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The Guide Rank and Application Process

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Head of Player Experience and Events
Staff member


Guide Rank Reform

Why is Change Needed​

Over the past couple of years there has been a decline in the number of people applying to be a Guide, due to a number of reasons. The application process has been a barrier to some people applying because it requires applicants to sustain a high level of effort over a one month period which can create burnout and decrease motivation. To get this far on the application process, however, you must first be judged on your ability to do a tour and public speaking to be considered for the trial period; people don’t apply because this part worries them in particular.

The role and expectations of Guide is also not clear. You have been judged in your trial period and put a huge amount of effort into it, now does this have to be continued when you are a Guide, as well as with events and PvP? Do you have to be active all the time and always doing something while you are online? Are there any more expectations of you and what happens if you don’t meet these? These are all problems that new Guides face and reasons why people might not apply.

Other reasons why people do not want to become a Guide is because of the lack of unique roles that a Guide has. Yes, Guides have access to PvP, being a member of the Team, and the guidebook plugin - but a Commoner can do everything else that a Guide can do. This could be through the minigames or tour badges, through getting involved with events, or just being helpful, fun, and friendly. Some prominent community members have called for the removal of the Guide rank because of this. There are also Commoners who would be excellent Guides that choose to stay as a Commoner because of the lack of understanding around the role, responsibility and expectations of a Guide, as well as the intensive application process.

Therefore, changes have to be made to encourage new Guide applicants, redefine the roles, responsibilities, and expectations, and reforming the application process. The community needs to recognise the important role that the Guides have on the server and this recognition will help them to see that this is the right rank for them to become.

From this point forward this thread outlines reforms of the Guide rank and application process.

The Guide Structure​

The Guide Rank will continue to be the core non-building rank on the server and it will be within the MCME Team on the same level as an Artist. The Guides are led by the Head of Player Experience and Events (aka Head Guide) along with one or more Managers, such as a Guide or Events Manager.

Guides are able to progress on the server through several different ways, for example they could gain other non-building roles such as Moderator or Manager through being successful in those application processes. They could also transition into Artist or Foreman if they are interested in building and are able to complete those application processes. Guides may also join other teams such as the Times Team or Media Team where they have particular skills or being a Guide could be of benefit to those teams.

Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations​

Reasons for people not becoming a Guide have included the responsibilities that you would have as a Guide and the lack of uniqueness to the Guide role. The core role and responsibility of being a Guide will be to be a helpful person who is able to create positive experiences on MCME through non-building activities. The Guide rank has a number of additional roles and responsibilities and Guides are expected to take part in at least one of the following. These are: providing entertainment through Events, PvP, or Tours; being experts on lore and providing advice and guidance to builders on the lore of locations; improving player experience through guidebooks, minigames, and themed-build; getting involved in projects. Guides are expected to fulfil the core role of being a Guide and they are expected to be competent in any additional roles they take part in. They are expected to be active on the server and Discord or to at least not be inactive regularly for long extended periods.

In order to make Guide a more unique and desirable role, and to encourage applicants, Commoners will be encouraged to work with Guides to organise Events, and they will not be able to apply for the Tours badge. As well as encouraging Commoners to apply for Guide and Commoners building relationships with Guides, it also means that there will be high standards for Events and Tours being run by commoners. Commoners running tours would either be a Guide applicant and would be accompanied by a mentor, or they would be running the tour in conjunction with a Guide using the co-host feature of tours. For the avoidance of doubt, any Commoner who currently holds the Tour badge will see no change and they can continue using it as normal - there is also nothing to stop Commoners from running unofficial tours without the use of the Tour badge.

Guide Leadership consists of the Guide / Event Manager and the Head Guide. The bullet points below outline their roles, responsibilities, and expectations:
  • To be regularly active on the server.
  • To take a lead role in Event or Guide management.
  • To plan, organise, run and review an annual programme of events alongside the wider guide team
  • To have good working knowledge of MCME.
  • To provide advice, guidance and support to the Guides.
  • To foster a positive culture within the Guide rank and the wider server.
  • To represent the Guides in the staff and champion the Guides across the server.
  • To actively listen to feedback from Guides, and the wider community, and strive to make improvements.

In addition to these, the Head Guide also has the following additional roles, responsibilities and expectations:
  • To represent the Guides and wider community within the Valar team.
  • To resolve any conflicts within the Guide rank.
  • To make the final decision on promotions/demotions of Guides and Guide/Event Managers.
  • To provide advice, guidance and support to the Guide leadership.
  • To delegate tasks to Guide Leadership and Guides when not available.

New Application Process​

Applicants will need to submit an application on the forums to start the application process. The format of the application itself will remain similar to the current format, however a few updates have been made. If an applicant's initial application is accepted, they are given the tours and minigames badges for the remainder of the application. During the application, applicants must meet a set of criteria before being promoted. The full application format and application process is available here: Guide Application Format and Process

For information, all current Guide applications are being dealt with under this new application process. If you have any questions about the Guide Reform or you are wanting to find out more about becoming a Guide, then feel free to send me a message!

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