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Official announcement regarding the recent bans

I don't post this as justification or as any kind of threat but as food for thought (or discussion perhaps) regarding actions.
See the listed areas in the ToS under headings
Punishments and Suspension of Access
Prohibited Behavior
Didn't say that anywhere that you guys should see.

Quite a big 'assumption' to make, fix it please.
Just because mistakes were made on our end I won't forgive everything. The video was off MCME but was aiming directly at MCME members. I would not sue anyone for it as it would have no effect. But I won't ignore it. And as long as I see the evidence it's irrelevant where it comes from. This bit of information also was not leaked by anyone, I was able to read it myself.

Don't try me, Eag. Unless you want to bring forth a fact that shows it was not you who made the video. Until then the assumption is very well reasoned and I won't take it back. I have been forthcoming enough.
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I'll attend the meeting as well, hope to provide support even if it is just a dumb joke to lighten the mood. Really well written and nice post Finrod, respect.
I remember you saying somewhere that you paid the guy speaking 25$ for doing so. That's where this assumption comes from.
Doesn't sound like an assumption to me. An assumption is only an assumption if you have no proof.
"I remember you saying somewhere that you paid the guy speaking $25 for doing so" is evidence.
Therefore you inferred that he was responsible for the video because he said he paid for it.
Which is perfectly reasonable.
You wish me to list all the demotions, bans for K1sk1BBab35, kisos? Standard procedure is generally as such 1st OB-> 2nd OB->Appealable Ban->OB if Appealed->No Appeal Ban.
No, if you can find me ever asking that ill donate the server 16 bucks
The bans were not done thinking they would "solve the conflict". After the altered images were shown, the bans were essentially to make a clear statement that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated. If not for an "external" connection to a player's facebook (which is a direct result of association to MCME) this wouldn't have occurred in the first place.
If the bans were not done to solve the conflict then what was the dang purpose? How can you justify banning us for behavior on a separate server even if it may affect someones real life, its not mcmes problem what goes on elsewhere. "This behavior will not be tolerated" is what you said. Where do you draw the lines. Behavior out on the "internet" not mcme can be tolerated. If your proposing that mcmes job is to regulate "the internet" well, good luck.
If not for an "external" connection to a player's facebook (which is a direct result of association to MCME) this wouldn't have occurred in the first place.
Association is irrelevant. Its apples and oranges. They are both fruits but not the same at all.
Irregardless who altered the image, what is relevant is that despite whoever changed the picture, anyone in that channel could have decided it'd be fun to post it on Del's page, and maybe see someone else take the fall for it or have Delmana suffer for it.
Again for one, its not your job to police the internet. Banning us does not prevent pictures from being posted and in fact facilitates it. If this behavior was truly the problem you wished to solve in this situation, possibly message us as we were ingame at the time, and ask us to stop because dels real life consequences are at hand.
So should we allow a player to think they can make any harassing or abusive images associated to another MCME player with no consequences? Particularly if that image could have real life repercussions?
yes. If someone wants to be an jerk on something completely non-mcme related, its not your job to police these activities. If that persons activites carry over onto an mcme medium you have every right to ban them. Which is not the case in this situation.
Hypothetically, if I received information from another Discord conversation with MCME players showing offensive pics pulled from your facebook page of you or perhaps an immediate family member that you feel is not a joke. You can honestly say you're fine with letting them have a free go on our server?
Most certainly. I would not consider banning them from this server at all as long as none of these activities have happened on mcme. If I was truly offended by images of me created and posted on another server I would take it upon my self to ask the person to stop privately, as this avoids both public eye and is completely more reasonable.
1. Why was my forum account disabled
You kinda answered question two but also didn't. From reading this Im assuming you knew this would not solve the conflict but gave the go ahead anyway, which I would consider very disturbing.
What's up guys :)

So, I feel like it's due time for me to write this thread because I realize several people are still pretty mad at me, and I don't blame them. Before all of this started up, I was invited into a private "memers chat" by Kiso. His invitation was well intentioned because, at the time, he thought I was a relatively chill guy. So, as it's name suggests, this chat's objective was to create a funny, meme-filled environment. Over the course of several hours, we'd shared laughs over several memes people in the chat had shared or created. Approx. 3 hours after I joined this discord chat, these memes and jokes began turning towards mcme and the recent bans and drama. While some of them were clearly jokes (the talk about downloading the map or starting up a coup were obviously jokes), they began becoming a bit edgy in my opinion and then turned to targeting Delmana. At that point I felt almost obliged to inform delmana of the jokes going on in that chat. I had no ill-intent or malfeasance in my heart when I did this. After this happened, Delmana took offense to these memes and jokes because they could threaten his career and relationship. (See delmana's thread here)
So, he held a meeting with Mandolore and Dyno....We all know what happened from here. Now, with all this in mind, I also owe those banned, and the community as a whole, my sincerest apology for basically starting up a big chunk of this drama. For that, I am truly sorry. Furthermore, I also believe that mistakes were made on both sides, as we've acknowledged over the course of the past week(ish). Respectfully, I'd like to at least promise to attempt avoiding any further drama from this incident, or any future incidents.

Ok, this may backfire horribly or work well, but I think we need to maybe "stop" this arguing. Quoting President Lincoln, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." That's MCME now in a nutshell. I'm not trying to be a pasifist, but we all need to get on the same side and just get on the same side.

That's all I wanted to say. Hopefully this will change some of your minds about the situation
I think you've all made it perfectly clear that you don't like @KinkySauron, message received. This thread is for discussing the bans, their validity, and what should be done to prevent this from happening in the future. It is not a place to sit around and sling personal insults at eachother.

If you have a concern about the way the enforcement team does things, speak up. If you're here to complain about a specific community member because of personal grievances, I will delete those messages going forwards.