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In Progress Agar and Udul Revamp


Staff member
~:~|~:~ Agar and Udul ~:~|~:~
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Project Leader: Orruss
Co-Leader: Mattlego

Project Staff:

Dahlfc - Interiors
Aylalya - Staff Deputy/Fisherfolk/Terrain/Jobs
Rudolphius - Fields and Livestock/Terrain/Jobs
Bohemian_Beetle - Pool boy


In Summary, Agar and Udul are two settlements of Wild Men from the story of Tal-Elmar, set before the Downfall of Numenor. The two settlements are stated to be in conflict with each other; Udul sent marauders to Agar, whilst under the infliction of a rather brutal famine that may have decreased its population drastically.

Current Map:

Current Map.png

1st Draft of the New Area:
Planning Draft 1.png

Final Draft of the New/Current Projected Build Area:
A+U Bulk Update.png

!For information on the "Places of Interest" Please refer to the updates below the main post!

Status: Starting on Udul

3rd image demonstrates a comprehensive map of the full Project, outlining settlements, forests, environmental details, and other interesting tidbits. Below is the tracked progress of each aspect of the Project:

- Landscape In Progress
- River/Stream In Progress
- Cliffs In Progress
- Beaches Complete

Agar Complete
- Udul In Planning Phase
- Fisherfolk Villages Complete
- Fields + Livestock In Progress

Detailed description:

There are some crucial details that must be implemented from Lore along with some minor details that are to be considered during the progression of the area. These details are split into the different Settlement Areas for clarity.

- The Moot Hill: The Moot Hill is a meeting place mentioned in the tale of Tal-Elmar, within the Town boundaries where the people would have meetings.
- Golden Hill: Located between the Sea and Agar is a site called The Golden Hill.
- Town of Agar: The Town is located on the side of a larger hill located further inland, somewhere behind The Golden Hill. There are many fields that surround the Town further down and around the Hill; This hill would be the one Tal-Elmar and his Father would climb, where they eventually saw the 4 Numenorean ships in the Great Sea.
- Town Master: Agar has a Master of the Town, who has his own accommodations somewhere centralised within the Town
- Hills of Agar: There should be some visible Hills surrounding the Town, giving the area its title 'Hills of Agar'
- Fenced Town + Fields: Agar is a 'Fenced' Town. Whether it is made of stone or wood is rather up for interpretation.

- Far Inland: Udul is located farther inland from Agar's position
- Less developed Fenced Wall + Fields: It is suggested that the Fencing of Udul is rather lax compared to Agar, given Tal-Elmar was able to sneak directly up to a Guard Hut on the edge of the Town; or possibly Huts located outside the main Town.
- Dying of Pestilence: Although an occurrence many centuries before the time of the server, there should be visual indications of Udul's tragic past; Fields not fully sowed, Some abandoned/ruined Huts, some broken walls (Possibly an indication of the Town boundaries receding)
- Town Master: Although never mentioned, Udul should also have a Town Master, as the Marauders who went to Agar were sent to retrieve food.

- Fishing: We know through a passing mention that there are Fisherfolk who live along or around the mouth of the River Isen.
- Fishing Settlements/Hamlets: To compensate for the adequate size of the Fisherfolk community, the three markers for the Fisher Folk will vary between; Cliff settlement, Stilted Water Settlement, and Stilted Land Settlement.
- Fields: Minor fields in the nearby surroundings. No livestock on the land; hence the 'Fisher' folk.

- Cliff Settlement: The Cliff Settlement will be made up of fishermen who find small areas along the cliff faces to fish directly on the coast. The Settlements would be built out of drystone to withstand harsher weather conditions such as rain, strong winds, and colder nights at a higher altitude on the coastline.

-Stilted Water Settlement: The Stilted Water Settlement will be made up of fishermen who live directly on the bank of the mouth of the Isen, on a stilted village complex; practically living at all times on the water.

- Stilted Land Settlement: The Stilted Land Settlement will be made up of fishermen, more akin to those living on the water, but living on the land-banks of the Isen rather than directly on the water; residing in more individually scattered stilted dwellings, to account for tides.

Concept Art and Reference Points:

Terrain Inspo
Fisherfolk Inspo
Udul Inspo
Agar Inspo

Coords to Concept area in Freebuild: 0 4 0

Project Concept Warp: /warp aucon

Visual Build Concept Summary

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Update 2: The concept area has been established within a border of black walls. A public warp has been made, /warp aucon.
Coords to the area are: 0 4 0

Imgur link for a summary of Build styles has been created and will be updated as styles are approved and added.

Next Update: Looking at specific areas for possible Jobs/Plots/Artist Work
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Update 3: Old Agar and Udul have been transferred over to Plotworld's Eriador region, and general terrain work will start soon.

