack.
Could you change the crosshair to be a 32px texture instead of a 16px texture so that it is small and unobtrusive like in most of the older packs?
I dont know if this has been discussed lately, but we talked about having a manhole-cover texture, so we can reduce the size from building a manholecover manually, which will take 3x3 blocks, to have a block that looks like a manholecover, to use in the streets. Preferably in grey, or the same colours used in roads.

When and how will the fusion between the Gondor / DA resourcepack happen?
Yes the manhole covers we really wanted and also why have we now decided to remove the dark blue? Is it not used in pelargir and other places in Gondor? I was just about to use it in new town but if it’s not used anywhere else I can change the concept.
For the manhole cover: I don't do textures, only add them to the RP, so if there's someone that can make the texture i can add it.

The fusion/merge of the old and new Gondor pack includes the following steps:
  • Update the URPS document for the new Gondor pack to have a complete overview over all blockstates. [done]
  • Do the same for the old Gondor RP [in progress]
  • Last minute changes to the new pack [in progress]
  • Compare the states of the two packs and make the document displaying which blocks to replace in which order in the old gondor RP region.
  • Make a back-up of the map for the case something doesn't work as expected.
  • Execute the changes using eriol's block replacer plugin
  • Done.
Regarding the blue stucco: Yes i have heard some things are tried with it, so until it still may be that its actually being used I leave it in the RP.
Okay, I have been working on these various changes and by now its getting pretty clear what will happen ResourcePack and ResourceRegion-wise in the very near future. For that reason I can now explain in a bit more detail what's up, some things may be repeated but it's also for my own reference to list it all again.

The main goal is to merge the "Gondor" (/rp g) and "Gondor 2" (/rp 2) so that only one of the two persists and all of Gondor uses the same Resource pack. Additional changes are some smaller updates to the new Gondor pack, the merge of the special Andrast pack, and the change that the Paths of the Dead will move to the Rohan pack.

Changes to the new Gondor pack
By now, the following changes are planned:
  • Blocks that will be removed from the RP:
    • Tudor blocks (sandstone + tudor, dark plaster + tudor, yellow stucco + tudor, white stucco + tudor)
    • The "red tiles" block (currently red netherbrick block)
    • The other textures that were considered removing such as red sandstone bricks and dark blue stucco will remain.
  • Block movements inside the RP, to achieve a little higher consistency for future planning and changes:
    • The new dark and light tallgrass, which were previously separated will now be merged onto one block (tallgrass). This is to free the fern block for an Andrast texture.
    • The barrel that was placed on the soil blocks will be moved somewhere else, most likely the Hopper. This fixes a bug that it was not possible to place other blocks ontop of that barrel as the soil blocks turn into dirt blocks when a block is placed ontop.

    • A couple of block swaps inside the RP to achieve a higher consistency, fill gaps, group similar textures on similar blocks and so on, to make maintenance and extension of the pack easier:
    • Large Sandstone Bricks + Red Bricks corners: Silver / Cyan concrete poweder -> Pink / Gray concrete.
    • Red bricks cornerstones: Pink / Gray concrete -> brown mushroom blocks
    • Light stucco weathered: brown mushroom blocks -> Silver / Cyan concrete powder.
    • Red sandstone bricks: Netherbricks double slab -> Red Netherbricks
    • Mossy brown bricks: Brown mushroom block -> Netherbrick double slab
    • The small sandstone and ornamental sandstone cornerstones will be moved within the brown mushroom blocks in order to group them with the other cornerstones and fill the gaps from the removed tudor blocks.

    • For the rough gravel texture the complete block/stair/slab set will be added on the Netherbrick / NB stairs / NB slab. Previously there was only the full block on the netherwart block, the lower slab on repeater and the upper slab as itemblock. These will be replaced by the same textures on the Netherbrick set. This texture was previously used in roads.
  • New blocks/textures in the RP: (@mattlego, @jacenpeter)
    • Various logs from the Andrast packs. They will not be orientable like the other logs. They will be placed on brown mushroom blocks, ID's 99:0 through 99:4.
    • The current Podzol texture will be replaced with the (imo) better and randomized textures from the Andrast pack. (ID: same as in Andrast pack 3:2)
    • The fern block will newly be a set of randomized fern and other undergrowth plant textures from the Andrast pack. (ID: 31:2)
    • The red slate texture (end bricks in Andrast RP) will be placed on the double jungle planks slab (ID 125:3)

