When did you join?
Sometime 2012
What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?
Artist, few hours
How experienced are you in FAWE?
Have used it as Designer before
Will you need instruction in using WE once you acquire the badge?
Why do you need this badge?
Making halls in moria is easier with it
What to you is a responsible and mature player?
Knowing what you can, and can't do. To stand by your own principles.
Sometime 2012
What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?
Artist, few hours
How experienced are you in FAWE?
Have used it as Designer before
Will you need instruction in using WE once you acquire the badge?
Why do you need this badge?
Making halls in moria is easier with it
What to you is a responsible and mature player?
Knowing what you can, and can't do. To stand by your own principles.