Specific aspects that will most likely persist of Jobs and Plots will be as follows:
- Terrain (Most likely Cliff work)
- Village Huts/Walls and other Misc. details
- Roads/Paths/Trails

Next Update: Project Staff + Terrain Concept Progression
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Update 4: An initial selection has been made of the following Team Members who will actively be helping me develop A+U as well as the Fisherfolk and the surrounding areas. Their names and responsibilities have been added to the main Post up above!

Many thanks to Dahlfc, Aylalya and Rudolphius for wanting to help out!

Crude terrain work has begun (and I mean VERY crude) with a roughly established perimeter and area covered by Gray Wool; nothing pleasant to look at for now.

Next Update: Project Staff Conceptual Developments
Update 5: Ayla, Dahl and Rudo have been steadily expanding the build concepts for the project. Ayla has produced some very nice Stilted huts for the Fisherfolk, compatible with the water. Rudo has provided the first concept for Livestock pens that will make an appearance around the outskirts of Agar, and Dahl has been expanding the scope of the interior variations for Agar and Udul! It's looking great, guys!

Some more crude terrain shaping has been made on Mainworld, along with a very flat seabed which will soon be worked on when the coastline is at an acceptable area.

Next Update: A 2nd Draft of the project map will be created, outlining specific details in terrain + settlement locations
Quick update: Thanks to Rudolphius and Aylalya, the first significant portion of the North coast has been smoothed within a Job, from the Rock Pools to the first 3 beaches!! The 2nd refined Draft of the Project Area will be finished, as soon as I can get it finalised!!
Quick Update: Major progress has taken place in regards to terraforming! Agar and Udul's locations have been set, alongside the Golden Hill which is now the tallest hill in the region. The first Fisherfolk village planning has been complete and progress on the second village is underway. Major smoothing has happened at the mouth of the Estuary, stemming from the Fisherfolk village going north and east. Rudo has also provided a couple more caves (Have fun looking for his holiday cave with all his dirty laundry). Finally, as soon as the smoothing for the entire project area is complete, the 2nd and final draft of the Project Map will be uploaded to this thread.
Lengthy Update: Soooo… Bit of a long one this time, many things to add to the Record. Finally back from my Holiday. (Tbh been back for a month but life has been hectic upon my return)

In my absence I kept in touch with my Co-Lead, Mattlego and my ‘Regent’ Aylalya; making sure I stayed connected to the progress, give any advice or discuss further ideas, new developments, etc.

We finally managed to get the Stone Villages complete in a single Job; Macdara (To the North) and Símur (To the South) swiftly followed by our first two stilted fishing villages further inside the estuary. Ayla ran a Job for both of those, with a couple of plots at the end to allow those who had not finished their huts to do so. Sand banks in the Estuary have been added roughly, for further detail.

Matt continued his extensive Border Control, morphing and moving the Plateaus and Ravines planned to the Southeastern Borders of the Project, which are slowly trickling into the foothills of the white mountains and a little beyond.

Lastly, we ran a first brief but progressive Smoothing job in the Northern region of the project, to prepare the inland terrain for future plans.

More updates soon to come
Well...today is the day. Some believed it was never to be, and yet here it is. The famous (or infamous) BULK update I've been blathering on about in the past couple of months.

A+U Bulk Update.png

As you can see, it is a rather meaty improvement on the last Draft from the start of the project. So what does it all mean?

Well, let's get the general areas out of the way:

Agar and Udul, of course, the centerpieces on which this Project started. The Golden Hill, a notable area from the story of Tal-Elmar, where the Wild Men of Agar saw the Numenorean Ships arriving on their coasts. Finbann is the name that has been given to the Mountain Cave settlement of the Druedain, who towards the end of the War of the Ring come down from their caves to harass the Orcs of Saruman. More details on Finbann will be given below.

-Finbann - meaning: White Peak (pronounced: FIN-BAN) Although no name is given to one given settlement of the Druedain, Finbann is the peak beneath which the Drúedain people live. It is stated by Tolkien that towards the end of the War of the Ring, some of the Orc forces from Isengard fled down to the Druwaith Iaur and were set upon by the Druedain folk who came out of their caves in the White Mountains.

Now onto the new additions...for there's a lot to unwrap. Let's start with the settlements.


- meaning: First People (pronounced: CYN-TOO-ATH) - Of the 6 Estuary villages, this was the first to have been established by the fisherfolk, from which its name originates.

-Lommtref - meaning: Bare Village (pronounced: LOM-TREF) - After more Wildmen arrived, some crossed the Isen and established this 2nd village in the dunes nearby, from which comes its name.