    • Flat wheels (without axles), most likely with custom model, similar to wheels on piston heads.
  • Other changes / bugfixes:
    • The candle will get a nice 3D model again (as it is in the old Gondor pack)
    • Banners in itemframes will be scaled and slanted downards
    • Fix glitchy shutters
    • Fix "Java Edition" in banner
    • Server selection buttons and maybe other missing GUI elements
    • Invisible white stained glass
    • Banner textures for shields
    • Thinner crosshair
  • Still under review / unsure:
    • Itemblocks for two high windows as arch filler
    • Items for perks plugin
    • Updated paintings (to include better painting for Dol Amroth ship flag)
Gondor (/rp g) & old Gondor RP
Throughout Gondor a lot of blocks will be replaced so that they match the placements of the textures in the new Gondor RP. These replacements will be made using the ChunkAnalysis plugin which Eriol made. Manual fixes should not be necessary as of the current state of knowledge. However there are a good amount of textures which will not be taken over. Some of them are just defunct, some assumingly never used and some replaced with newer textures. The following textures will not appear in the new Gondor pack:
  • 37:0 Purple flowerbush (replaced to small yellow flowers)
  • 38:0 Blue flowers (replaced to cornflower)
  • 38:1 Light blue flower (replaced to blue orchid)
  • 38:4 Rose (replaced to red iris)
  • 31:2 Tomato bush (no replacement, unsure yet)
  • 127:8 Lantern texture (no replacement)
  • All fences and fence gates that have a shingle texture on it (no replacement)
  • The paths of the dead specific glass blocks and panes (will be moved to Rohan)
  • Cobblestone slit window as glass pane
  • Retracted piston bases (no replacement)
  • Extended piston base (piston chimney) in any other orientation than up (no replacement)
  • Crate with slit (jukebox) (replaced to crate with same texture but without slit)
  • Slanted plates (no replacement)
  • Weathered small white bricks plate (no replacement)
  • Mushroom stem blocks (no replacement)
  • Mob spawner (no replacement)
  • Command block (no replacment)
For all these blocks I will check whether they are actually used in Gondor, and if they are used in a reasonable quantity look into where they are used.


After these changes, Andrast will be using the same RP as Dol Amroth and the rest of Gondor. The additional textures are being added. However these will be added on different blocks than they are now in the Andrast pack. The respecting block changes on the main map will be done alongside the changes on the rest of Gondor.

Paths of the Dead
The Paths of the Dead will be moved to the Rohan RP region. However quite a lot of changes will need to be done to the Rohan RP to accomodate all textures used in PotD. For that reason I have decided that there will be a temporary new RP region "old Gondor" (maybe even with command "/rp o /rp oldGondor", @Eriol_Eandur) until these changes can be done. It would be more elegant to do these changes beforehand but as I want to bring Belfalas and Andrast to the new Gondor RP asap I decided to do it this way around. PotD will continue using the old Gondor RP for that reason for the time being.

Road map
The following steps need to be done to complete these changes:
  • [done] Make sure the URPS document represents the state of the new Gondor RP exactly.
  • [done] Make sure the URPS document represents the state of the old Gondor RP exactly.
  • [done] Check whether the textures that will be discontinued are used on the map and develop solutions for that.
  • [done] Determine what changes may need to be made to the new Gondor RP before merging.
  • [WIP] Implement these changes.
  • [pending] Release the updated RP and simultanously execute the necessary block replacements in the 2Gondor RP region.
  • [done] For all the blockstates that need to be moved or merged, add where to move it to.
  • [pending] Determine in which order to do the block replacements.
  • [pending] Assemble the replacement commands so that they only still need to be copy/pasted.
  • [pending] Add the old Gondor RP region resp. remove the paths of the dead from the Gondor RP region.
  • [pending] Make a backup of the map.
  • [pending] Execute the block replacements in the Gondor RP region.
  • [pending] Check for derps and in case of large scale derps, revert to backup.
  • [pending] Remove the 2Gondor RP region and use the new Gondor RP as Gondor RP. Disable /rp 2.
  • [pending] Adjust the Rohan RP to accomodate for the PotD commands
  • [pending] Block replacements in PotD and / or Rohan.
  • [pending] Add PotD to Rohan RP.
In case you are interested in seeing a little more closely how the RP's are laid out you can check out the URPS document (view only) here: Unified Resource Pack Structure URPS
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Okay, I have been working on these various changes and by now its getting pretty clear what will happen ResourcePack and ResourceRegion-wise in the very near future. For that reason I can now explain in a bit more detail what's up, some things may be repeated but it's also for my own reference to list it all again.

