If you expected an MCME Times release on Sunday, pat yourself on the back because you may just be catching on to the trend. Thats right folks, its that time of the week again for the beloved MCME Times. This week was a little bit quieter due to the server being down for maintenance, but fear not, as there are still plenty of stories and updates to tell. And most importantly, the build server is back! So sit back with a tall glass of water, relax, and enjoy the Eighth Edition of the MCME Times.
If you expected an MCME Times release on Sunday, pat yourself on the back because you may just be catching on to the trend. Thats right folks, its that time of the week again for the beloved MCME Times. This week was a little bit quieter due to the server being down for maintenance, but fear not, as there are still plenty of stories and updates to tell. And most importantly, the build server is back! So sit back with a tall glass of water, relax, and enjoy the Eighth Edition of the MCME Times.

- Minas Tirith (In Progress): The process of inputting houses into Minas Tirith has begun so be sure to check the thread HERE if you are interested in building a house to be implemented as we still need plenty more. Other projects throughout the first floor are also underway at this point.
- Osgiliath (In Progress): @wodleth is continuing to build houses and such for the rich district of Osgiliath. If you are interested in building a house, please ask a staff member.
- Cair Andros (In Progress): @Thatruben and @freshmilkymilk have begun implementing their Cair Andros layout and project design so be sure to look for a public forums post soon.
- Ithilien (In Progress): The project staff are currently working on all of the transition terrain between the low lands and plateau. Otherwise, there is a tree build going on so be sure to check the forums post.
- Pelennor Fields (Done)
- Gondorian Villages (Done)
~Screenshot of the Week~
Thought I would do something different and more fun this week. This week we feature a "LOL that droog said" moment brought to us by @Indorilian concerning a thrall mostly concerned about whether or not Saruman ever comes online. What this means for his future involvement in the project without the building tips of Chrisopher Lee, I cannot say...
~Status Updates~
jacenpeter promoted to Artisan
wheellee resigned from Artist
~The Community~
The Adventure Map Fable of the Five Wizards has been officially released to the public so be sure to check this out and play it for sure! A lot of hard work and effort was put into this on the part of the community and it definitely payed off in the end as the product is amazing. Check out the forums post HERE for more information on how to download and play the great adventure. Also be sure to download the most updated versions as these may fix some of your problems.
Q220 finished Upgrading the Infrastructure of the server, you should now be able to log onto build.mcmiddleearth.com (the main server) with no problems at all
What do you think of the MCME Times? I am really looking for ways to make the Times more interesting and exciting for everyone that reads it. If you have some fun new ideas that are not terrible hard to implement, please let me know by either posting below or PMing me on the forums.
Have you seen the Builder School? This is a great place to learn about the MCME style of building and how to improve your building style and creative output by observing simple techniques and ways of looking at a build. For more information, check out the thread HERE or do "/warp builderschool" on the freebuild server.
The list of items to be textured can be found HERE for those interested in developing texture Resources for MCME. Otherwise, look for specific project requests on the forums for opportunities to submit your given textures.
~Ranger Tours~
[No Info]
~Meet the Staff~
Name: bobingvar
Age (optional): 18 (in May)
Country of Origin: Norway
Current Rank Held: Foreman
How did you find out about MCME and when did you join?
It was well over a year since I purchased minecraft when I first heard of MCME. It was one of my friends, who I often played survival with, who told me about the server. He knew I was, just like himself, really into Tolkien's world, and we used to talk a lot about the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit and what not. So it was an October night when me and my friend was playing Minecraft and talking about Tolkien when he stumbled upon the server called Minecraft Middle-Earth. I got immediately excited and started looking it up on Youtube and the forums. I applied, but didn’t get accepted (it said something about bad grammar
). Fortunately, I tried again. Then, on the 30th of November 2011, I logged on to MCME for the first time.
What was it like when you were a thrall/commoner (droog/member)? Any nostalgic moments?
Ah, all the moments and memories...