-Glyndwr - meaning: Valley Water (pronounced: GLYN-DO-R) - Once the population of Cyntùath grew, some folk moved further south along the Estuary to establish a fresh settlement. It gets its name from being the first Fisherfolk settlement in this area to be built directly on the Waters of the Estuary (Valley)

-Islwyn - meaning: Below the Forest (pronounced: ISL-OO-WIN) - Similar to Glyndwr, some settlers of Lommtref later moved further along the northern bank of the Estuary and set up Islwyn in the shadow of the Forest above, hence its name.

-Gwydion - Son of a Great Oak (pronounced: GOO-YD-ION) - Gwydion was founded soon after Islwyn as it grew rather rapidly, but being directly on the harsh cliffs of the open ocean, they built their dwellings as Stone Beehive huts (Clocháns). The settlement gets its name after a Great Oak Tree that still stands on the edge of the cliffs in the village.

-Myrddin - Sea Fortress (pronounced: MUR-TH-IN) - As Gwydion grew, some settlers crossed the mouth of the Estuary and set up another
Clochán settlement on the cliffs below The Golden Hill. It gets its name from the more exposed and tall cliff formations and parapets that make it look like a defensive structure.


- meaning: Stone hill (pronounced: CAN) Is a Quarry directly south of Agar at the foot of the Andrast Plateau. It is a small settlement inhabited by the stone workers who provide the stone for the region; mainly Agar but occasionally Udul.

-Tùathàn - meaning: The Little People (pronounced: TO-ATH-ANN) Is a small hamlet between Agar and Udul, at the fork of the two streams that come from the mountains. It consists of a Hunting Lodge and a few other houses, of hunter-gatherers. This settlement sprouted after the famine and disease, that plagued Udul which decreased its population, in an attempt to limit its spread and find further resources for the settlement.

So, now that the settlements are out of the way, here is a quick rundown of our other details:

Environmental Details:
As marked in Teal Blue, we have marked some new areas of environmental detailing; A Fish Ecosystem in the Estuary and a Reef.

The Fish Ecosystem consists of some aquatic pockets of vegetation for fish and crabs to roam about freely and live within the Estuary Bed. You may even find something that doesn't belong there...life must have its mysteries...

The Reef...is quite self-explanatory, though it will be a hunting ground for possible treasure...Try your luck when it is implemented

We now move on to the Red markers:

1 -Northern Logging Camp - Logging camp for the wood provided to the settlements on the northern bank

2 -Southern Logging Camp
- Logging camp for the wood provided to the settlements on the southern bank (Including Agar)

3 -The Ford Grove - A valley clearing in the heart of the Foothills with a scenic Waterfall and towering cliff plateaus.

4 -The Waterfall Cave entrance - Behind the waterfall is a naturally eroded recess...with a surprise coming soon...

5 -Ocean Cave Entrance
- Spoilers...;)

6 -Valley Lake Cave Entrance
- This cave entrance will connect to a seemingly endless and winding natural cave system...who knows where it may lead...

7 -The Valley Lake
- The great Valley Lake in the Mountains of Andrast

8 -The Sinkhole Cave
- A beautiful scenic cave that was flooded and later exposed from the sea and a stream that used to run above the plateau, but now runs through the cave system.

9 -The Valley Lake Waterfall
- A small waterfall that forms at the southern end of the Lake

10 -Finbann Rear entrance/Stream crevice
In the top rear entrance of Finbann, runs a stream from a pool beneath the peak, which creates a tight crevice down the Mountainside into the Eastern tip of the Lake.

11 -Shipwreck
- A salty shipwreck on the edge of the Reef.

12 -Ranger Camp
- A Dunedain Ranger Camp, set in a clearing on the northern border of the Forest.

Moving on to the Sacred sites, consisting of two major locations and a handful of small clusters.

Cianrhod - meaning: Ancient Wheel (pronounced: KEY-ANN-ROD) Is a monument of stone circles, roughly resembling the shape and markings of a wheel, built on the Hill between Gwydion and Islywn.

Rhodán - meaning: The Little Wheel (pronounced: ROD-ANN) Is a smaller monument of wood-post circles on the Hill above Glyndwr.


Finally, the Forests. As shown on the Map Key, the Darker shades of Green represent the forests. The lighter of the 3 tones represents the Oak Forest which encompasses most of the northern and southern regions of the Isen Estuary. In the southern region, heading east, it reaches the foothills where the Oak meets the Pines, blending (in the 2nd color tone, representing the blend of both tree types) leading into the darker tone, representing the Pine Forests.
South of the Ford that runs below Agar, the Tree type changes to Pines, as it is practically part of the foothills of Andrast, bordering the Plateau of the Sinkhole Cave.

-Well..., that seems to be that. I hope the bulk update was worth it. I certainly struggled to cover everything and make the map as comprehensive as I could in the time I wanted to get it published. Until the next update. From here on out, they should be gradual and smaller updates. Enjoy!!