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The big MCME texture recordal


Former Head Designer
Heyho everyone!

So those who read the recent edition of the Times may have seen that Eriol and I currently are investigating a lot into additional blocks we can use in our builds. Among them we found a lot of duplicate blocks - blocks that look absolutely the same, but could be used for different things, e.g. there's two variants of the oak wood slab, all the double slabs can be used otherwise, end stone = bricks...

Now before we can use these blocks we need to replace one variant with the other, and for that we need to know where we used either variant before. So for this reason, but also because I'd like to sort out textures we never or almost never used, I'd like to document for every single location on this server which textures were used. Now of course this is a lot of work, and that's why I need everyone's help!

The way we log this is a google spreadsheet, which has every texture used in the columns, and all the locations in the rows. Here's how you can help:
  1. First, pick yourself a location that has not yet been marked as finished and put your name next to it so that I know who worked on this, and can thank you for your help and also can ask questions if any should arise.
  2. Fill the field with the location name with yellow so that people see it's in progress.
  3. Now go to the location you picked and check what textures have been used. (From the few locations I did already it usually is about 70 - 100 different textures that can be found. If you're an Artist I recommend you fill your inventory with the blocks you find, if you're an Adventurer I recommend you grab a piece of paper and note the blocks down there.
  4. Now you go and enter what you found into the google spread sheet. In your location's row, add numbers below the textures you've found. The numbers are an indicator for how often the texture has been used there:
    1: Less than ~500 times used, e.g. single decorative blocks.
    2: ~500 to ~2000 times used, e.g. materials used to build houses in medium to bigger places.
    3: above ~2000 times used. Rather rare, mainly terrain blocks.

    When searching for the textures in the spreadsheet you can orient yourself after the texture images I added. But be careful, some textures appear multiple times, e.g. take care you dont enter wool blocks in the carpet slots, glass panes in the glass blocks slots, or confuse pressure plates with full blocks.

  5. When you're done, mark your location field with green color.
What should be noted down?
If we do such a project, we gonna do it properly, so I'd like to note down pretty much everything.
  • All blocks, including all details like carpet, torches, fire, flowers, and so on, the only exception might be custom heads which have nothing to do with the Resource packs.
  • Itemframes and Armorstands
  • Paintings
  • Banners (including all textures it consists of)
  • Biomes (press F3 to see which biome you are in)
Further notes:
  • When logging a location in the section "Buildings", note down everything you find really, all buildings, the roads inside the village/city, and the (visible) terrain.
  • Roads: The materials the road consists of + all smaller structures along it, e.g. bridges, small houses and castles (if they aren't part of another point in the Buildings section).
  • Terrain: Only log the terrain and the vegetation. Structures of any kind are logged somewhere else.
Generally, if you're not sure whether something still belongs to your area or not, log it. I'd rather have things logged twice than forgotten things.

Link to Spreadsheet: Texture Logging

Currently I only prepared the document for the Eriador and Gondor packs, but the others will follow soon.

Thanks a lot for everyone who's helping out! Really anyone who's got nothing else to do at some point can gladly help!
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@DarthRagnar Thanks for the help already :D I wonder though, why you could not open the doors, that kinda should not be the case... Any error message you're getting or something?
@DarthRagnar Thanks for the help already :D I wonder though, why you could not open the doors, that kinda should not be the case... Any error message you're getting or something?
Nope, I didn't get any messages at all. The door would open and then immediately close on me. I don't think it was lag because I was able to open some doors, but not others.

EDIT: It appears that the doors were being mysteriously powered by redstone. Smithz and Eriol helped me break into where I couldn't get before.
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Nope, I didn't get any messages at all. The door would open and then immediately close on me. I don't think it was lag because I was able to open some doors, but not others.

EDIT: It appears that the doors were being mysteriously powered by redstone. Smithz and Eriol helped me break into where I couldn't get before.
So is that mystery solved and doors generally working properly on you?
It is likely that there was a candle (redstone torch) behind the door
Yeah, the doors are powered, but I have yet to see a redstone power source nearby. My guess is that in changing the server settings at some point certain doors became powered somehow. Replacing them appears to do fix the issue and I would do so myself, but I don't have the permissions.