• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com



Slab Fanatic
Wait, who's HearthseekerDK? *shrug* I'm so 2012 MCME, I had to remember my AOL AIM email to access my original artist application. Anyways, grassing and placing rocks in Rohan, digging the Isen River, and getting banned from Ventrilo was fun, good times. Resigning from Artist. Accepting donations to my Super PAC for my election as commoner!

Also, because my bae K1sk is banned and unable to resign from his rank, I'd like to announce his resignation as well. This was very hard news to break, as he's been handicapped by the daily beatings and brainwashing to propaganda. 1 like = 1 prayer. Anyways, between murmuring something about project monarch and religious devotion to the God-King Fornad--he offered up his resignation. I am speaking on his behalf as his lawyer, at least.
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You're the hero MCME needs, but not the one it deserves. See you on the other side brother
Well didn't it cross your mind that some of the people who are posting "announcements and PSA stuff" now have been around for much longer, and put in a hell of a lot more work, time, and effort into making this server what it is today, than you ever have?

~ Change only comes about as a result of action friendo.
It's not quite as simple as just not wanting anything to do with this server anymore. Obviously, MCME means a lot to them. They're trying to raise awareness for the events that led up to this point, and the moderation team's handling of the situation, in order to prevent similar circumstances from befalling any future members of the community who may not be as experienced or well connected as themselves.

Ask yourself this: If you were in their shoes, and suddenly banned for posting memes in services completely outside of MCME jurisdiction (amongst private circles no less), would you not do the same? Would you just "leave and be done with it"? If so, then MCME obviously doesn't mean as much to you as it does to them, and you really have no right to question their actions. Having fun used to be so central to the entire MCME experience.

The day you stop questioning authority is the day that you give up your freedoms, and they will have won. This really could've happened to anyone, and doesn't this fact disturb you in the slightest?
When I started here in 2011 I absolutely loved this server. I would never have done anything to be removed from it. However, that didn't stop me from getting perma-banned for "handing out the Ventrilo info." in 2012. When truthfully, all that had occurred was that I had created a second account and was logged in with that.

Background info: Because I didn't have proper software, and was a scrub, I needed my second account to record my desktop audio and in game audio at the same time. I had my friend sitting next to me, ready to do a commentary of the server with me. We were working for a video game journalism group at the time which had partnered with a video games convention being hosted in my state: Carolina Games Summit.

When my friend was overheard talking in the background, I wasn't asked who it was, or why there was someone else who they didn't recognize in the Ventrilo; I was immediately kicked from the game as a "precaution." When I tried to explain myself, no one would listen, the enforcers just accused me of handing out server info to unwanted parties. So my friend, dear as he was, made a joke about the enforcer's name right before I was kicked. That got everyone in Ventrilo laughing. That enforcer decided to not just OB me, which would have been appropriate for the circumstances, he perma-banned me. I wasn't unbanned until 2014 when Lizzy saw my appeal, and realized that being banned for handing out Ventrilo information was out-of-date and stupid.

Now, I became less active on this sever when I started playing on another server (no need for me to say which.) But I still really like what MCME is doing, none the less. Unfortunately, because I joined that server, I seemed to have had a stigma attached to me because of that. I join the MCME discord, and immediately I get jokes ranging from, "Oh look, it's the (Server) Shill." and "I wonder how long we're going to wait before I have to kick him for discussing things that happened on (server)." When all I'm there to do is ask how things are going, check in on DA's progress, see if I can help. There's a stigma that because I play on that server; I'm here to steal builders for my projects; I'm here to make things toxic for everyone; I'm here to break the rules. I ignore that stigma, I ignore the comments. And it's just reached a tipping point because some of the few reasons I actually care to be one here now, and that's Eaglz' work on Dol Amroth and my friendship with Yomama(Even I don't know why), have been removed.

