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Suri-Kyla - The Capital of Forochel

What do you think? Should we build this?

  • We should totally build this!

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Yeah, that was pretty cool. I don't know about building it though.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That could have been better.. so probably not.

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Yikes, that kinda sucks. I'd say no.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
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Is going on an adventure!
Hey everyone!

-I have been on the server for only a few days.
-My current rank is Adventurer, although I hope to become an artist in the future.
-I've talked to a couple of people in-game about plans to build in Forochel.
-I haven't been part of any projects before unfortunately.
-This project is not on the list of available projects.
-This project could be done within 4-5 hours with maybe about 3-4 workers.


Name: Suri-Kyla, the Capital of the Lossoth of Forochel.

Background Lore: In LOTR Lore, there is the Lossoth, men who live on the shores of the ice bay of Forochel. They are what remains of the ones who survived the end of the First Age: Forodwaith. I'm sure a number of people here have played the Lord of the Rings Online, and I know they base their lore off of Tolkien's books. I believe they have done a great job in capturing what Suri-Kyla looks like.

Short Intro: Suri-Kyla is the capital of the ice-men of Forochel. It rests on the north-eastern peninsula of the ice bay, right on the coast. The main structure are large tents, likely made out of a canvas-like/animal hide material, with wooden frames and streaks of turquoise on it from time to time (primarine).

Dynamic Screenshot with plan: I've actually started to build a little bit on my own, just to see what it would look like:

This is where Suri-Kyla is in Forochel.

Here is a picture of inside one of the tents. (Nothing is really inside them yet.)

The theme I am going for is along the lines of thick, fur/canvas white tents with wooden frames.
I used wool, jungle wood (the color seemed to fit the theme the best), and assorted prismarine blocks, to represent bits of ice and frozen over material. Most of the tents have cyan banners draping over the doorway to act as entrance-ways, rather than using an actual door.

Concept Art: There really isn't a lot of concept art hanging around of Suri-Kyla, so pulled some screenshots from the Lord of the Rings Online.

Stages of the Project:
1) build up the landscape, such as the ice bridges, the ice mountain behind the town, spikes of ice in the air, and other things of the sort.
2) Build the main structure of buildings. This would be the great lodge, tents for housing, merchant's tents, and a lot of other tents.
3) Add paths, fireplaces, and extra details outside the tents. Mammoth tusks sticking out of the ground, crates, benches, etc.
4) Add detail inside the homes and apply finishing touches to everything. Furniture, fires, etc.

Possible Adventurer Jobs: There seems to be a lot of job potential here. 1-2 adventurers could be working on the tents, 1-2 could be working on landscaping and decoration, and 1-2 people could run around and add touches to anything that would keep it in line with the "ice-people/eskimo" theme.

FAQ: As far as FAQ, I'm not entirely sure what to cover here, as I plan to answer any questions in the comments below.

(I do know that I'm using the default texture pack, so if this project takes off some of the blocks would be different to go along with the texture pack.)

Let me know what you guys think, and thanks for reading!
I'm happy how enthusiastic you are, but you may want to wait and become more experienced, although when I first joined, I didn't even know the forums existed.

Also, this build would be made in our Eriador Pack
We should have some settlements of the Snowmen of Forochel also called Lossoth in LotR:
The Lossoth also helped Arvedui Last-king when the Witch-king of Angmar overrun Arthedain in 1974 T.A. They also received the ring of Barahir from Arvedui and thus it was not lost when Arvedui was drowned.
The Lossoth are not only mentioned in the book but also have a small role in the history of the Third Age. Thus YES I would really like to have some Lossoth settlements at MCME. I also think this is a good public project as it is not too much work and not a major location.

First we are currently working at too many projects at the same time, I doubt that @Credoo will allow an other public project at this time.
Second as bender metioned it is better when you get a bit more experienced with MCME before leading a public project. To get the permission for a public project you have to show that you can built it with great skill but also that you can built in the style of MCME. Thats why public projects are usually led by Artists.
Third I think the project is more work than you estimated. You will need some skilled builder/Artists and a Designer to do the terraforming of the landscape. You should talk to people and ask them if they are willing to help. When you apply with a team your prospects to get the project approved are better.

