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Cancelled Mortal_Engineer's Artist Application


Slab Fanatic
Before reading, make sure to read the comments in each IMGUR Album

NAME: Mortal_Engineer

Date joined: 24/04/2020

Mershy - Moria Poor Tomb Detailing Durin's Crossroads - 29/04/20
Birdo - Wall thickening and texturing in Osgiliath - ?
Bartvelden - Moria Stalagmite Creating at Great Cavern - 18/05/20
Bartvelden - Osgowall Texturing - 18/05/20
Oberanio - Moat digging and texturing at Andrew's Castle - 03/06/2020
Mithrilled - Practice Job - Tree Derp Fixing Signs Andrast - 03/06/2020
Mithrilled - Practice Job - Farm Wall Making at Andrew's Castle - 05/06/2020
Bartvelden - Moria job, just a bunch of random stuff (cave smoothing stalagmites) - 12/06/2020
Mithrilled - Trial Job - Bush making in Belfalas - 14/06/20
Thousands of bush jobs
Bartvelden - Moria Ruining connector hall - 08/07/20
Xmine trial job - Planning some streams in Anorien
Oberanio - Start of stream concepts using new textures for a more swampy feel
Solo Private Job with Xmine, making the entrance road and barriers down the cliff to Mershy Mine - Link here
Osgiliath Wall replanning with @Bean327 Run by OoitsBirdo_KGB --> LINK (04/08)
Chamber of Light Stalactites with barteldvn (08/08)
ADDED: Osgo_Wall_3 with ooitsbirdo_KGB (see below for link) (08/08)
ADDED: Osgo_Wall_4 with ooitsbirdo_KGB (at time of writing this job is still going on, and is basically just a restart of Osgo_Wall_3) --->LINK (08/08)
ADDED: Private Andrast River Dig with Mithrilled --> LINK (21/08)
ADDED: Private MershyMine work with Mershy --> LINK (21/08)
Fields in Dol Caranthan with Oberanio --> LINK (22/08)
Stream Wooling in Anorien with Xmine --> LINK (25/08)
Osgo_Wall_8 with Rogue (really don't need another Osgo Reshaping screenie) (02/09)
ADDED: RogueRiver with Rogue --> LINK (02/09)
LD JOB #1--> LINK (08/10)
MershyMine Derp Fixing and Road (27/10)
Anorien River Planning with Xmine01 (29/10)
Rogue Trial Job (04/11)
ADDED: Maski Trial Job (05/12)
ADDED: newroads2 (05/12)
ADDED: Road, Stream, Rammas Echor and Henneth Annun Jobs (11/01)

Plotbuild hosted by Thamso, House interior with Bean327, KingRocketII and ConfusedLlama_
Plotbuild hosted by Mershy, Making a Moria house with FoxySeamus and KingRocketII - Link to both here
ADDED: Cart Workshop Concept for Oberanio --> LINK (05/08)
ADDED: 2 Fields in Dol Caranthan for Oberanio --> LINK (22/08)
ADDED: Road for Oberanio --> LINK (22/08)
House #1 in MershyMine --> LINK (21/08)
House #2 in MershyMine --> LINK (23/08)
House #3 in MershyMine --> LINK (24/08)
House #4 in MershyMine --> LINK (28/08)
ADDED: Osgo Wall Plot-job #1 for Maski --> LINK (25/08)
ADDED: Osgo Wall Plot-job #2 for Maski --> LINK (25/08)
Osgo Wall Plot-job #3 for Maski --> LINK (28/08)
Osgo Wall Vegetation with @ESPER__ for Maski --> LINK (28/08)
Osgo Wall Vegetation with a few people for Maski --> LINK (02/09)
Lond Daer Rich House #1 and #2 --> LINK (04/11)
ADDED: Lond Daer Middle Class Housing Block with TheSweViking --> LINK (04/11)
Lond Daer Rich House #3 --> LINK (04/11)
Interiors in Fort de Rwyland et Mershy --> BUILD (08/05)

ADDED: MORLAND MINES: A collapsed minecart bridge across the ravine--> LINK (28/08)

ADDED: MORLAND MINES: Everything else basically--> LINK (20/09)

Work for Ober in the Freebuild Dol Caranthan (/warp nuke time):
Wooling of streams, mixing rock streams with dirt ones, swampifying streams, making farm walls, planning roads, making interiors, mixing walls, making roofs - Link here
ADDED: More farm walls at DC freebuild (05/08)

I am not the biggest fan of themedbuilds due to a number of things, but I think that fear is a bit irrational, but I have made a few. Unfortunately, I can no longer edit them due to my account switching, since there were a number of things I wanted to fix or get done