The main goal is to merge the "Gondor" (/rp g) and "Gondor 2" (/rp 2) so that only one of the two persists and all of Gondor uses the same Resource pack. Additional changes are some smaller updates to the new Gondor pack, the merge of the special Andrast pack, and the change that the Paths of the Dead will move to the Rohan pack.

Changes to the new Gondor pack
By now, the following changes are planned:
  • Blocks that will be removed from the RP:
    • Tudor blocks (sandstone + tudor, dark plaster + tudor, yellow stucco + tudor, white stucco + tudor)
    • The "red tiles" block (currently red netherbrick block)
    • The other textures that were considered removing such as red sandstone bricks and dark blue stucco will remain.
  • Block movements inside the RP, to achieve a little higher consistency for future planning and changes:
    • The new dark and light tallgrass, which were previously separated will now be merged onto one block (tallgrass). This is to free the fern block for an Andrast texture.
    • The barrel that was placed on the soil blocks will be moved somewhere else, most likely the Hopper. This fixes a bug that it was not possible to place other blocks ontop of that barrel as the soil blocks turn into dirt blocks when a block is placed ontop.

    • A couple of block swaps inside the RP to achieve a higher consistency, fill gaps, group similar textures on similar blocks and so on, to make maintenance and extension of the pack easier:
    • Large Sandstone Bricks + Red Bricks corners: Silver / Cyan concrete poweder -> Pink / Gray concrete.
    • Red bricks cornerstones: Pink / Gray concrete -> brown mushroom blocks
    • Light stucco weathered: brown mushroom blocks -> Silver / Cyan concrete powder.
    • Red sandstone bricks: Netherbricks double slab -> Red Netherbricks
    • Mossy brown bricks: Brown mushroom block -> Netherbrick double slab
    • The small sandstone and ornamental sandstone cornerstones will be moved within the brown mushroom blocks in order to group them with the other cornerstones and fill the gaps from the removed tudor blocks.

    • For the rough gravel texture the complete block/stair/slab set will be added on the Netherbrick / NB stairs / NB slab. Previously there was only the full block on the netherwart block, the lower slab on repeater and the upper slab as itemblock. These will be replaced by the same textures on the Netherbrick set. This texture was previously used in roads.
  • New blocks/textures in the RP: (@mattlego, @jacenpeter)
    • Various logs from the Andrast packs. They will not be orientable like the other logs. They will be placed on brown mushroom blocks, ID's 99:0 through 99:4.
    • The current Podzol texture will be replaced with the (imo) better and randomized textures from the Andrast pack. (ID: same as in Andrast pack 3:2)
    • The fern block will newly be a set of randomized fern and other undergrowth plant textures from the Andrast pack. (ID: 31:2)
    • The red slate texture (end bricks in Andrast RP) will be placed on the double jungle planks slab (ID 125:3)

