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Public projects, yes or no?

Do you want public projects back?

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Before any of you vote, please read this!

On MCME we have things called projects, these are run by designers, yet we also had public projects, the most recent one being Fennas Drunin. These public projects are small areas or cities on the map which are planned and built by people not from the designer rank. That means that these projects can give a lot of advantages, but disadvantages as well, that is what this post is about.

Firstly we have the issue of not having progress on projects, or people not feeling happy with projects as they go on. Recently this has been a huge issue with Moria being the only available project as Dol Amroth was on hold. Thus people got bored and started to do their own projects on freebuild or do other things outside of MCME which slowed down progress majorly.

Secondly we have the issue of experience, as people, especially artists, are only building what they are told to build, yet this makes them a lot more dependant on Designers, it would be better if they could be left to their own devices and run small areas in a large project themselves. This would mean that people have a lot more knowledge and will probably start doing a lot more work, as it concerns their own creation, instead of their own house in a huge town.

Contrary to this is that it might slow progress on the main projects, as people will enjoy the public projects more than the main projects, that will lead to a bad environment which we should not encourage.

Also we might have public projects cause an issue on the running side, especially in the begin, as we have to rethink the way of letting them be lead, and what locations they should be done on. Though if this first hurdle has past we should be able to make them go better, though there still will be the aspect of inexperience of the artists and other members leading the public projects.

To sum it up, we have projects now, but what if we reïntroduce public projects. A few of the pros are that the artists will do something outside the projects, especially if they go on hold for a while, or if they do not appeal the artists, it will also teach artists how to plan areas and will cause them to be able to do more without guidance of designers. The cons will be that it might cause the main projects to have slower progress and we have to figure out how to make sure that they will not cause issues. Now you can vote, do you want them back or not.

Be sure to comment if you have additional arguments for either side.
Sorry, but I don't want, because :
We should concentrate ourself on a few building project,
and more is that the project planned by designers are a lot better than project done by simply artists.

I hope you can understand my false English :rolleyes:
@slaMoria I can understand that, but we could concentrate on 2 main projects and 1 public project, that will limit the spread, yet allow others to learn, also the thing about the projects planned by designers is because they have experience, this means that artists, with enough practice, can do about the same level of projects as designers, and it might help people be good designers if they aspire to go for it.
I love this idea, it's a great step towards having active artists once more. I have noticed that a lot of artist prefer to work together in groups so having small projects like this for them to work on would be great! I can see the problem this would have if people only built on small projects because they don't like either of the big ones but that's at least progress which is better than no progress at all. However I think we should limit the number of small projects to like one or two at a time, no more than three thats for sure.
I can't remember we stopped to do public projects.
Right now some Artists are planning a kind of public project for Dol Amroth (Middle District) if I'm not mistaken.

Aside of Dol Amroth and Moria it's probably not a good idea to start any projects right now as we are planning major changes to the resource packs.
@Eriol_Eandur it was not announced that they were stopped, but as you may have noticed, the section in which public projects were shared became inactive after Fennas Drunin. And the rp thing can indeed cause it to be smarter to wait for a while.
The biggest concern with public projects were that they became somewhat sidetracked with areas/projects that fell outside of the main areas of focus. If I remember correctly, I believe the consensus was to continue public projects but only in active areas of the map (ie Gondor and Moria atm).

I would love to assign some Moria halls to capable artists who want to lead a project of their own. Or as Eriol mentioned some subregions of DA.
Yeah most has been said, there were mainly two reasons the term "public project" was not heard often anymore after Fennas:
  • Fennas drove so many Artists away from the main projects that Designers were really struggling getting their projects ahead.
  • At times Fennas got somewhat anarchistic; while there was a clear leader he lacked the rank to really make it clear who is in charge of making decision ultimatively which lead to some difficult situations.
I would also suggest that we stick to giving Artists sub-projects of the ongoing ones to lead, such as were many Anfalas farms and villages, or now a DA-district or maybe a larger hall or cave in Moria.
1. We don't have enough manpower for additional projects as Eriol said
2. We experienced some bad results too in some towns and villages in gondor that were led by artists, the leader doesn't only have to be a good communicator e coordinator but if he lacks of building skills the results will be ugly.
3. We struggles even between designers to communicate and lately there's to much saltiness for even debate about anything in a project, having public projects now will basically drop another bucket of salt on people.
4. Even some small parts of projects inside Moria and Da that were led by artist - brought so much salt and drama because the leaders of the project weren't happy with the result (for different reasons) and that's not healthy for the community
For me then it's a No for now
So to recap, most non-staff seem happy with the idea of 'public projects' and the staff seem less happy. That is mostly due to the issues that went, and go on in the staff. Also there is the issue of it being sidetracking, or halting progress. Eitherway they are not stopped, they are not explicitly mentioned as to being public projects, yet they do excist.
1. We don't have enough manpower for additional projects as Eriol said
2. We experienced some bad results too in some towns and villages in gondor that were led by artists, the leader doesn't only have to be a good communicator e coordinator but if he lacks of building skills the results will be ugly.
3. We struggles even between designers to communicate and lately there's to much saltiness for even debate about anything in a project, having public projects now will basically drop another bucket of salt on people.
4. Even some small parts of projects inside Moria and Da that were led by artist - brought so much salt and drama because the leaders of the project weren't happy with the result (for different reasons) and that's not healthy for the community
For me then it's a No for now
You really like to use the word "salt"