• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

The MCME Times

The MCME Times is a monthly newsletter/blog.

~The MCME Times~[05/31/2020]

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Summer's Here!
Lets make the most of it!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Alright, this is my third week doing the editor’s note so I’m gonna change it up a bit. This time, I’m going to tell you a story. “There once was a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived & lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he really didn't care for. The cat wasn't afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat which meant he was free. He met a white female cat & the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed & the white cat grew weak & died of old age. The tiger-striped cat cried a million times, & then he died too. Except this time, he didn't come back to...

~The MCME Times~[05/17/2020]

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Streamers and Chicken!
We are back and viral once again!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hey there lads and lasses, Mapthor here again for round two of the Editor’s Note! Two more weeks of Quarantine have passed since the last edition of the Times which means MCME got a lot of special attention. Our donations have been going through the roof recently, a whole bunch of promotions from Artist all the way up to Manager, and lots of new players due to some certain Twitch Streamers. The Server is back in full motion and it doesn’t look like it’ll stop anytime soon. Keep up all the great work everyone! It will all pay off in the end, trust me :)

Happy Sailing

~ Project Progress ~...

~The MCME Times~[05/03/2020]

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May Mayham!
MCME is Booming!

Editor's Note by Mapthor
Hey guys, Map here! Soarz let me write the editors note for some reason so here we are. First off, it’s finally May! A new month means new progress for MCME and we got some cool things coming your way. The server got updated to 15.2, the PVP server got revived, and the Gondor RP trilogy is finally complete. Ooits began hosting the “official” MCME Workout Session which is open to the public (just ask him) and Q made the website look very very shiny. All in all, the community is rallying right now with new things due to this quarantine and I couldn’t be happier. The last time I saw the community this active was back in 2017, so seeing this puts a...

~The MCME Times~[04/19/2020]

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MCME Times!
Quarantined Edition!

Editor's Note by Soarz
With all this free time it's hard to know what day it is, but that's where your favorite Times Team comes in to tell you its Sunday again! Time is flying by as we all stay home, but for us hardcore MCME players it feels like a normal day. As for this week, we have some new cool additions that are interactive and for all to participate in as well as updates on all our event winners. I hope you have your popcorn and tea nearby as we jump into this weeks edition of the MCME Times.

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress

~The MCME Times~[04/05/2020]

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Stay inside!

Minecraft is more fun anyways!


Editor's Note by Soarz

With all that is currently going on, it may affect many people. But for those of us who are involved with MCME it has given us all the free time we could ask for. Over the past few weeks we have been moving more then ever nad pursuing our goal even more. Even so i would still like to urge everyone to stay inside (and play Minecraft). We have a special edition for the Occasion so don't let me keep you too long as we move straight into this Fortnights edition of the MCME Times!

~ Project Progress ~

Anorien - Lead: @Oberanio | In Progress...

~The MCME Times~[11/17/2019]

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It's finally cold season!

Anywhere is cold if you just believe it is!


Editor's Note by Soarz

It's your favorite news letter of the week back again with some spicy new content. We had a slower couple of weeks this time around but none the less its still all good stuff. New projects are starting and 1.13 is in full view but sadly isn't touchable yet. That's ok though because there is still more to do around here. With it being more cold as of late that means finals and end of classes for some of us, giving us both stress and at the end free time. Anyways lets get on with this weeks edition, i hope you have a good read and don't forget to smash that like button.

~ Project...