~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Armor Textures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So I was building in one of the towers in Dol Amroth the other day and was making the armory floor and helmets: check, weapons: only can do the painting of swords

So I am no texture guru, actually I am a disgrace

RP and Vanilla Texture : What is at the moment : Keep or New suggestion
Leather : uruk hai : Normal Orc (goblin)
Chain : Rohan soldier : Bree soldier
Iron : Gondor Soldier : Shire Sherif
Gold : Elvish Armor : Keep or one more fitting for rivendell
Diamond : Dwarf Armor : Keep or one less flashy for the blue mountain dwarves
Leather : uruk hai : Moria Orc
Chain : Rohan soldier : Elf soldier (more camo)
Iron : Gondor Soldier : Elf Soldier (more flashy)
Gold : Elvish Armor : Keep
Diamond : Dwarf Armor : Elf (very flashy)
Dol Amroth (Gondor 2) pack
Leather : uruk hai : Normal Orc
Chain : Rohan soldier : Normal soldier
Iron : Gondor Soldier : Less flashy gondor armor
Gold : Elvish Armor : Dol Amroth Armor
Diamond : Dwarf Armor : The old Gondor Soldier armor (Guard of the Citadel)
Leather : uruk hai : Normal Orc (very ragged) (goblin)
Chain : Rohan soldier : Uruk hai texture but not leather
Iron : Gondor Soldier : Normal Orc (iron armor)
Gold : Elvish Armor : Orc captain or chief
Diamond : Dwarf Armor : Orcs of Minas Morgul or the Barad-dur, Darker Armor
Moria : DONE
Leather : uruk hai : Normal Orc
Chain : Rohan soldier : Keep
Iron : Gondor Soldier : Wild men armor
Gold : Elvish Armor : Uruk-hai Soldier (Iron armor)
Diamond : Dwarf Armor : Rohan soldier (more fancy)
If you think there are better options of if you created a teture for one of these please post in this thread. Also as I said the weapons for amrories are not great either so maybe we can do something like some of the new textures in Moria for spear crates and etc.