DURIN'S TOWER THEMEBUILD: Not the best build in the world, I literally came onto the server, walked to Rivendell, and then did this build -- > Link
Also not the best build, but I thought it could go places, and also I cannot edit this one --> Link
ADDED: Laketown Themebuild (one house)--> LINK (21/10)

Additional Builds:
I've done so many things at the vault, being the fourth person on the build team. As well as just copying wall designs (no WE), windows, interiors, fields and other things like that, I've also done a lot of individual things at the vault, like houses, contributing to various designs, planning A LOT, and just general builder tasks: Due to the nature of the vault, I would recommend visiting these co-ords yourself to get a feeling for interior and exterior of various buildings.

TWO HOUSES AT CITY: -3191 64 -2355
THE PROMISCUOUS LLAMA BROTHEL (build with @Johnyeric : -3221 60 -2423
THE DOCKS: The link to a screenshot album is here, but I would recommend visiting it, to get a feel for scale. I planned the entire area (with some help from Johnnyeric and FoxySeamus), led construction here, worked with XXXTristanation to create a style, and oversaw just everything related to it. Very proud of the whole area.
ADDED: 21st Housing Concept --> LINK (08/08)
Anorien House --> LINK (20/09)
Anorien Workers Housing Concept--> LINK (20/08)
ADDED: Rohirric House-->LINK (29/10)
ADDED: Second Rohan Interior --> LINK (05/12)
ADDED: Ice Hockey Armor Stand Scene -->LINK (05/12)
ADDED: Forodwaith Homestead --> CONCEPT + BUILD(11/01)
ADDED: Alpha-Rohan Framing --> BUILD (08/05)
ADDED: The Rohan Framing Show --> BUILD + CONCEPT (08/05)
Rohan House 2.1 --> BUILD (20/05)


ADDED: Maple Log Texture --> LINK (02/09)

Your interests:

Having done a fair few jobs and a plotbuild, I have now realized that I really like building in Moria and the Dwarven Style, and I hope @Mershy_ can provide me with some more stuff to do there so I can get better. I also very much like building in the Gondor style a lot, having worked pretty much solely in Sandstone and stucco for the last couple of months, but also recently, I have been working with @Oberanio more with the Dol Caranthan in Freebuild, and have come to realize that I also really like working there as well in the Anorien style. So pretty much, all styles float my boat! Apart from styles, I really like just helping people a lot, and I've found that building with other people is a lot more fun than on yourself as when building with others, you can get instant feedback and you get to combine the best of your abilities to make a build the best it can be!

Your motivation:

I've always been a person to want to contribute to something bigger than myself, and this is a perfect opportunity to do so. When I first joined, I thought I would never talk on serverchat. But I realized that this community is an amazing one, and is pretty much a builder's paradise, with people who can give good feedback, an awesome texture pack and some great people to work with, and I feel like I want to step up and help contribute to this project and to help it continue growing, as well as to contribute to something bigger than myself!
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Applicant's Note: This job was a collaboration with @Bean327, lasted 7 hours on the first day, and was finished the next day. It was a lot of work, but in the end, was worth it. We replanned the entire of Osgiliath's walls, just the two of us, making it a consistent thickness and making the curve a LOT smoother, take a look on the dynmap, it's pretty big. Run by birdo, in the extent that he just was afk and let us do our thing

ADDED: Osgiliath Wall replanning with @Bean327 Run by OoitsBirdo_KGB --> LINK to Jobs
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Applicant's Note: Although not technically a "Plotbuild", Ober and I were thinking for something creative to do with a certain area at the Dol Caranthan Freebuild, and I suggested a Cart Workshop. Here is a concept for one Also did a few more farm walls around the area, but nothing really deserving a screenshot.

ADDED: Cart Workshop Concept for Oberanio --> LINK to Plotbuilds
More farm walls at DC freebuild to Jobs

Applicant's Note: This is gonna be the last update for around 2 weeks, due to vacation and all that, but I'll be back and rolling in no time! Currently Working on a 21st Housing Concept in Freebuild and also my Laketown Themebuild, so I have also included a link to an album which will be updated of my current progress with my Moria Concept. Currently just exteriors and planning, and a lot of detailing needs to be done, but none the less. This is along with a few jobs today. Enjoy!

