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Some questions and suggestions


One Of Us, One of Us
Some things I've though of for a while:

Whenever a new adventurer or commoner shows interest in becoming an Artist they're often told about the Artist Application Forums but why not show them what they're getting themselves into? Why not give them a link to the Artist Manual where they can read all about the inns and outs of being an Artist as well as finding neat links to the Artist Application Forums as well as the Artist Application Format Must Read documents (the latter of which is otherwise quite hard to find and its link is easy to miss). So how about we link aspiring people to the Artist Manual instead of linking them directly to the Artist Application Forums where they might miss reading the Artist Manual and the Artist Application Format Must Read?

Then I thought "why not do this for Guides as well?" But then I realised "Is there even a Guide Manual?" I know I've never seen it. I've been interested in the Guide rank for quite a while but aside from what I see on the server I have no idea what they do so if there is a Guide Manual (which I assume there is) why not make it public? and if there is one but it contains information only Guides are allowed to know then how about making a What Does A Guide Do? document for those interested in the rank?

Thirdly, why is there different ranks on the forums than on the server? Is there a reason for it? I've been an Artist for over half a year but on the forums I have the rank Aspiring Commoner which I find is quite misleading. And what does the other more obscurely named forum ranks even mean? Like "Yellow flower puncher" and "Dirt Conaisseur" ...what?

And another thing I thought about though I should probably post it in the Development thread instead but that is what if the /afk command required the afk player to move for more than say two or three seconds so that the plugin doesn't say they're back from the slightest nudge from another player or entity?

Also, what happened to the Foreman Manual?
Then I thought "why not do this for Guides as well?" But then I realised "Is there even a Guide Manual?" I know I've never seen it. I've been interested in the Guide rank for quite a while but aside from what I see on the server I have no idea what they do so if there is a Guide Manual (which I assume there is) why not make it public? and if there is one but it contains information only Guides are allowed to know then how about making a What Does A Guide Do? document for those interested in the rank?
There is a Guide Manual in the Guide Google doc Folder but it's quite outdated as it was written in 2014 and many changes happened to the rank (the introduction of new plugins, and new tasks to fulfil, etc.) during the last years. Therefore I would recommend the current Guides to write a newer one that explains clearly what guides are supposed to do, their responsability and how to get promoted. At the moment aspiring new Guides can find "Do you even ranger ?" in the resources of the forums, writen by a well known former guide called @JordD04.
Thirdly, why is there different ranks on the forums than on the server? Is there a reason for it? I've been an Artist for over half a year but on the forums I have the rank Aspiring Commoner which I find is quite misleading. And what does the other more obscurely named forum ranks even mean? Like "Yellow flower puncher" and "Dirt Conaisseur" ...what?
On the forums non staff ranks depend on the trophy points you gain as they don't require access to the staff forums or any other kind special permission. Furthermore it's not worth it, as it would be very difficult for Q to take care of every promotion/demotion on the forums without any real benefit.
There is a Guide Manual in the Guide Google doc Folder
And where can one find this Google Doc Folder? Is it public but obscurely hidden or is it Guides only?

At the moment aspiring new Guides can find "Do you even ranger ?" in the resources of the forums, writen by a well known former guide called JordD04.
Nope. That link just leeds to a deleted document and have done for as long I've been active. So whenever the Guides updates their manual I'd suggest they post it in the Resources thread like all other manuals.

On the forums non staff ranks depend on the trophy points you gain as they don't require access to the staff forums or any other kind special permission. Furthermore it's not worth it, as it would be very difficult for Q to take care of every promotion/demotion on the forums without any real benefit.
Eh, I suppose so. I still think Aspiring Commoner is a misleading rank name though. Also, if proper ranks are used for staff only then how comes Foremen and Developers have their own forum ranks?
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Also, if proper ranks are used for staff only then how comes Foremen and Developers have their own forum ranks?
I'm not sure about foremen, probably because it's easier for new players to recognize them. Developers need a tag to have access to the dev forums.
And where can one find this Google Doc Folder? Is it public but obscurely hidden or is it Guides only?
Only Guides can have access to the folder.
Nope. That link just leeds to a deleted document and have done for as long I've been active. So whenever the Guides updates their manual I'd suggest they post it in the Resources thread like all other manuals.
Jord must have deleted the manual then.