So this might not be the right place/way of starting this conversation - any bounders or staff please delete/move if so!
So in Tolkien lore, the sun and the moon are objects being guided through the heavens by a pair of lesser Ainur, known as maiar. One was Tilion, who guided the moon. The second was Arien, mistress of the sun.
The sun was, at least in some parts of the lore, a huge ship or vessel that contained the last fruit of the golden tree through the sky, and then through the roots of Arda.
The moon was a silver island containing a great pool of the light of the silver tree. it also was the home of a nameless white elf, and may have had some building, hills, and trees besides.
The roots of Arda (not sure what the correct name is) is a series of massive, maze-like caverns and pillars beneath the world. the sun and the moon travel through while the other is in the sky (except for when tilion chases arien, and both are in the sky at once).
So the real point of this post. Would it be possible, or has it been considered, to somehow introduce these facets of lore into MCME? Perhaps two or three dimensions could be introduced allowing visits to the sun and the moon, and maybe the "underworld", a re-texturing of the sun/moon, or even just a couple of themed builds at a later date. I have heard rumor that at some date in the future, Valinor might be built, which would include the harbors of the sun and moon, so maybe this is a bit early to discuss, although I don't think it would be overly difficult to introduce, as it is relatively minor. (I think, I don't really know anything about running a server. For all I know this would blow up the world, which would be rather lore accurate.....)