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Movie Night - Can it return?

Should we have movie night back again?

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Its just i find that type chat works best instead of talking over the film. Its just every time we use to watch movie night, everyone had to be silent and everyone kept shushing each other. I don't mind chatting, its just for most people, it seems the better option.
I think there is too much focus on making a system to select a movie, when merely communicating prior to the time to start the movie for 10mins was fine enough. We had a thread last time, which nearer to the end wasn't referred to.

What we had done was fine, but the novelty just wore off and people didn't want to continue with it.
What we had done was fine, but the novelty just wore off and people didn't want to continue with it.

I wouldn't say it was completely the novelty factor. If I remember rightly, there were scheduling issues due to the impromptu nature of Movie Night and the time zones involved. Also, I believe there was too much focus on individual presences...if I remember correctly it was driven mostly by one or two people, and the absence of these individuals often led to the discontinuation of a given session.

EDIT: Which is, y'know, absolutely ridiculous.
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Let's not beat around the bush, I was the one hosting the movie night. I'm pretty sure it did happen when I wasn't there though, at least once or twice. The so called "absence of the presence meant the discontinuation of a session" wasn't something I chose. I'm pretty sure wikey (needs confirmation though) ran it at least once, but otherwise anyone could have picked it up and simply chose not to. Lizzy even organized her own movie nights. If you wanted to host it, you could have very well simply posted in the thread. I never banned or attempted to remove other movie events. It was simply a lack of anyone voicing to pick it up at the given moment.
There were numerous times I even told you and others "I won't be there this Friday, so I won't be hosting it. You guys can have one on your own if you want" to which no one picked up the torch (is that the right use of the expression?)
I really didn't mean for that to come out as passive-aggressive as it must have, sorry Dev.
Really though, I get that it's not something you chose, but I'm not even specifically referring to you. If this begins happening again, we can't use that waiting mentality wherein if one or two people are missing, we postpone the event. It can be difficult to convince people to continue when some key/well-liked persons who have said they will make it, don't turn up. I'd hope that someone there could have, as you said, taken up the burden of organizing streams and such...but it just doesn't happen when there's that uncertainty. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it as a personal attack or anything, I'm simply saying that if you guys want to really get this going regularly then you have to step out of that uncertainty and take responsibility for organizing, whether alone or in a group as those who are there on the night.

I also want everyone monitoring this thread to keep in mind I won't be able to be that person. In the past, I made it to maybe 2/3 nights...although I'm trying to express and address some concerns, I'm not entirely sure I'd be able to make it to these ones. Really, that's the point I'm trying to make. If me, Dev, Kyz, Lizzy, or whoever the hell else decides this is a good idea, isn't there on the night, go without us. Take that responsibility and apply it as you would were you working for the betterment of the server. Heavy-handed as I may seem, I feel it's a valid point.

EDIT: Also, I really think we should contact people, make arrangements, whatever...soon. Like, before next weekend soon. At the moment it's all academic, which achieves nothing. Clearly enough interest has been shown that it's worth talking to...Q or whoever (at least in the case of my suggestions). This is why I am a terrible person, I will raise concerns and poke holes in the idea, but I'm not moving to make it a thing (mainly because I doubt I'll have time (timezones, ergh) to actually participate).
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With the timing idea, we can have a channel on ts for movie night which displays the date, time and what film it is, just like credoo's audiobook night.
Alright kids, lets get the ball going:

12 years a slave, this Friday at 4 PM CST (10 PM GMT, 8 AM TAS) this date is totally modifiable, go ahead and post in this thread if you can't make it/ want a better time. I figure for our EU friends who have school up until late in June we can keep this till they enter vacation time.
12 years a slave is a really good movie (apparently) that a couple of us wanted to watch, however that is modifiable as well. We should have a google doc for suggestions and x marks for "X agrees/wants to watch it!" Which we could set up if everyone is up for it.
I'm on my phone ATM but will talk about it more when I get home.
Malk, you're completely right on that point, it just irked me that it is something only pointed out after the movie night kind of died out and thus unable to make improvements on the go.
I'm pretty sure wikey (needs confirmation though)

Also as Jord said why would you want to watch a movie in teamspeak if you aren't able to talk? There's no point...
Even if you made the channel so that only staff could talk that's still ridiculous. That would mean people like myself or Malk wouldn't be able to join in conversations. Come on people. Just stick to how it used to be ran where you just told people to stfu.
said it first m8.
get rkd

This is a very good film and I hope for those who are going to watch, stick through it and take it in. Contrary to what you said for films where people like banter and comment on it during the film, I can see alot of discussion during it haha
@devilius OTL its so late for me q a q 10pm gmt ( by google ) is 3 hours behind me ~ So I would say its 2 hours behind for countries like sweden netherlands etc. so unless you have a messy sleeping hours its more like the brits can make it rather than the europeans also friday is a working day and even if you dont work or go to school the day after you still had a working day that could have made you tired. For me the only problem used to be time. I don't know about the others ~ Just did some simple math on head so there might be some mistakes but wouldnt it be better if its on saturday and amm 8AM dev time; 2PM Brits time; 11PM aussie time. Idk just suggestion ~
The Current times are actually 3pm-6pm American time, 11pm British and Ruben time, midnight for the other europeans and 1am on a Saturday for Sulyeon. Around 5-6am for the Aussies.
And for most people Saturday is not a working day, Saturday and Sunday are famously not a working day.
@Sulyeon Unfortunately I work on Saturdays so unless we do it say, Sunday 15:00, I won't be able to show up.
This would be at 21:00 GMT, and 7:00 TAS.
I feel like putting it any earlier would be troublesome for @Malkizid, or any other Aussie who show up. Last time we had it Friday because while it was late for Europeans, the weekend was after so you could sleep in.
The other possibility is doing it early for Americans, mid day for EU, and late for Aussies...
No matter what time you pick, someone somewhere is going to get shafted. As you've probably seen in the League of Legends community.

You could always make a rotation of who gets the crappy time choice each time you do this.
Honestly, just take Australia out of the equation. There's only a few people who would be willing and able to come, and until that number increases there's no point pandering to the minority. That's me, speaking as an Aussie who knows I won't be able to make it most nights...so maybe if anyone has any objections, and is an Aussie, raise them.
Just do it the same time as we used to. People will always be left out, as Aero and Malk said. We could have a rotation but I don't really care to be honest. However starting at 11pm gmt wouldn't be good for any Europeans east of Britain since it will be at least midnight for them by the time we start. So Whatevvva
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