    • Flat wheels (without axles), most likely with custom model, similar to wheels on piston heads.
  • Other changes / bugfixes:
    • The candle will get a nice 3D model again (as it is in the old Gondor pack)
    • Banners in itemframes will be scaled and slanted downards
    • Fix glitchy shutters
    • Fix "Java Edition" in banner
    • Server selection buttons and maybe other missing GUI elements
    • Invisible white stained glass
    • Banner textures for shields
    • Thinner crosshair
  • Still under review / unsure:
    • Itemblocks for two high windows as arch filler
    • Items for perks plugin
    • Updated paintings (to include better painting for Dol Amroth ship flag)
Gondor (/rp g) & old Gondor RP
Throughout Gondor a lot of blocks will be replaced so that they match the placements of the textures in the new Gondor RP. These replacements will be made using the ChunkAnalysis plugin which Eriol made. Manual fixes should not be necessary as of the current state of knowledge. However there are a good amount of textures which will not be taken over. Some of them are just defunct, some assumingly never used and some replaced with newer textures. The following textures will not appear in the new Gondor pack:
  • 37:0 Purple flowerbush (replaced to small yellow flowers)
  • 38:0 Blue flowers (replaced to cornflower)
  • 38:1 Light blue flower (replaced to blue orchid)
  • 38:4 Rose (replaced to red iris)
  • 31:2 Tomato bush (no replacement, unsure yet)
  • 127:8 Lantern texture (no replacement)
  • All fences and fence gates that have a shingle texture on it (no replacement)
  • The paths of the dead specific glass blocks and panes (will be moved to Rohan)
  • Cobblestone slit window as glass pane
  • Retracted piston bases (no replacement)
  • Extended piston base (piston chimney) in any other orientation than up (no replacement)
  • Crate with slit (jukebox) (replaced to crate with same texture but without slit)
  • Slanted plates (no replacement)
  • Weathered small white bricks plate (no replacement)
  • Mushroom stem blocks (no replacement)
  • Mob spawner (no replacement)
  • Command block (no replacment)
For all these blocks I will check whether they are actually used in Gondor, and if they are used in a reasonable quantity look into where they are used.


After these changes, Andrast will be using the same RP as Dol Amroth and the rest of Gondor. The additional textures are being added. However these will be added on different blocks than they are now in the Andrast pack. The respecting block changes on the main map will be done alongside the changes on the rest of Gondor.

Paths of the Dead
The Paths of the Dead will be moved to the Rohan RP region. However quite a lot of changes will need to be done to the Rohan RP to accomodate all textures used in PotD. For that reason I have decided that there will be a temporary new RP region "old Gondor" (maybe even with command "/rp o /rp oldGondor", @Eriol_Eandur) until these changes can be done. It would be more elegant to do these changes beforehand but as I want to bring Belfalas and Andrast to the new Gondor RP asap I decided to do it this way around. PotD will continue using the old Gondor RP for that reason for the time being.

Road map
The following steps need to be done to complete these changes:
  • [done] Make sure the URPS document represents the state of the new Gondor RP exactly.
  • [done] Make sure the URPS document represents the state of the old Gondor RP exactly.
  • [pending] Check whether the textures that will be discontinued are used on the map and develop solutions for that.
  • [WIP] Determine what changes may need to be made to the new Gondor RP before merging.
  • [pending] Implement these changes.
  • [pending] Release the updated RP and simultanously execute the necessary block replacements in the 2Gondor RP region.
  • [WIP] For all the blockstates that need to be moved or merged, add where to move it to.
  • [pending] Determine in which order to do the block replacements.
  • [pending] Assemble the replacement commands so that they only still need to be copy/pasted.
  • [pending] Add the old Gondor RP region resp. remove the paths of the dead from the Gondor RP region.
  • [pending] Make a backup of the map.
  • [pending] Execute the block replacements in the Gondor RP region.
  • [pending] Check for derps and in case of large scale derps, revert to backup.
  • [pending] Remove the 2Gondor RP region and use the new Gondor RP as Gondor RP. Disable /rp 2.
  • [pending] Adjust the Rohan RP to accomodate for the PotD commands
  • [pending] Block replacements in PotD and / or Rohan.
  • [pending] Add PotD to Rohan RP.
In case you are interested in seeing a little more closely how the RP's are laid out you can check out the URPS document (view only) here: Unified Resource Pack Structure URPS
What will the new log textures for Andrast exactly be? I got the pack a while ago from Matt and I think it's the pine log (grey, orange and transition), but wouldn't this be better for a medium log, as thick as the chorus plants? A full block seems too thick for any pine.
they are having them on full blocks now so I am keeping it like that for the region merge. Same as with more medium logs of other log types it'd be technically difficult, there just really arent any blocks left with the matching properties for such a medium log. I will keep this in mind and look out if theres any possibilities to accomodate this though.
Lindolas found a glitch at the plank textures:
I made some model files to fix this (put into minecraft/models/block/):