I suggest you build a nice Helms Deep and apply for Artist. Also try to participate in some jobs at the build server to get used to the way we are building at MCME. An other good idea is to /warp builderschool at the freebuild server.
Since Forochel has such a low population, I would think it more likely that the project would be led by a designer, with individual villages being given to artists and maybe adventurers to build.
Alrighty here come my two cents:

Some things have already been pointed out by Eriol above, I want to emphasize that you should find yourself some players that are willing to delve into this project with you, aswell as find yourself a staff member that can assist you with WorldEdit and Voxel. To achieve this you have to stick around on our server for some time, so that both you get to know us as aswell as we get to know you. Doing a Themed Build as proposed by Eriol is surely no bad thing either, aswell as participating in some jobs on the main server if you manage to encounter one happening.

Also reckon with more time that the project needs. No good (notable) project has ever been finished on MCME in 4-5 hours.

Unfortunately I have never played LOTRO, but I wanna do that at some point to find out how carefully they treated the lore and how well the made up things match with the given ones. That we do something Lossoth-related is out of question, we surely will have to do that. However as this is an entire culture and therefore we have to deal with quite a few individuals we surely should consider more than one settlement. These should be planned and built in one project to ensure that they are compatible and use a similar build style.
Also from a very quick research I would recommend staying as true as possible to Lotro lore as possible if we take it as direct inspiration. I mainly want to point on the accents of the name: Sûri-kylä; I know not all have these fancy keyboards, but these accents are not only decoration, they are important language elements.

Your Concept
What is good is that you already focused on a build style that you used for all the huts, however the style could have been better imo; especially that you chose white wool as main element is rather unfortunate; as it looks just like snow. Also you have to think of where you would get that material from, obviously you'd need some white furred animal. We don't know what animals live in that region, but if we compare it with real world you'd maybe have some penguins and seals, which have no fur (and penguins anyway only live on the southern hemisphere), maybe some snow hares and other small animals, where the problem would be that you'd have to get a ton of them to build an entire house, and then maybe some ice bears and (as mentioned in the lore) white wolves, but getting their furs may be rather dangerous.

So my suggestion is that you either try wood as main material (could be taken from very northern forests, compare map above) or leather (from mammoths as on the pics you included, there is a set of leather textures in the Eriador pack), and then you of course should find a realistic way of adding some snow to the buildings. These would rather be in piles leaning at the house walls than ontop of the huts, there the wind would carry it away, while it gets stuck at the walls.

Furthermore the Lossoth assumably were a rather primitive folk, for the building this would mean randomized rather than well-structured buildings and not too many decorations as you did with the banners. Check out how the towns Agar and Udul were done on our server to see a good example of such a "primitive" building style.
two things: middle-earth penguins might live in the north!
and, i disagree with your point about decorations, at least regarding banners/flags. perhaps they are tribal markers, or if we want the lossoth to be more organized it would just be patriotism; put it by the village leader's tent or whatever. in any case i don't think primitiveness rules out a sense of aesthetic, and who doesn't like some colorful banners or door drapes or whatever? i agree though that the towns wouldn't be well organized but more a random clump of tents

how much contact did the lossoth have with other people other than when arvedui got iced in?

edit: oh and one more thing, can we have fun icebergs like in that lotro map?
how much contact did the lossoth have with other people other than when arvedui got iced in?
The only thing we know is that they were scared of the witch king of Angmar and therefore kept a safe distance to that realm. Another note says that the culture of the Lossoth flourished due to being independent of Arnor.
edit: oh and one more thing, can we have fun icebergs like in that lotro map?
An another note states that the ice bay feezes in winter; our server is set in autumn, but isebergs are surely still possible.
how much contact did the lossoth have with other people other than when arvedui got iced in?
The only thing we know is that they were scared of the witch king of Angmar and therefore kept a safe distance to that realm. Another note says that the culture of the Lossoth flourished due to being independent of Arnor.
According to Tolkien Gateway, the Lossoth knew some Westron. This might mean that they occasionally traded with the Arnorians, probably with furs.
I think this project is too far ahead of server progres to be considered. We will have to make some fundamental thoughts and concepts on Forodwaith first, and it will be many years until we get to that.
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