Its that time of the week again, that day of the week coined "Sunday" in which the MCME Times is released on a weekly basis. Hopefully you enjoy this issue more then the previous ones as I tried to spice things up a bit and make everything that much more exciting and fun to read. Feedback is always appreciated though! So sit back, grab a burger from the barbecue, relax, and enjoy the Ninth Edition of the MCME Times (only one more until double digit!).
Its that time of the week again, that day of the week coined "Sunday" in which the MCME Times is released on a weekly basis. Hopefully you enjoy this issue more then the previous ones as I tried to spice things up a bit and make everything that much more exciting and fun to read. Feedback is always appreciated though! So sit back, grab a burger from the barbecue, relax, and enjoy the Ninth Edition of the MCME Times (only one more until double digit!).

- Minas Tirith (In Progress): Houses keep coming with the first floor of Minas Tirith under way, so if you are interested in building one before all of the spaces run out, check out the thread HERE. It is also vital to note that the impressive underground paths and caverns beneath the White City, codenamed Minas Moriah after the famous thrall confusion, is finished thanks to the hard work of @Despot along with a lot of others
- Osgiliath (In Progress): The wealthy district is continuing to prosper in Osgiliath as the wonderful architecture continues to erupt across the project. Be sure to look for house builds, road jobs, or other things to do in order to contribute here.
- Cair Andros (In Progress): Cair Andros is finally in full swing, with locations such as the stables and barracks being constructed most recently. You have to give it a peek when you have a chance at ./warp CA
- Ithilien (In Progress): Other then one minor hiccup on Friday night, Ithilien is still going hard. Almost all of the transition terrain is done, and there is an open concept build for whatever you might have in your brain at ./warp IthilienConcept for all those interested.
- Pelennor Fields (Done)
- Gondorian Villages (Done)
~Screenshot of the Week~
@freshmilkymilk did some great feature shots of the Fable of the Five Wizards map recently, here is just one that shows of the beautiful boats at port
~Status Updates~
~The Community and More~
Are you interested in writing for the MCME Times? Well here is your chance! If you have an interesting idea for a new section or improvement on current sections, send me a message on the forums with your best pitch and I will consider it. If I like it, you could be part of the weekly MCME Times by being a Column Writer in which case you will send me your bit and I will paste it into the Times, giving you credit for your hard work of course!
Blunder of the Week: Thats right, ya heard me. I am introducing a new part of the MCME Times that includes the biggest screw up of the week. This might be a "LOL That Droog Said" moment, a Teamspeak outburst, or just server derps in general. This week, I think we can all safely say that the Blunder of the Week goes to me for using a brush size 80 and accidentally hard crashing the server for the entirety of Friday night. It was honestly one of my brighter moments and I will be sure to use a large voxel brush again soon. If you think you have found the blunder of the week, send it to me!
Quote of the Week: These I will be trying to pull from either my time on the server, or one of the various quote threads. This week, the award for quote of the week goes to @jakethegardian , who, though he may be known for his TS quote, always seems to have new material. So congratulations jake on this honor:
Jake: Do you guys wanna see a picture of Molly? You guys know who Molly is right?
Jord: errr, you're dog?
Jake: Yer, kinda.
Jord: Kinda your dog? What is she? A cat?
Jake: What? Oh, I thought you said my girlfriend.
The Adventure Map Fable of the Five Wizards was officially released to the public so be sure to check this out and play it for sure! A lot of hard work and effort was put into this on the part of the community and it definitely payed off in the end as the product is amazing. Check out the forums post HERE for more information on how to download and play the great adventure. Also be sure to download the most updated versions as these may fix some of your problems.
What do you think of the MCME Times? I am really looking for ways to make the Times more interesting and exciting for everyone that reads it. If you have some fun new ideas that are not terrible hard to implement, please let me know by either posting below or PMing me on the forums.
Know of any derps on the map? Be sure to submit them to be fixed via the Derp Report Thread that can be found HERE for your viewing pleasure. Staff will get to these as soon as possible and fix the problem. This can be as small as a missing block, or as big as a missing water source. Just make sure to focus on the current or past project areas.
The list of items to be textured can be found HERE for those interested in developing texture Resources for MCME. Otherwise, look for specific project requests on the forums for opportunities to submit your given textures.
~Development Updates~
Planned:@freshmilkymilk did some great feature shots of the Fable of the Five Wizards map recently, here is just one that shows of the beautiful boats at port

~Status Updates~
~The Community and More~
Are you interested in writing for the MCME Times? Well here is your chance! If you have an interesting idea for a new section or improvement on current sections, send me a message on the forums with your best pitch and I will consider it. If I like it, you could be part of the weekly MCME Times by being a Column Writer in which case you will send me your bit and I will paste it into the Times, giving you credit for your hard work of course!
Blunder of the Week: Thats right, ya heard me. I am introducing a new part of the MCME Times that includes the biggest screw up of the week. This might be a "LOL That Droog Said" moment, a Teamspeak outburst, or just server derps in general. This week, I think we can all safely say that the Blunder of the Week goes to me for using a brush size 80 and accidentally hard crashing the server for the entirety of Friday night. It was honestly one of my brighter moments and I will be sure to use a large voxel brush again soon. If you think you have found the blunder of the week, send it to me!
Quote of the Week: These I will be trying to pull from either my time on the server, or one of the various quote threads. This week, the award for quote of the week goes to @jakethegardian , who, though he may be known for his TS quote, always seems to have new material. So congratulations jake on this honor:
Jake: Do you guys wanna see a picture of Molly? You guys know who Molly is right?
