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New wood!

Do we need a new wood?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Yes, but different to this one (comment)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Involved Member
So I was thinking, we have two wood textures, a dark one (oak) and a light one (birch). Now it would only make sense if we were to have one between, around the lines of the Gondor bookshelf tone.

I have began making one, though it has been a lot harder than I expected it to be I have finally come up with one.
It follows the style of the oak and birch, nails, and 4 planks. The original texture is the red sandstone blocks, so we'll have to live with the stone sounds :D

If anyone else has any suggestions, different layout, color etc, please feel free to inform me :)


Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sanstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom.
Resource Pack: Gondor, Eriador (Rohan?)
Texture image:

I don't know, maybe its because I'm swiss, but to me that color looks a lot like milk chocolate :rolleyes:. I feel like we never severly missed another wood tone; and I agree with fire that it's not different enough, also it would be good to have another texture to make it stand out a bit more. Also I feel like theres no tree yielding wood with that color tone... Don't wanna just bad-mouth your texture, but somehow it just does not convince me.
So I had another go, and came up with multiple outcomes. All of them are the same tones, but different shapes, planks, vertical etc.. Lemme know what you guys think.

1.) Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sanstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom.
Resource Pack: Gondor, Eriador (Rohan?)
Texture image:

2.) Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sanstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom.
Resource Pack: Gondor, Eriador (Rohan?)
Texture image:

3.) Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sanstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom.
Resource Pack: Gondor, Eriador (Rohan?)
Texture image:

4.) Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sanstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom.
Resource Pack: Gondor, Eriador (Rohan?)
Texture image:

5.) Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sanstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom.
Resource Pack: Gondor, Eriador (Rohan?)
Texture image:

Last edited:
I personally remain partial to version 4. I think that for the majority of the places where we use planks, horizontal remains more appropriate. Vertical seems well-fitted perhaps for entire wooden plank walls, but that is uncommon in Eriador and even less common in Gondor (as far as I can remember); meanwhile for things like eaves, or ceilings supporting shingles, or boats like you originally intended, horizontal planks make more sense to me. I also like the version without nails, since it doesn't look too good for the shorter plank sections with the dots so close together, and it adds to the different-from-other-wood-textures aspect. Additionally, it would be cool if we could make connected textures work so that the border disappears between adjacent blocks, so there aren't little short pieces.

Thanks for listening to the long-winded opinions of someone who has little intention of contributing to the texturing work itself.
Basically all the ones with "shifted" planks are very interesting, may be useful for makeshift houses / constructions (especially thinking about Stoor Hobbits in the Gladden Fields @Mandos).

I'm not sure myself yet about the placement on the Red Sandstone, in Gondor I once promised to @Demonataz to put an alternate Sandstone texture (switch small and big bricks), something I want to look into again; In Eriador we'd have the Acacia set still free (Also the dark oak set, but I'm thinking about putting the thatch texture there). The thought I'm playing with is not adding a new color tone (because I think noone urgently missed it afaik), but instead make alternate version for the existing tones, and then only occupy a regular, single block.