Custom Inventory Specialist
I noticed that log_acacia(_top) and log_jungle(_top) are starting to get used in, respectively, Gondor and Lothlórien, so I made new textures for those blocks, staying close to the vanilla ones in order to respect the work of the builders but with a more MCME aspect
So, for the gondorian acacia:
Forum title: New logs for Gondor and Lothlórien packs
File name: log_acacia and log_acacia_top
Ressource pack: Gondor
Texture description: New tree logs for Gondor
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? No, hasn't been used. Would be used in Gondor, wherever the builders want to put that kind of tree.
Texture image:
Ingame image:
And, for the lothlórian jungle tree:
Forum title: New logs for Gondor and Lothlórien packs
File name: log_jungle and log_jungle_top
Ressource pack: Lothlórien
Texture description: New tree logs for Lothlórien
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? No, hasn't been used. Would be used in Lothlórien, wherever the builders want to put that kind of tree.
Texture image:
Ingame image:

So, for the gondorian acacia:
Forum title: New logs for Gondor and Lothlórien packs
File name: log_acacia and log_acacia_top
Ressource pack: Gondor
Texture description: New tree logs for Gondor
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? No, hasn't been used. Would be used in Gondor, wherever the builders want to put that kind of tree.
Texture image:
Ingame image:
And, for the lothlórian jungle tree:
Forum title: New logs for Gondor and Lothlórien packs
File name: log_jungle and log_jungle_top
Ressource pack: Lothlórien
Texture description: New tree logs for Lothlórien
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? No, hasn't been used. Would be used in Lothlórien, wherever the builders want to put that kind of tree.
Texture image:
Ingame image:
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