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@Lindolas noticed me about another derp. It's not possible to place double block shutters from exterior category. @Finrod_Amandil in the exter.yml please change hingeRight of the shutter to false.
      blockMaterial: DARK_OAK_DOOR
      itemMaterial: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS
      open: true
      rightHinge: false
      damage: 327
      display: Shutter [197:8]
      category: Exter
      type: THIN_WALL
I remade the Gondor Resource region today, it consists of three parts, gondor_1, gondor_2 and gondor_3. Dol Amroth is not included in any of these; it is surrounded by gondor_2 and gondor_3. @DA_Team: Make sure you don't place anything in DA RP where there is either gondor_2 or gondor_3 rp region, else it will be broken during the block replacement. You can use dynmap to check on where the RP region borders are by enabling the rp region layer on the left:
Okay, I have been working on these various changes and by now its getting pretty clear what will happen ResourcePack and ResourceRegion-wise in the very near future. For that reason I can now explain in a bit more detail what's up, some things may be repeated but it's also for my own reference to list it all again.

The main goal is to merge the "Gondor" (/rp g) and "Gondor 2" (/rp 2) so that only one of the two persists and all of Gondor uses the same Resource pack. Additional changes are some smaller updates to the new Gondor pack, the merge of the special Andrast pack, and the change that the Paths of the Dead will move to the Rohan pack.

Changes to the new Gondor pack
By now, the following changes are planned:
  • Blocks that will be removed from the RP:
    • Tudor blocks (sandstone + tudor, dark plaster + tudor, yellow stucco + tudor, white stucco + tudor)
    • The "red tiles" block (currently red netherbrick block)
    • The other textures that were considered removing such as red sandstone bricks and dark blue stucco will remain.
  • Block movements inside the RP, to achieve a little higher consistency for future planning and changes:
    • The new dark and light tallgrass, which were previously separated will now be merged onto one block (tallgrass). This is to free the fern block for an Andrast texture.
    • The barrel that was placed on the soil blocks will be moved somewhere else, most likely the Hopper. This fixes a bug that it was not possible to place other blocks ontop of that barrel as the soil blocks turn into dirt blocks when a block is placed ontop.

    • A couple of block swaps inside the RP to achieve a higher consistency, fill gaps, group similar textures on similar blocks and so on, to make maintenance and extension of the pack easier:
    • Large Sandstone Bricks + Red Bricks corners: Silver / Cyan concrete poweder -> Pink / Gray concrete.
    • Red bricks cornerstones: Pink / Gray concrete -> brown mushroom blocks
    • Light stucco weathered: brown mushroom blocks -> Silver / Cyan concrete powder.
    • Red sandstone bricks: Netherbricks double slab -> Red Netherbricks
    • Mossy brown bricks: Brown mushroom block -> Netherbrick double slab
    • The small sandstone and ornamental sandstone cornerstones will be moved within the brown mushroom blocks in order to group them with the other cornerstones and fill the gaps from the removed tudor blocks.

    • For the rough gravel texture the complete block/stair/slab set will be added on the Netherbrick / NB stairs / NB slab. Previously there was only the full block on the netherwart block, the lower slab on repeater and the upper slab as itemblock. These will be replaced by the same textures on the Netherbrick set. This texture was previously used in roads.
  • New blocks/textures in the RP: (@mattlego, @jacenpeter)
    • Various logs from the Andrast packs. They will not be orientable like the other logs. They will be placed on brown mushroom blocks, ID's 99:0 through 99:4.
    • The current Podzol texture will be replaced with the (imo) better and randomized textures from the Andrast pack. (ID: same as in Andrast pack 3:2)
    • The fern block will newly be a set of randomized fern and other undergrowth plant textures from the Andrast pack. (ID: 31:2)
    • The red slate texture (end bricks in Andrast RP) will be placed on the double jungle planks slab (ID 125:3)

