• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

~ The MCME Times ~ [05/10/2022]

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Summer is Here!
Which Means Events… Eventually!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hey all, welcome back to another edition of the Times. I’m currently moving out of my dorm as I am trying this so I’ll have to make it brief. Not too much happened this past fortnight apart from the weekly events. But you know what else happened? Shen is hiring for the Times! Well, more or less he is. If you want to help out with the MCME Times in any way, shape, and/or form, please message Shen on Discord and he’ll get you all worked out and everything. It’s a really fun gig and you’ll be able to have a whole lot of fun. Trust me, I love doing these Editor’s Notes because I just get to spew out my thoughts and the entire community gets...

~ The MCME Times ~ [04/27/2022]

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Today is definitely a Sunday!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the MCME Times! Like the title says, today is definitely a Sunday! No delays in this household. Regardless, the past few weeks have been a trip with the Easter Events being capped off by our amazing Guide and Events team. While I may have gotten scammed with my “fake” pineapple pizza, we all had a fun time. Next up is the Summer Events and hoo boy they are fast approaching. I’ll see you then :D

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress
Report by...

~ The MCME Times ~ [04/11/2022]

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The Easter Bunny is Just Standing There…

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to The MCME Times. Do you guys like events? Well I sure hope so because you’re gonna get a lot of them over the coming weeks. Regardless of Maski’s chicken hunt and Build Battles this past fortnight, Easter Events are on the way and ready to hatch! We got an Easter Egg hunt, another MCME cookoff, and Super is throwing his hat into the ring with a parkour race. The past few years I’ve been making parkour races, so I’m really excited to see what you come up with :D. In the words of the Senate himself: “we will watch your career with great interest.”

Happy Sailing,

~ The MCME Times ~ [03/27/2022]

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Farewells and Hellos!
The Times Are A Changing’

Editor's Note by Mapthor
How you doing guys, it’s Mapthor and here’s my thought of the day. Next Saturday, there’s going to be a Team meeting open to every ranked member (not Commoner though). Now this might sound boring, but the best part of the server back in the day was the meetings. While stuff gets done, you never get to have a majority of the team packed into one giant voice chat arguing about how MCME should be run. It’s a gold mine for memes and an all-around fun time. So if you’re in Team, attend the meeting, it’s gonna be fun because that’s the old school way. OS for life. Take it easy.

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~...

~ The MCME Times ~ [03/13/2022]

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1.18 Time Baby!
With little to errors whatsoever, trust me!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Well lads, we did it. MCME has hit 1.18! These type of updates only happen ever few years or so it seems, so this is pretty big if you’ve been around on the server long enough. With an increased height and depth limit, new blocks, and most importantly the spyglass, the server is going to be taken to new heights in the coming months and years. Can’t wait to see what the build team is gonna do with all this! Along with the new items, we got to watch the world convert in a spectacular fashion. Shoutouts to Stoog for the screenshot of the gang witnessing Isengard fall to a new y-cord level. That’s all from me, hope you all have a...

~ The MCME Times ~ [02/27/2022]

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Finished Project February!
Two projects done on the same day? That’s crazy!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Yes you heard it right. Both Xmine’s Dead Marshes and Swe’s Pelennor Fields were all wrapped up with a bow on the 18th, marking three projects done this month! This now begs the question, what’s next? Tharbad revamp? East Gate? Mordor? I sure hope so because I might take Smaug up on the $75 bet that it’ll start this year. But who knows, guess we can just wait and see. Until next time, keep on keeping on :thumbs_up:

Happy Sailing,

~ Project Progress ~

Anduin - Lead: @Wyattrox03 | In Progress
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