• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~The MCME Times~ #31/15

Opening Statement

You all, especially the younger ones among you, know the ever present stereotype of the lazy gamer doing "nothing" all day long. Many of you know the situation that five minutes after you turned on your PC (or whatever device it shall be) you already get blamed by someone to be doing it for hours already. I can't straightly deny the stereotype as I guess there are many out there on which it may fit, but for your all easing I can tell you that with chosing MCME as one of your games to play you definitely made no bad choice in terms of whether your virtual activities are now useless or not. Once you get a bit into it there is so much knowledge and brainwork that flows into such a project that you can indeed profit from it, therefore, even if you have never been confronted by the task to plan something, try to get into the projects and try to reveal the thoughts that were put into it, e.g. what real life things are put into build styles or into terrain. MCME is one of the often rare possibilities to have fun and simultanously learning something, or finally can use your school knowledge you thought you would never need again. Especially profitable it is for people like me whose native language is not English. No doubt that I refined my language skills far better than I could ever have with any boring course.

Project Progress
Andrast (In Progress) - Lead: @Tyranystrasz
Another week, another chunk of terrain! I am really glad I could bring the interest in glaciers and such things to jacen, his awesome feel for nice mountain shapes combined with some geography knowledge is doomed to result in awesome terrain!
Lamedon (In Progress) - Lead: @_Luk
Once more we have both terrain and structural progress to observe in Lamedon. On the terrain side we have proceedings in the south, next to Rendûl, on the structural side a neat new residence in central Lamedon with the name Cardhi Medli, check it out by using that warp!
Lond Daer (In Progress) - Lead: @Mandos
Now that the hall and courtyard exteriors are finished, I'm finishing up the manor exterior which housed the guild of adventurers from Numenor, and the royal family of Lond Daer. House plots have been added near the temple and school, suggesting that work will be begun soon on the city.
- bender400
Lothlórien Vegetation (In Progress) - Lead: @Eriol_Eandur
All new trees in Lothlorien are now pasted in. Additionally we finished the vegetation in 5 more sections during some jobs. Thanks to all who helped. At last I can see the finish line, only 10 more sections need vegetation now.
- Eriol_Eandur
Misty Mountains (In Progress) - Lead: @Emilio_ & @Finrod_Amandil
It has actually already gotten normal, that when I am writing these lines, @aifendragon is professionally leading Highmoor jobs, thank you once again a lot for your engagement! We are already approaching the halfway-through point of creating these quite extensive moors.
@Emilio_ is back from his holidays and seemingly he regained a lot of energy there; since he's back he managed to finish off the entire Bruinen river, which was initially dug in a 6-hour river dig job.
Moria (In Progress) - Lead: @Despot666 & @Finrod_Amandil
The pillar contest has ended, congratulations to the glorious winners from plot 1! Despot has already pasted the pillars into the 2nd hall. Additionally to that we did put in @Ardelenia's wall design, however this is till being worked on and new mural subjects aswell as some improvements to the existant segments will still follow. Definitely check out this hall as it is now!
Pelargir (In Progress) - Lead: @Credoo & @kisos
All the slums around the city are now done, additionally the details to the streets, from lamps over benches to crates, are being added by adventurers and artists; that is what really brings life to a city!
The rich is district as last big chunk left to do slowly is filling up, give it a look!
Public Projects:
Mt. Gram (In Progress) - Lead: @_Thijs1801 - Reporter: @Nic1337
Theres no use trying to put the additions to Gram into words, just check out the picture in the gallery and enjoy it

Current Plotworld Jobs and Projects:

Currently no activities in the plotworld are available.

For an always up-to-date overview, please refer to >>this<< thread.

Status Updates


Themed Build

Project Build 3 weeks on 164 x 164 block plots made by @Mandos!
>>TB Thread<<

Community Outreach

Screenshots for Facebook

@Tyranystrasz now has access to the MCME Facebook page and will start to regularily upload stuff there. For that he needs of course the very best of MCME and for that he needs YOUR help! If you have a really awesome screenshot to share, submit it >>here<<!
Scheduled Tours
If you look out for a tour and never manage to catch a guide to give you one, join us on Saturday at 9pm GMT to follow the weekly tour run by all available guides. Now you can even vote which tour you'd like to see happen, simply add your choice in >>this poll<<!​
~ ~~ ~~ ~

Don’t forget to like our Planetminecraft page daily! Click the picture above!

Closing Statement

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Especially profitable it is for people like me whose native language is not English. No doubt that I refined my language skills far better than I could ever have with any boring course.
I'm sure it has, but this paragraph is a good piece of evidence that you have a ways to go yet. luv u fin
note that my edits are not in all cases changing linguistically incorrect things to correct; some of them are merely the way i would personally say it and I of course have my own idiosyncrasies of language as does everyone. speaking of "merely" that is a word you should look up again because (at least in my opinion) you misuse it a lot.
ou all, especially the younger ones among you, know the ever present stereotype of the lazy gamer doing "nothing" all day long. Many of you know the situation that five minutes after you turned on your PC (or whatever device it shall may/might be) you already get blamed accused by someone to have been doing it for hours already. I can't straightly completely deny the stereotype as I guess there are many out there on which for whom it may fit, but for your all easing I can tell you that with by choosing MCME as one of your games to play you definitely made no bad choice in terms of whether your virtual activities are now useless or not. Once you get a bit into it, there is so much knowledge and brainwork that flows into such a project that you can indeed profit from it. Therefore, even if you have never been confronted by the task to of planning something, try to get into the projects and try to reveal the thoughts that were put into it, e.g. what real life things are put into build styles or into terrain. MCME is one of the often rare possibilities to have fun and simultaneously learning something, or finally can use your school knowledge that you thought you would never need again. (is this a reference to glaciers/glaciology?) It is especially profitable it is for people like me whose native language is not English. No doubt that I refined my language skills far better than I could ever have with any boring course.

then please correct me. And that I want to please ask everyone out there to do (you can put please here); if I'm writing something weird, tell me that and I learn something new.

-or just "that i want everyone out there to do please"
-you could
say "especially profitable it is to..." or "especially profitable is it to…" but this is not standard english in my experience. save phrases like that for dialogue in your tolkien-esque fanfiction
-alternatively "accused by someone for doing
-i really wasnt sure what to do with "for your all easing". the meaning is unclear. maybe its like "to comfort all of you"?
-"reveal the thoughts" sounds weird to me but maybe it's what you meant. I see it as a more unclear way to say "understand the thoughts that were put into it"
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I'm sure it has, but this paragraph is a good piece of evidence that you have a ways to go yet. luv u fin
then please correct me And that I want to please everyone out there to do, if I'm writing something weird, tell me that and I learn something new
luv ya too
Didnt see you edit before, but now I want to thank you a lot for that thorough analysis It has been a long time since someone actually taught me english so it is not surprising that some grammatical / linguistic flaws creeped into my writing

(is this a reference to glaciers/glaciology?)
Mainly the subject geography which as taught in swiss gymnasium (whatever the matching english term may be) covers among others geomorphology (erosion, glaciology and all that river stuff (accumulation, meanders, deltas, estuaries, flood/tide)), geology, petrography, volcanism, climatology, meteorology; but besides that also physics and some biology and history.

This was the humble try to translate a rather complicated sentence from german to english but now as I think of it it would even be weird in german lol.
-"reveal the thoughts" sounds weird to me but maybe it's what you meant. I see it as a more unclear way to say "understand the thoughts that were put into it"
Yes thats what I meant.
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