Is going on an adventure!
Hello all
Not sure if this is the right section of the forum where to post this kind of request, but haven't found a better one.
I've just logged in for the first time in MCME, but more importantly... I've logged for the first time Minecraft too, that I've downloaded only to visit Middle-Earth
So I have a few very stupid questions, that I hope you can help me with (or just throw stuff at me to shut me down
- Quality: I've seen a few screenshots in the forum, and my MC does not look at all like that. I have no shaders, no nice lights, no fog, plain textures... How can you achieve that kind of quality? Which mods are supported and how should I install them to not break MCME? It really improves the experience
- View: My field of view is nothing compared to some of the screens. I actually see the sky above Khazad dum. It's at 32 in the settings, and that seems to be the maximum I can set it. How to improve it?
- I know I shouldn't touch anything around, destroying blocks or adding new ones. Are there any "activities" I can engage with? Don't take it wrongly, just walk around will take me occupied for months, but I was curious if there's more than meet the eye
Every other suggestion, tip, insult that will help me enjoy more this great work of love and art you have realized will be greatly appreciated.
Not sure if this is the right section of the forum where to post this kind of request, but haven't found a better one.
I've just logged in for the first time in MCME, but more importantly... I've logged for the first time Minecraft too, that I've downloaded only to visit Middle-Earth

So I have a few very stupid questions, that I hope you can help me with (or just throw stuff at me to shut me down

- Quality: I've seen a few screenshots in the forum, and my MC does not look at all like that. I have no shaders, no nice lights, no fog, plain textures... How can you achieve that kind of quality? Which mods are supported and how should I install them to not break MCME? It really improves the experience
- View: My field of view is nothing compared to some of the screens. I actually see the sky above Khazad dum. It's at 32 in the settings, and that seems to be the maximum I can set it. How to improve it?
- I know I shouldn't touch anything around, destroying blocks or adding new ones. Are there any "activities" I can engage with? Don't take it wrongly, just walk around will take me occupied for months, but I was curious if there's more than meet the eye
Every other suggestion, tip, insult that will help me enjoy more this great work of love and art you have realized will be greatly appreciated.