I have no reason to be here anymore if I'm going to see my friends get banned because an enforcer wants to go out of his way to dredge up a conspiracy in order to ban. I saw that happen to Fin. I saw it happen to me. I can't just shut up about this one, either. Did any enforcer think to ask me what was going on? No. Did they ask any one involved in the #mergegate? Did anyone ask Eaglz? Did anyone ask Yomama? No. I'm less concerned about remaining neutral and 'don't drop names because the announcement isn't out!' Because I've been there and done that. Doesn't matter which enforcer, which person being banned it is, it's all the same the past three times I've seen it happen.
Just leave and be done with it. None of you want anything with this server anymore so why bother all these announcements and PSA stuff.
Only good thing that came out of this whole situation is that I got to see people's true colors. Never expected this out of you, Ruby, but I guess you don't really know people until you know them.
Only good thing that came out of this whole situation is that I got to see people's true colors. Never expected this out of you, Ruby, but I guess you don't really know people until you know them.
Excuse for sounding bold. I was actually more referring to all the 'dank memes' and Titanic theme and stuff on the ardacraft discord. What I've seen so far is some people playing with the edge of what's allowed and what not. Idk why you are banned mama; because you chose the side of your friends? Sometimes ppl make mistakes, doesn't mean it's their true color.
It's not quite as simple as just not wanting anything to do with this server anymore. Obviously, MCME means a lot to them. They're trying to raise awareness for the events that led up to this point, and the moderation team's handling of the situation, in order to prevent similar circumstances from befalling any future members of the community who may not be as experienced or well connected as themselves.

Ask yourself this: If you were in their shoes, and suddenly banned for posting memes in services completely outside of MCME jurisdiction (amongst private circles no less), would you not do the same? Would you just "leave and be done with it"? If so, then MCME obviously doesn't mean as much to you as it does to them, and you really have no right to question their actions. Having fun used to be so central to the entire MCME experience.

I originally posted this in the staff forums, I think it would be worth posting to the public. Please read this in full. I have discussed this matter with a few members on the server but I think it is worth repeating here. I have generated very mixed feelings about this whole ordeal.

Preface: I am not interested in starting an argument and would like to keep the following civil, as I have a great respect for the work that each of you has contributed towards the server as a whole. I am also not interested in convincing any of you in one way or another as this issue is obviously not "black and white". Here is my two cents on the matter.

On one hand, generating these kinds of memes (etc) outside of the server parameters is a very different ball game and probably should not be enforced the same way as actions that occur within the community. I also agree that there should have been greater dialogue between the two parties before the actions were taken. It is sometimes really difficult to deduce intention over the internet and sometimes that results in mistakes, the system is simply not perfect nor has it ever promised to be perfect. If this is viewed as a systemic issue for the way in which enforcement is carried out, I would ask that we look into how we could improve the current system in order to improve the workings of the server. I do not know the full story of how enforcers responded to the event, so I do not want to overplay my hand and talk about actions that I know less about. I will leave the enforcers to explain their own actions and illuminate where they believe the mistakes may lie.

On the other hand, these actions can be genuinely hurtful to players within the community and viewed as a form of cyber bullying. I think the group involved with generating these memes has done a poor job acknowledging this possible consequence of their actions. I realize that within a small group these pictures may be "harmless" or "light-hearted", but not everyone may feel this way. You need to know your audience and be aware of how your actions may impact others. For example, I stumbled upon several memes generated by current or former members of the MCME community targeting myself and, as a member that is really just here to build shit and doesn't really participate with groups outside of the server, I found these somewhat offensive and aggravating. If we are being honest the ones against me were in a small minority and were not (comparatively) that bad, so I cannot imagine the discomfort and anger experienced by those who were targeted with images pulled from their personal Facebook. I am aware that these acts are nothing new, it simply highlights a behavior that we, as a community, should reconsider before promoting among small factions. To this extent, I could empathize why the enforcers responded so harshly and enacted such a strong response.

I do not think either side is innocent in terms of how this debacle was carried out. Both sides should be willing to admit that mistakes (however small or large) were made and, more importantly, acknowledge how moving forward we can improve both the system and individual actions to avoid another drama event like this. I believe the "us vs MCME" divide is somewhat silly, given the huge propensity for this server to change over time and respond to public opinion. I hope that some of the staff and members of the community are willing to reconsider their untimely departure from the server, and instead focusing on giving strong feedback and bettering the community as a whole.

