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Most Unrealistic/Unbelievable Lines In the LOTR Movies


Builds trees by hand
I was watching FOTR the other day and I realized Sam said something that was completely unbelievable when one stops to think about it:

"If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been."

I don't know why I never thought of this before with all the times I've seen the film, but how could he possibly know this? He would literally have had to count every step he took, but only when he knew he was heading away from his house. If he was plowing a field and was moving away from his house he'd count up and see how many steps he walked, but then he wouldn't count when he was walking the opposite direction on the next row. But that only works when he's going the same distance back and forth. If he was chasing squirrels and small animals away from crops he'd not only have to count his steps away from the house, but then count backwards if he chased one towards the house! On top of that he'd have to remember not to count at all if he kept the same distance from the house on a curved line. Then, when he was all done, he'd go back and write down the highest number of steps he had for whatever he did that day. From there he'd remember the highest number recorded until one day Gandalf tells him to escort Frodo into hell to return Satan's jewelry.

It also makes me wonder how many times he's said that line before. He probably said it a couple thousand times while chasing squirrels away from his property.

So that's my unbelievable line from the movies. What's yours?
i just want to bring this gem to your attention (it has sadly been deleted from youtube for obvious copyright reasons, but apparently is still available on this weird french video site?)
i just want to bring this gem to your attention (it has sadly been deleted from youtube for obvious copyright reasons, but apparently is still available on this weird french video site?)
I remember watching that when it was still on YouTube, lol
I was watching FOTR the other day and I realized Sam said something that was completely unbelievable when one stops to think about it:

"If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been."

That scene is obviously inspired by this passage in the book:
‘The wind’s in the West,’ said Sam. ‘If we get to the other side of this hill, we shall find a spot that
is sheltered and snug enough, sir. There is a dry fir-wood just ahead, if I remember rightly.’ Sam knew the
land well within twenty miles of Hobbiton, but that was the limit of his geography. [The Fellowship of the Ring - Three is company]
I love them trying reference the book. But you are right, just another example of very poor film script. Wouldn't be hard to make a better reference here.