Chamber of Light Stalactites with barteldvn to Jobs
Osgo_Wall_3 with ooitsbirdo_KGB (see below for link) to Jobs
: Osgo_Wall_4 with ooitsbirdo_KGB (at time of writing this job is still going on, and is basically just a restart of Osgo_Wall_3) --->LINK to JOBS
21st Housing Concept --> LINK to Additional Builds

Applicant's Note: Back from my vacation, and the plotbuilds and jobs are already rolling in!

ADDED: Private Andrast River Dig with Mithrilled --> LINK to Jobs
Private MershyMine work with Mershy --> LINK to Jobs
House #1 in MershyMine --> LINK to Plotbuilds
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Applicant's Note: More Jobs and Plotbuilds, this time in Anorien with Ober!

ADDED: Fields in Dol Caranthan with Oberanio --> LINK to Jobs
2 Fields in Dol Caranthan for Oberanio --> LINK to Plotbuilds
ADDED: Road for Oberanio --> LINK to Plotbuilds
Applicant's Note: Another Plotbuild, this time in MershyMine! Also would like to take the chance to announce my new rank of @Xmine01's Favorite Slave!!!

ADDED: House #2 in MershyMine --> LINK to Plotbuilds
Applicant's Note: More Work in Mainworld! Today, taking a break from Moria to work on my Umbar Themebuild and also to do a few plot-jobs to start the process of the rebuilding of the west wall of Osgo after having planned it out to the correct thickness! Thanks Maski, and I believe they may be more tomorrow! Also working on what Mershy says will be my final house plot in his Mine, because he's booting me out while he needs to plan more stuff .

ADDED: Osgo Wall Plot-job #1 for Maski --> LINK to Plotbuilds
ADDED: Osgo Wall Plot-job #2 for Maski --> LINK to Plotbuilds
ADDED: Stream Wooling in Anorien with Xmine --> LINK to Jobs
Applicant's Note: A lot of stuff has been done in the past few days! Most importantly, Mershy has delegated a 1.5 million cave plot for a large mine to myself and Rwyland to work in. This will take a while to complete, but progress has already started! I will release the album gradually, and will alert you when more progress has been done with it, but the link will always be to the same album.

ADDED: Osgo Wall Plot-job #3 for Maski --> LINK to Plotbuilds
Osgo Wall Vegetation with @ESPER__ for Maski --> LINK to Plotbuilds
House #4 in MershyMine --> LINK to Plotbuilds
: A collapsed minecart bridge across the ravine--> LINK to Plotbuilds
Applicant's Note: Haven't updated in a few days, but boy has there been a lot of stuff! The Morland Mines are now at a state of completion (I think) and I would highly recommend you check them out, turned out great in the end (screenshots soon!). Also been working on the Osgo Wall more divided between Rogue and Maski, and just a few things here and there. Also started texturing, and been enjoying that a lot!

ADDED: Osgo_Wall_8 with Rogue (really don't need another Osgo Reshaping screenie) to Jobs
Osgo Wall Vegetation with a few people for Maski --> LINK to Plotbuilds
RogueRiver with Rogue --> LINK to Jobs
Maple Log Texture --> LINK to Additional Builds
Applicant's Note: I apologize greatly for not updating my application sooner, but with a new school starting and just life in general, I just didn't find the time to update it, so here is FINALLY screenshots for the Morland Mines, 3 weeks after completion. Also an Anorien House and working on an Anorien Workers Housing Concep.

ADDED: MORLAND MINES: Everything else basically--> LINK to Plotbuilds
Anorien House --> LINK to Additional Builds
Hey @Mortal_Engineer

Anorien house
- It's very small, this makes your interiors very hard to do, though not impossible
- I like that you did choose for a staircase, though do not cut off supporting beams, rather put a log next to the staircase.
- Maybe adding some exterior details like a vegetable garden, a little road, some vegetation , a tree, a little market stall (depends on where you imagine your house to be)
could bring your build more to life.

Your moria stuff looks quite alright, though I'd highly suggest you try out some more non Moria stuff. (Not a bad start though )
Applicant's Note: Again, school stuff, busy stuff, stuff, working on Anorien Workers Concept so in the meantime here's the first of the LD JOBS hosted by your favorite designers, _Luk and mattlego!

ADDED: LD JOB #1--> LINK to Jobs
Hey Mortal_Engineer
Same for you as for Norir, try some syles that you're not as familiar with yet. Something new, that shows you can quickly adapt or even come up with your own styles.
Applicant's Note: THE HOUSING CONCEPT IS HERE!!!!!! I'm very proud of this build, and I hope that you like it as wel!. A Laketown House is also coming your way.....

ADDED: Anorien Workers Housing Concept--> LINK to Additional Builds

(co-ords: 9800, 3683)
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