Hello my name is Slowlex. I joined a long time ago with multiple accounts, but I became active in summer 2017. I come from Germany.
Are you regularly logged on our voice communication?
Do you actively speak on our voice communication?
Do you have any particular skills?
I made some experience in running jobs so far. For example adding vegetation in Osgiliath, building camps in Osgiliath, digging streams around Coldlake, building paths/farms in Moria and Gondor. Moreover many people told me that my voice is nice to listen to and that some of my building skills is amazing.
Why are you applying for this rank?
I already made a Foreman application a while ago, but then we canceld it, because of some trouble with me and because I had a lack of time. Now I have enough time and yesterday I ran a job for oits again. It was fun, so i decided to do stuff like this more often again. I think, that especially since we got so many new players, we should run more jobs. I probably am a bit rusty, but that can change easly
Some screenshots or pictures of your build attached:
These are some of my more recent work, but there is some of my older work aswell. Some of them are concepts for the Moria tomb stairs/Osgiliath house vegetation/Mines of Moria/military around plan 2. The other things are from the Mansion of Dol Caranthan, the walls of Dol Caranthan/Osgo, Moria halls and moria tombs.
I could even show you more, if it's needed. Otherwise I am just able to say, that I am already exited for your feedback.
Are you regularly logged on our voice communication?
Do you actively speak on our voice communication?
Do you have any particular skills?
I made some experience in running jobs so far. For example adding vegetation in Osgiliath, building camps in Osgiliath, digging streams around Coldlake, building paths/farms in Moria and Gondor. Moreover many people told me that my voice is nice to listen to and that some of my building skills is amazing.
Why are you applying for this rank?
I already made a Foreman application a while ago, but then we canceld it, because of some trouble with me and because I had a lack of time. Now I have enough time and yesterday I ran a job for oits again. It was fun, so i decided to do stuff like this more often again. I think, that especially since we got so many new players, we should run more jobs. I probably am a bit rusty, but that can change easly
Some screenshots or pictures of your build attached:
These are some of my more recent work, but there is some of my older work aswell. Some of them are concepts for the Moria tomb stairs/Osgiliath house vegetation/Mines of Moria/military around plan 2. The other things are from the Mansion of Dol Caranthan, the walls of Dol Caranthan/Osgo, Moria halls and moria tombs.
I could even show you more, if it's needed. Otherwise I am just able to say, that I am already exited for your feedback.

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