Jord: errr, you're dog?
Jake: Yer, kinda.
Jord: Kinda your dog? What is she? A cat?
Jake: What? Oh, I thought you said my girlfriend.
The Adventure Map Fable of the Five Wizards was officially released to the public so be sure to check this out and play it for sure! A lot of hard work and effort was put into this on the part of the community and it definitely payed off in the end as the product is amazing. Check out the forums post HERE for more information on how to download and play the great adventure. Also be sure to download the most updated versions as these may fix some of your problems.
What do you think of the MCME Times? I am really looking for ways to make the Times more interesting and exciting for everyone that reads it. If you have some fun new ideas that are not terrible hard to implement, please let me know by either posting below or PMing me on the forums.
Know of any derps on the map? Be sure to submit them to be fixed via the Derp Report Thread that can be found HERE for your viewing pleasure. Staff will get to these as soon as possible and fix the problem. This can be as small as a missing block, or as big as a missing water source. Just make sure to focus on the current or past project areas.
The list of items to be textured can be found HERE for those interested in developing texture Resources for MCME. Otherwise, look for specific project requests on the forums for opportunities to submit your given textures.
~Development Updates~
- Tour upgrades: @dallen1393 is going to start work on Tours in the next week. Should be done by Friday.
- Player look up work: @aaldim and @Mnemon are working on this, work is paused, waiting for q to set up the Database with the new server.
- TheGaffer TS integration: @dallen1393 and @Tythus are working on this, expected to be finished soon
- MCME quests: @dallen1393 is working on the simple quest line and some AI for MCME. Currently looking for more AI to add, post you ideas here: http://www.mcmiddleearth.com/threads/npcs-for-mcme.746/
- TheHelper: @dallen1393 is working on adding more new player help and player info look up from server, rank and UUID.
- Fire fixes: Fire has finally been fixed by @dallen1393, both the block break ad the graphical problems (Still disappeared).
~Meet the Staff~
Name: Iru_
Age (optional): 22
Country of Origin: Australia
Current Rank Held: Valar
How did you find out about MCME and when did you join?
My discovery of MCME was quite simple; I had done a search for a Lord of The Rings Server after watching Return of the King one night in late October 2010. I had only previously found out about Minecraft a few nights ago when my friends were talking about a creative game about survival thus one of my main reasons for purchasing a minecraft account was because of MCME.
What was it like when you were a thrall/commoner (droog/member)? Any nostalgic moments?
Plenty, I’ve been here pretty much since the beginning of the Project. Much of my earlier times on the server were getting to know the community and getting myself involved with what was happening on the server. This was also the time when Dev Mods were just putting out their plugins and the fundamentals to establishing a server for the Admins were quite premature (So you can say things were a bit chaotic).
I couldn’t really put my finger down on the most nostalgic moment that happened as there are quite a lot. But first getting onto the server I was excited and didn’t know what to expect. First joining in hobbiton I was met with swearing, 1 x 1 holes to betrock, dirt mounds (which were meant to be hobbit holes) and torches every 2 blocks along the road. I felt progressing through the server was a survival challenge. Upon walking along the presumed East-Road I had also bear witness to mass-arson where the the Old Forest was ¾ burnt down.
Being on this server I’ve seen some questionable things take place, see people come and go but at the end of the day the Good far outweighs the bad astronomically.
What was the first staff rank you got? Why did you apply/shoot for that rank in particular?
The first rank I got was foreman, however, the intended rank was meant to be Officer in my case. At this time during the earlier stages of the project there wasn’t an official rank for Rule Enforcement moderators (Bounders) as Foreman were put in place to kick people but didn’t have ban capabilities. I was first entrusted to fulfil the ‘Bounder’ responsibilities by first speaking to CarlosBear. I had garnered his attention by continuing the Long East Road Project by myself. It was only he and I on the server one night and I explained how I was willing to do what I could to help manage the server, and being Australian, I occupied a quiet time zone.
Until now I have accompanied the ‘now’ Valar rank since December 2010 currently Leading the Bounders and Rangers.
Is there any type of architecture or server job that you enjoy working on the most? Why?
My favourite server job would have to be leading my project in Arnor during MCME 1.0 , namely Annuminas and its surrounds. Even though the architecture, building attitude and aesthetics have changed tremendously.. I felt it was a time where I had the opportunity to run my creative spark and imagination. It was also the time to get to know alot of people and see their potential. Alot of members have helped contribute on some aspects of Annuminas/Arnor and are either Staff Members or long-term members still playing on MCME today.
What is your favorite thing about MCME?
I’ve probably indicated this a few times but the Community. I shared a good fifth of my life on this Server and its been with me during some many eventful times in my life. Everything from opening up MCME on the road in a totally different country, tuning into TeamSpeak during your drive to work, or accompanying those long walks from the bar/nightclub... I’ve felt MCME is my Virtual Home and theres no other place that I can feel safe and enjoy my time with ease of mind.
Do you have any other hobbies outside of MCME (besides MC and gaming)?
I’am currently a Operations Volunteer for a humanitarian relief + Storm Damage Rescue organisation in my city which means I'm responsible for delegating tasks, utilising Radio Communications between Teams and corresponding with other Emergency Services. So that would be my main hobby. Others include Beach Running, Listening to music (soundcloud.com/irusmith), Travelling and eating!
~Closing Statement~
Hopefully this week was a bit more fun as I tried to make everything a bit more exciting for all of ya. Anyways, there is a lot of server progress happening at the moment so be sure to stay involved and watch the forums for updates!
"Nothing will work unless you do"
-Maya Angelou
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