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Accepted QuantaCube Foreman Apply

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Builds diagonally
QuantaCube Foreman Application V1.6

Basic Information
Minecraft Username :
Date Joined : January 2014
Country: Australia

Voice Chat
Are you regularly logged on our voice communication?
Generally only when others are on.
Do you actively speak on our voice communication?

Other Information and Why I want to be a Foreman

Do you have any particular skills?

I believe I am rather good at keeping a high quality of builds, and more specifically when working with less experienced builders, and I always try to coach them and teach them different building techniques and providing good tips to the less experienced builders to enable them to build at a far better standard then they would otherwise. I also think i'm fairly good at helping players do what they need to do and be sure as to what they are doing, as well as keeping them on task, which I think is crucial to keeping efficiency and build quality of our inexperienced work force, keeping builds going up fast and of good quality, linking to my previous point.

Why are you applying for this rank?
I am applying for the rank of foreman as there is currently a lack of foremen active and there are very little job opportunities for adventurers/commoners, especially in non-European timezones, and if I took the role of foreman I would be able to fill some of the timezone gaps and to offer some more opportunities to adventurers/commoners that would not ordinarily have work, boosting productivity on the server. Long have I seen adventurers left without work due to their timezone, and I hope to be able to change that.
Productivity, I believe is important, and in recent times there has been little progress in Dol Amroth and in Moria, and more active foremen means more jobs leading to more progress into Mordor and beyond. Building middle earth is a big task, and I believe the lack of jobs is severely limiting to progress in the past few months.

Also because my name would look good in cyan

I also have a bit of experience in working with adventurers/commoners, letting an adventurer or two helping to builds houses in the poor sector I was tasked with building in middle town, upon other small jobs here and there, as well as running a small sewer planning job, leading a Moria floors job for bwot and a Moria ruining job. I also have some experience with town planning, helping out with planning in new town before progress was postponed, and I have also helped plan a couple of houses in Royal Town.


Build Album link:
QuantaCube MCME Foreman Application Portfolio

This Application may be revised at a future date!
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i said it to merl and imma say it to u, quantacubes foreman apply isn't great english, ples ples for ma little sanity change it to quanta cubes foremen application (or app) cause apply doesn't sound right, :P
QuantaCube Foreman Application V1.1

Basic Information
Minecraft Username :
Date Joined : January 2014
Country: Australia

Voice Chat
Are you regularly logged on our voice communication?
Generally only when others are on.
Do you actively speak on our voice communication?

Other Information and Why I want to be a Foreman

Do you have any particular skills?

I believe I am rather good at keeping a high quality of builds, and more specifically when working with less experienced builders, and I always try to coach them and teach them different building techniques and providing good tips to the less experienced builders to enable them to build at a far better standard then they would otherwise. I also think i'm fairly good at helping players do what they need to do and be sure as to what they are doing, as well as keeping them on task, which I think is crucial to keeping efficiency and build quality of our inexperienced work force, keeping builds going up fast and of good quality, linking to my previous point.

Why are you applying for this rank?
I am applying for the rank of foreman as there is currently a lack of foremen active and there are very little job opportunities for adventurers/commoners, especially in non-European timezones, and if I took the role of foreman I would be able to fill some of the timezone gaps and to offer some more opportunities to adventurers/commoners that would not ordinarily have work, boosting productivity on the server. Long have I seen adventurers left without work due to their timezone, and I hope to be able to change that.
Productivity, I believe is important, and in recent times there has been little progress in Dol Amroth and in Moria, and more active foremen means more jobs leading to more progress into Mordor and beyond. Building middle earth is a big task, and I believe the lack of jobs is severely limiting to progress in the past few months.

Also because my name would look good in cyan

I also have a bit of experience in working with adventurers/commoners, letting an adventurer or two helping to builds houses in the poor sector I was tasked with building in middle town, upon other small jobs here and there. I also have some experience with town planning, helping out with planning in new town before progress was postponed, and I have also helped plan a couple of houses in Royal Town.

Build Album link:
QuantaCube MCME Foreman Application Portfolio

I hope you will take this into consideration :)
This Application may be revised at a future date!
If you get accepted, I'll send you a dozen of chocolate chip cookies :)
You are truelly an incredible builder, and I would love to see you in that shiny blue.

One tip/ piece of advice I can give is that maybe before your trail job you could do a practise job. Just ask any Foreman/ Staff-member if he/she/patrick can start a proper job for you. So you can get some practise with getting droogs in discord and making sure they are doing what you want them to do, from expierence I can tell you this is rather tricky at times.

Goodluck! ;)
You are truelly an incredible builder, and I would love to see you in that shiny blue.

One tip/ piece of advice I can give is that maybe before your trail job you could do a practise job. Just ask any Foreman/ Staff-member if he/she/patrick can start a proper job for you. So you can get some practise with getting droogs in discord and making sure they are doing what you want them to do, from expierence I can tell you this is rather tricky at times.

Goodluck! ;)
Well he has got three trial trial jobs so far on his belt :P
Maybe it should be an easy one and short we that is not the fundamental role of a foreman but please voice this idea in rank change ideas and not in an app. We discussed in the meeting last night we would prefer less comments on these apps. This will be enforced more after the next times when there is an announcement about it.
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