I would like to reinforce that I appreciate the impact that many of you have had on the server and I hope that we will be able to work through this and improve MCME has a whole. I look forward to being involved in future conversations about how moderation on MCME could be improved and what we should expect from our community at large.
I originally posted this in the staff forums, I think it would be worth posting to the public. Please read this in full. I have discussed this matter with a few members on the server but I think it is worth repeating here. I have generated very mixed feelings about this whole ordeal.

Preface: I am not interested in starting an argument and would like to keep the following civil, as I have a great respect for the work that each of you has contributed towards the server as a whole. I am also not interested in convincing any of you in one way or another as this issue is obviously not "black and white". Here is my two cents on the matter.

On one hand, generating these kinds of memes (etc) outside of the server parameters is a very different ball game and probably should not be enforced the same way as actions that occur within the community. I also agree that there should have been greater dialogue between the two parties before the actions were taken. It is sometimes really difficult to deduce intention over the internet and sometimes that results in mistakes, the system is simply not perfect nor has it ever promised to be perfect. If this is viewed as a systemic issue for the way in which enforcement is carried out, I would ask that we look into how we could improve the current system in order to improve the workings of the server. I do not know the full story of how enforcers responded to the event, so I do not want to overplay my hand and talk about actions that I know less about. I will leave the enforcers to explain their own actions and illuminate where they believe the mistakes may lie.

On the other hand, these actions can be genuinely hurtful to players within the community and viewed as a form of cyber bullying. I think the group involved with generating these memes has done a poor job acknowledging this possible consequence of their actions. I realize that within a small group these pictures may be "harmless" or "light-hearted", but not everyone may feel this way. You need to know your audience and be aware of how your actions may impact others. For example, I stumbled upon several memes generated by current or former members of the MCME community targeting myself and, as a member that is really just here to build shit and doesn't really participate with groups outside of the server, I found these somewhat offensive and aggravating. If we are being honest the ones against me were in a small minority and were not (comparatively) that bad, so I cannot imagine the discomfort and anger experienced by those who were targeted with images pulled from their personal Facebook. I am aware that these acts are nothing new, it simply highlights a behavior that we, as a community, should reconsider before promoting among small factions. To this extent, I could empathize why the enforcers responded so harshly and enacted such a strong response.

I do not think either side is innocent in terms of how this debacle was carried out. Both sides should be willing to admit that mistakes (however small or large) were made and, more importantly, acknowledge how moving forward we can improve both the system and individual actions to avoid another drama event like this. I believe the "us vs MCME" divide is somewhat silly, given the huge propensity for this server to change over time and respond to public opinion. I hope that some of the staff and members of the community are willing to reconsider their untimely departure from the server, and instead focusing on giving strong feedback and bettering the community as a whole.

I would like to reinforce that I appreciate the impact that many of you have had on the server and I hope that we will be able to work through this and improve MCME has a whole. I look forward to being involved in future conversations about how moderation on MCME could be improved and what we should expect from our community at large.
Yes sir, this had to be said, good words man :)
I'm sorry, since when did Fire become the voice of collective reasoning? And why are you two making my thread into an echo-chamber for each other? Let me put it simply, even if someone in that chat shared photoshopped real life Facebook photos of a member of this server as a joke--even if you find that absolutely immature and stupid beyond all reasoning, choosing to permanently ban two players involved in the chat as a precaution, not even the ones with sole responsibility, to prevent further damage was simply irrational. There could have been temporary bans, demotions, mutes, and all other options at the behest and will of the enforcement team, that could have been used until those involved had the opportunity to speak for themselves, not as a collective group. But none of that was considered. As a result, I see unfiltered and trigger happy enforcement, the same level of which that got me banned 5 years ago. And that's only the first half. Enforcers privately scolding anyone who takes sides with Eaglz and Yomama. Trying to sweep this under the rug before it got out of hand, and seeing Eaglz' vision for Dol Amroth, already being undone NOT EVEN ONE DAY after Eaglz was banned is absolutely disgusting and I'd hate to see my hard work thrown under the bus as soon as opinion of me turns sour, even in the blink of an eye. 48 hours into this debacle, and already Dol Amroth has been edited and changed in the same amount of time I'd care to even write out a ban appeal, let alone as an artist, and not a designer and leader for the whole project. That disgusts me, and should it? This is just a game right? It's also a community, and one we've all invested time and effort into.
I agree with you there Heartseeker, I think there could have been a better way of handling the situation, but I also believe that Delmana had every right to act in the way he did because ridiculing his image, work, and relationship is unacceptable in my own eyes, and probably infuriating in his eyes. I sincerely hope the announcement enlighten all of us about what's to come in the future :)
I originally posted this in the staff forums, I think it would be worth posting to the public. Please read this in full. I have discussed this matter with a few members on the server but I think it is worth repeating here. I have generated very mixed feelings about this whole ordeal.

