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Contest The Belfalas Belltower Contest!


Moria Hall Professional
Belfalas Belltower Contest
(/mvtp plotworld, /warp Tower Contest, /warp Tower [your #])
Closes: 5th of June 2016
Run by: Thijs1801
Instead of Beacons in Belfalas, we will have belltowers to warn the capital of Dol Amroth. I imagined them as tall slender towers, with a bell ontop of it. There will be 6 stages to this contest, for now I can only say 1 stage, as we dont know what the next part of terrain will be :D
  • Stage 1: The Tower of Silverbay ~ (28/05/16-5/06/16)
There are some requirements to the towers though:
  1. Tall
  2. Slender, dont make them too fat ;)
  3. Bells (ofc)
Extra Details
Final judging will take place on Sunday 5th of June, so you'll have 1 week to build an awesome tower! If you wanna sign up for it, just post your team name and team members like this:
Team Name: [name]
Team Members: [names]

-RubenPieterMark ~ Tower 1
-OriF ~ Tower 2
-ImperatorFVV ~ Tower 3
-Let's Get Right Into The News~ Tower 4
-Wodpod ~ Tower 5
-Me ~ Tower 6
-Death to All ~ Tower 7
-SammySamBuilds ~ Tower 8
-*Insert Witty Team Name Here* ~ Tower 10
Once assigned a plot you can start building!
Good luck from me and may the best tower win!
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Im done for now, but ill change some things. Can a designer voxel a dragon egg for me? /mvtp plotworld /warp tower 1
What do u mean with more stages btw? Like other belltowers in another location?


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