When I first joined MCME, Nomad was the starting rank. They were literally lower than Droogs and had almost no permissions. So i spent my two first weeks exploring the server, before I applied for Droog (yes, I applied for Droog). However, shortly after I became a Droog, the Nomads were removed and Droog became the starting rank. Anyways, I spent a bunch of time digging the Anduin as a Droog. It was also here i got into the community, talking on ventrilo a bit (was very shy in the beginning) and making my first MCME friends (Wazwu, bobow95, Atlantispy etc). Other than that I built a Fangorn tree as a Droog (which is still in Fangorn!). It was first when I got Member that I got really into MCME. During my 1 year period as a Member i experienced a lot which amongst others includes Helms Deep build day, Isen river-dig, Rohan grassing, Fornost freebuild, several Themed builds and much more. I think the best memory I have from my time as a Member must be the day we were 170 people online (a record back then). After a tour with Head Guide Ryanturambar we used the Droogmaster to sort out teams to work on the Entwash slopes (thanks bobow for choosing me :3). It was all a really great time.
What was the first staff rank you got? Why did you apply/shoot for that rank in particular?
The first staff rank I received was the one I’m currently holding, Foreman. After 1 year serving as Artist and Ranger and 2 years serving in total, I felt I should shoot for a staff position. I found Foreman the most suitable rank, as i thought that it was a task I could live up to. Besides, I wasn’t the best builder which put the Artisan rank aside, but I would still be able to build and work on server projects which also put the Bounder rank aside. Now, I didn’t choose the Foreman rank just because it was “the only rank left”. It really was rank i strived to achieve and felt suited my abilities
Is there any type of architecture or server job that you enjoy working on the most? Why?
Back as an Artist i really liked working with stone. I’ve also enjoyed working with certain terrain features as a Foreman, where I think making forests tops the list. I’ve spent much time in the nature scrutinizing different terrain features. So I guess that explains it.
What is your favorite thing about MCME?
The original aspect i really liked about the server was to actually be able to walk around in Middle-Earth. I’m very fascinated by Tolkiens maps, so being able to more or less “experience” the various locations was absolutely great.
Now, however, it is the community that is the great thing about MCME to me. I really enjoy talking with people from MCME. I’ve made many friends here and I’ve had many great times with them on the server.
Do you have any other hobbies outside of MCME (besides MC and gaming)?
I play a lot of music, mostly guitar and keyboard, but also drums sometimes. We had a band once, performing on school proms and other events (no, we were not as pro as you, Wolli), which got splitted up once entering secondary. As the Norwegian guy I am, I enjoy skiing and snowboarding. I have also been doing gymnastics for well over 5 years now, but due to a recent injury to my ankle, I’m having a break. Living in a small town close to the nature, I’ve always been a fond of hiking in the local mountains. I also play soccer at times, not in a club though, but with some friends. So there you have the bob.
~Closing Statement~
I thought I would focus on patience this week with the server being down for a bit. There are always things to do on both the build and freebuild server, you just have to know where to look! So I encourage and challenge all of you to try the themed build this week or build a concept of your own to release some creative spirit in your freetime. Otherwise enjoy the improving weather because I dont know about you guys, but I am not on summer break! YAY!
"How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?"
-William Shakespeare
Thought I would do something different and more fun this week. This week we feature a "LOL that droog said" moment brought to us by @Indorilian concerning a thrall mostly concerned about whether or not Saruman ever comes online. What this means for his future involvement in the project without the building tips of Chrisopher Lee, I cannot say...

~Status Updates~
jacenpeter promoted to Artisan
wheellee resigned from Artist
~The Community~
The Adventure Map Fable of the Five Wizards has been officially released to the public so be sure to check this out and play it for sure! A lot of hard work and effort was put into this on the part of the community and it definitely payed off in the end as the product is amazing. Check out the forums post HERE for more information on how to download and play the great adventure. Also be sure to download the most updated versions as these may fix some of your problems.
Q220 finished Upgrading the Infrastructure of the server, you should now be able to log onto build.mcmiddleearth.com (the main server) with no problems at all
What do you think of the MCME Times? I am really looking for ways to make the Times more interesting and exciting for everyone that reads it. If you have some fun new ideas that are not terrible hard to implement, please let me know by either posting below or PMing me on the forums.
Have you seen the Builder School? This is a great place to learn about the MCME style of building and how to improve your building style and creative output by observing simple techniques and ways of looking at a build. For more information, check out the thread HERE or do "/warp builderschool" on the freebuild server.
