• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Quality of life changes


Sneaky Anvil Dropper
i've started playing in 1.14.4, so i'm unsure if that's what's causing all this, but there are a few details in certain commands i'd like back.

1) teleporting
i'd like to be able to tp to someone no matter what world they're in, even if i'm in free build and they're in osgiliath, i'd like to be able to tp to them.

2) username inputs
i can't use /msg bart
if i want to PM bart, i can't use this anymore, i have type in his username exactly. i know it's small, but i'm lazy.

3) boats
what did you guys do to boats? why do i have to put it on land and then swim into water? i like being able to put it anywhere, but why not the water?

4) water
so i can't get water buckets, ok, that's fine, griefing sucks. so i use the terra water block, and before, when i placed a block nearby, it acted like normal water. now, it doesn't. now i need to fill. each. block. in a river. W H Y. (yes i know that you can use the stone sword but that doesn't work in free build.)

i'll add more as i play, but for now, these are the main things annoying me.

pls fix
Hey JCHorsky, thank you for sharing your concerns.

Issue 1 & 2 have to do with the newly implemented bungee network. Before all worlds used to be on the same server, with the bungee network most worlds were given their own server. This communication between these servers is a bit more complicated now, which causes the requirement to type a full name when sending a private message to someone in a different world. This should eventually be fixed, it just requires time.

Issue 4 has to do with how we use water mechanics on MCME. U might have noticed that in some places we use lower water levels for a more realistic effect. However this is not possible in vanillia minecraft and when done normally this type of water would vanish once its updated. So to allow this to be possible we had to put water on the no-physics list which also causes water to no longer spread. If u want a larger body of water filled up I recommend asking someone with WE to do it for u.

Issue 3 appears to be some sort of bug, thanks for notifying us and it will be fixed as soon as possible.

Hopefully this clears some stuff up.
1) and 2) are already on my list. (@Jonatanknalle I don't think tab complete works if the player is at another world)
Idk about 3), please report at Mantis or I'll forget about it.
4) Since the 1.14 update water is on no physics in all worlds (as was before in main world). This gives you more creative possibilities. If you want to work with normal water you should ask a designer to create a no physics water exception area for you.

Please report all plugin / resourcepack issues at Mantis Bug Tracker:
user: reporter
password: mcme