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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Minecraft Middle-earth Quotes Thread

@Iru and @SugarKoala are seaching for a film to watch that is gory and disturbing:

@SugarKoala : I've been wanting to see a film thats really fucked up and included torture but I can't remember then naaaaame *mumbles incoherently*
@rwyland : Oh really?
@SugarKoala : Fuck it, I'm just going to google it...eh lets see "really fucked up film that includes tortureeeee" oh, and its giving me Pan's Labriyth.

*everyone laughs*

@rwyland : lizzy its hot as balls here, its like 90 degrees outside and 50 inside. so I have no shirt on
me: Lizzy, its 21(c) in my room, and I have the air on
@SugarKoala : I have fan on here, but its just so I can sit with a quilt. I like sitting with quilts.

@SugarKoala : Fuck it I'm going to watch it
me: What film?
@SugarKoala : One hundred and twenty days of so-dum
me: what?
@SugarKoala : One hundred and twenty days of so-dum
me: Sodom?
@SugarKoala : yea, I guess. Is that how you say it? Sodom? What even is that
me + rwyland: sodom and gommorrah? Its a biblical tale. Its about a city that was so awesome that God wiped it off the face of the Earth
*lizzy googles Sodom*
@SugarKoala : kk lets see...ehhhh...blah blah God...something about fire....something about Sodomy..I don't know what that words means...OOOOOHKAAAY SO THATS WHAT IT MEANS. RIGHT THEN

*everyone laughs*
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For the record, I did not say that. I am unsure who impersonated me, but i hope someone can find out who did. I think its against the rules but idk. PS: It wasnt my sister for those who will ask ok? I left TS yesterday, and who ever told you to join on TS was probably someone trying to troll. Im not sure if my account has been hacked so i will change the password again. Thanks and have a nice day.
They lost because they are 2 inches away from their enemy, and Hitler's BlitzKrieg attack strategy was dependent on surprise and speed, so the French didnt know what happened until it was over.
Its just a quote, superminer, no need to go all History Channel in this shiz. And please don't post more than once in a row.
Me: Idaho is right next to Oregon, but there is nothing there
MaD: Dont they have those small rodents?
Me: What?
MaD: Those like, small ones, from the Lion King, that lives in Idaho
Me: Meerkats??
MaD: Yes!
Me: Are you kidding, meerkats dont live in Idaho..
MaD: Are you sure?
he may be thinking of prairie dogs which are kinda similar.

Sorry Miner, I wasnt trying to be mean, I just thought it was funny. And it was a couple weeks ago actually, when I first joined the server. And Im loosely paraphrasing you, lol.
Chewiezhul: *singing that song universally played at morning scenes in media(can't remember the name)*
Stozzi: Is that Harry Potter?
Sorry Miner, I wasnt trying to be mean, I just thought it was funny. And it was a couple weeks ago actually, when I first joined the server. And Im loosely paraphrasing you, lol.
Ok i see. Please dont droogify my words anymore. All i did was ask for people to join my channel, i never said my dog would eat them.
If jesse's as big a youtuber as he's meant to be then he's using F1

Taken from the Jesse Cox video.
Jesse says nothing about it but he turns on F1 for the rest of the video lol
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