The list of items to be textured can be found HERE for those interested in developing texture Resources for MCME. Otherwise, look for specific project requests on the forums for opportunities to submit your given textures.
~Ranger Tours~
[No Info]
~Meet the Staff~
Name: bobingvar
Age (optional): 18 (in May)
Country of Origin: Norway
Current Rank Held: Foreman
How did you find out about MCME and when did you join?
It was well over a year since I purchased minecraft when I first heard of MCME. It was one of my friends, who I often played survival with, who told me about the server. He knew I was, just like himself, really into Tolkien's world, and we used to talk a lot about the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit and what not. So it was an October night when me and my friend was playing Minecraft and talking about Tolkien when he stumbled upon the server called Minecraft Middle-Earth. I got immediately excited and started looking it up on Youtube and the forums. I applied, but didn’t get accepted (it said something about bad grammar

What was it like when you were a thrall/commoner (droog/member)? Any nostalgic moments?
Ah, all the moments and memories...
When I first joined MCME, Nomad was the starting rank. They were literally lower than Droogs and had almost no permissions. So i spent my two first weeks exploring the server, before I applied for Droog (yes, I applied for Droog). However, shortly after I became a Droog, the Nomads were removed and Droog became the starting rank. Anyways, I spent a bunch of time digging the Anduin as a Droog. It was also here i got into the community, talking on ventrilo a bit (was very shy in the beginning) and making my first MCME friends (Wazwu, bobow95, Atlantispy etc). Other than that I built a Fangorn tree as a Droog (which is still in Fangorn!). It was first when I got Member that I got really into MCME. During my 1 year period as a Member i experienced a lot which amongst others includes Helms Deep build day, Isen river-dig, Rohan grassing, Fornost freebuild, several Themed builds and much more. I think the best memory I have from my time as a Member must be the day we were 170 people online (a record back then). After a tour with Head Guide Ryanturambar we used the Droogmaster to sort out teams to work on the Entwash slopes (thanks bobow for choosing me :3). It was all a really great time.
What was the first staff rank you got? Why did you apply/shoot for that rank in particular?
The first staff rank I received was the one I’m currently holding, Foreman. After 1 year serving as Artist and Ranger and 2 years serving in total, I felt I should shoot for a staff position. I found Foreman the most suitable rank, as i thought that it was a task I could live up to. Besides, I wasn’t the best builder which put the Artisan rank aside, but I would still be able to build and work on server projects which also put the Bounder rank aside. Now, I didn’t choose the Foreman rank just because it was “the only rank left”. It really was rank i strived to achieve and felt suited my abilities
Is there any type of architecture or server job that you enjoy working on the most? Why?
Back as an Artist i really liked working with stone. I’ve also enjoyed working with certain terrain features as a Foreman, where I think making forests tops the list. I’ve spent much time in the nature scrutinizing different terrain features. So I guess that explains it.
What is your favorite thing about MCME?
The original aspect i really liked about the server was to actually be able to walk around in Middle-Earth. I’m very fascinated by Tolkiens maps, so being able to more or less “experience” the various locations was absolutely great.
Now, however, it is the community that is the great thing about MCME to me. I really enjoy talking with people from MCME. I’ve made many friends here and I’ve had many great times with them on the server.
Do you have any other hobbies outside of MCME (besides MC and gaming)?
I play a lot of music, mostly guitar and keyboard, but also drums sometimes. We had a band once, performing on school proms and other events (no, we were not as pro as you, Wolli), which got splitted up once entering secondary. As the Norwegian guy I am, I enjoy skiing and snowboarding. I have also been doing gymnastics for well over 5 years now, but due to a recent injury to my ankle, I’m having a break. Living in a small town close to the nature, I’ve always been a fond of hiking in the local mountains. I also play soccer at times, not in a club though, but with some friends. So there you have the bob.
~Closing Statement~
I thought I would focus on patience this week with the server being down for a bit. There are always things to do on both the build and freebuild server, you just have to know where to look! So I encourage and challenge all of you to try the themed build this week or build a concept of your own to release some creative spirit in your freetime. Otherwise enjoy the improving weather because I dont know about you guys, but I am not on summer break! YAY!
"How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?"
-William Shakespeare
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