Preface: I am not interested in starting an argument and would like to keep the following civil, as I have a great respect for the work that each of you has contributed towards the server as a whole. I am also not interested in convincing any of you in one way or another as this issue is obviously not "black and white". Here is my two cents on the matter.

On one hand, generating these kinds of memes (etc) outside of the server parameters is a very different ball game and probably should not be enforced the same way as actions that occur within the community. I also agree that there should have been greater dialogue between the two parties before the actions were taken. It is sometimes really difficult to deduce intention over the internet and sometimes that results in mistakes, the system is simply not perfect nor has it ever promised to be perfect. If this is viewed as a systemic issue for the way in which enforcement is carried out, I would ask that we look into how we could improve the current system in order to improve the workings of the server. I do not know the full story of how enforcers responded to the event, so I do not want to overplay my hand and talk about actions that I know less about. I will leave the enforcers to explain their own actions and illuminate where they believe the mistakes may lie.

On the other hand, these actions can be genuinely hurtful to players within the community and viewed as a form of cyber bullying. I think the group involved with generating these memes has done a poor job acknowledging this possible consequence of their actions. I realize that within a small group these pictures may be "harmless" or "light-hearted", but not everyone may feel this way. You need to know your audience and be aware of how your actions may impact others. For example, I stumbled upon several memes generated by current or former members of the MCME community targeting myself and, as a member that is really just here to build shit and doesn't really participate with groups outside of the server, I found these somewhat offensive and aggravating. If we are being honest the ones against me were in a small minority and were not (comparatively) that bad, so I cannot imagine the discomfort and anger experienced by those who were targeted with images pulled from their personal Facebook. I am aware that these acts are nothing new, it simply highlights a behavior that we, as a community, should reconsider before promoting among small factions. To this extent, I could empathize why the enforcers responded so harshly and enacted such a strong response.

I do not think either side is innocent in terms of how this debacle was carried out. Both sides should be willing to admit that mistakes (however small or large) were made and, more importantly, acknowledge how moving forward we can improve both the system and individual actions to avoid another drama event like this. I believe the "us vs MCME" divide is somewhat silly, given the huge propensity for this server to change over time and respond to public opinion. I hope that some of the staff and members of the community are willing to reconsider their untimely departure from the server, and instead focusing on giving strong feedback and bettering the community as a whole.

I would like to reinforce that I appreciate the impact that many of you have had on the server and I hope that we will be able to work through this and improve MCME has a whole. I look forward to being involved in future conversations about how moderation on MCME could be improved and what we should expect from our community at large.
I've been trying to say something like this, but the way you worded it is perfect. +1

See ya around Hearth, twin :D
Excuse for sounding bold. I was actually more referring to all the 'dank memes' and Titanic theme and stuff on the ardacraft discord. What I've seen so far is some people playing with the edge of what's allowed and what not. Idk why you are banned mama; because you chose the side of your friends? Sometimes ppl make mistakes, doesn't mean it's their true color.

You just described "edgy" memes. And from my experience that edge on which to balance when joking around has been moving around a lot, and only in the stricter direction.

It's a shame to see people say that very old members who have spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours building, voxelling etc. to "just leave and shut up about it".

I am not an advocate to run this server based on seniority. But to some of the people mixed up in this debacle, and also others making a lot of noise on the forums without knowing the full story, I can only say; on this build focussed server, what exactly did you build?