    • Flat wheels (without axles), most likely with custom model, similar to wheels on piston heads.
  • Other changes / bugfixes:
    • The candle will get a nice 3D model again (as it is in the old Gondor pack)
    • Banners in itemframes will be scaled and slanted downards
    • Fix glitchy shutters
    • Fix "Java Edition" in banner
    • Server selection buttons and maybe other missing GUI elements
    • Invisible white stained glass
    • Banner textures for shields
    • Thinner crosshair
  • Still under review / unsure:
    • Itemblocks for two high windows as arch filler
    • Items for perks plugin
    • Updated paintings (to include better painting for Dol Amroth ship flag)
Gondor (/rp g) & old Gondor RP
Throughout Gondor a lot of blocks will be replaced so that they match the placements of the textures in the new Gondor RP. These replacements will be made using the ChunkAnalysis plugin which Eriol made. Manual fixes should not be necessary as of the current state of knowledge. However there are a good amount of textures which will not be taken over. Some of them are just defunct, some assumingly never used and some replaced with newer textures. The following textures will not appear in the new Gondor pack:
  • 37:0 Purple flowerbush (replaced to small yellow flowers)
  • 38:0 Blue flowers (replaced to cornflower)
  • 38:1 Light blue flower (replaced to blue orchid)
  • 38:4 Rose (replaced to red iris)
  • 31:2 Tomato bush (no replacement, unsure yet)
  • 127:8 Lantern texture (no replacement)
  • All fences and fence gates that have a shingle texture on it (no replacement)
  • The paths of the dead specific glass blocks and panes (will be moved to Rohan)
  • Cobblestone slit window as glass pane
  • Retracted piston bases (no replacement)
  • Extended piston base (piston chimney) in any other orientation than up (no replacement)
  • Crate with slit (jukebox) (replaced to crate with same texture but without slit)
  • Slanted plates (no replacement)
  • Weathered small white bricks plate (no replacement)
  • Mushroom stem blocks (no replacement)
  • Mob spawner (no replacement)
  • Command block (no replacment)
For all these blocks I will check whether they are actually used in Gondor, and if they are used in a reasonable quantity look into where they are used.

After these changes, Andrast will be using the same RP as Dol Amroth and the rest of Gondor. The additional textures are being added. However these will be added on different blocks than they are now in the Andrast pack. The respecting block changes on the main map will be done alongside the changes on the rest of Gondor.

Paths of the Dead
The Paths of the Dead will be moved to the Rohan RP region. However quite a lot of changes will need to be done to the Rohan RP to accomodate all textures used in PotD. For that reason I have decided that there will be a temporary new RP region "old Gondor" (maybe even with command "/rp o /rp oldGondor", @Eriol_Eandur) until these changes can be done. It would be more elegant to do these changes beforehand but as I want to bring Belfalas and Andrast to the new Gondor RP asap I decided to do it this way around. PotD will continue using the old Gondor RP for that reason for the time being.

Road map
The following steps need to be done to complete these changes:
  • [done] Make sure the URPS document represents the state of the new Gondor RP exactly.
  • [done] Make sure the URPS document represents the state of the old Gondor RP exactly.
  • [done] Check whether the textures that will be discontinued are used on the map and develop solutions for that.
  • [done] Determine what changes may need to be made to the new Gondor RP before merging.
  • [WIP] Implement these changes.
  • [pending] Release the updated RP and simultanously execute the necessary block replacements in the 2Gondor RP region.
  • [done] For all the blockstates that need to be moved or merged, add where to move it to.
  • [pending] Determine in which order to do the block replacements.
  • [pending] Assemble the replacement commands so that they only still need to be copy/pasted.
  • [pending] Add the old Gondor RP region resp. remove the paths of the dead from the Gondor RP region.
  • [pending] Make a backup of the map.
  • [pending] Execute the block replacements in the Gondor RP region.
  • [pending] Check for derps and in case of large scale derps, revert to backup.
  • [pending] Remove the 2Gondor RP region and use the new Gondor RP as Gondor RP. Disable /rp 2.
  • [pending] Adjust the Rohan RP to accomodate for the PotD commands
  • [pending] Block replacements in PotD and / or Rohan.
  • [pending] Add PotD to Rohan RP.
In case you are interested in seeing a little more closely how the RP's are laid out you can check out the URPS document (view only) here: Unified Resource Pack Structure URPS
So how is the progress going now?